
  • 网络feminist ethics
  1. 女性主义伦理学视野下道德教育的性别和谐

    Gender Harmony of Moral Education in the Perspective of Feminist Ethics

  2. 改革开放30年来的中国女性主义伦理学研究

    30-Year Feminist Ethics Study in China

  3. 第二节通过性别分析这一方法阐述女性主义伦理学之为女性主义;

    The section two of the thesis discuss the feminist belong to the feminist through sex analysis .

  4. 西方女性主义伦理学探析

    Western Feminist Ethics Introduction

  5. 虽然女性主义伦理学这个词出现于20世纪70年代的美国社会,但是它的基本思想却先于这个词而存在。

    The word feminist ethics emerged in America in 1970s . But its basic thought existed earlier than the word .

  6. 女性主义伦理学猛烈抨击这种追崇根深蒂固的社会性别的传统伦理学,力图消除自然与社会、公共领域与自然领域的二元结构障碍。

    The Feminist Ethics slams violently to this deep-rooted traditional gender ethics and trys to eliminate the obstacles of dual-structure , like as nature and society , the public field and the natural field .

  7. 尊严平等与关怀:女性主义生命伦理学

    Equal Dignity and Care : Feminist Perspective of Bioethics

  8. 从女性主义关怀伦理学看巴思妇人和王熙凤

    A Comparative Study of the Wife of Bath of Wang Xifeng in the Perspective of Feminist Care Ethics

  9. 斯洛特认为女性主义关怀伦理学要想解决发展过程遇到的各种问题,最好的办法就是全面引进移情的概念,将关怀伦理学发展成一个更全面的理论。

    Slote suggests that the best way to resolve the problems of developing process in care ethics is to introduce empathy in an all-round way .

  10. 女性主义关怀伦理学植根于后工业社会的后现代主义思潮,实现了从一元走向多元、从主流走向边缘、从绝对走向相对,具有鲜明的时代特色。

    Feminist Ethics of Care is rooted in the post-modernism of post-industrial society . It makes the unitary changed to the diversification , the mainstream to the edge and the absolutism to relativity theory . Affected by this environment , Feminist ethics of care shows distinctive times features .

  11. 其理论基础主要阐述了存在主义哲学、人本主义心理学和女性主义的关心伦理学。

    The latter includes existentialism philosophy , humanism psychology and feminism ethics of care .

  12. 在提出和建立自己的性理论过程中,女性主义首先对以往伦理学中的性生物决定论提出挑战,强调性的社会构成和政治意义,以及女性的性主体地位。

    By stressing the social and political form of sexuality , feminist ethics sets up female position in sexuality .