
  • 网络Pacific Islands;The Pacific Island
  1. 太平洋岛屿托管领土高级专员

    High Commissioner of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands

  2. 同时还批准了美国对来自前太平洋岛屿托管地产品的免税待遇的豁免延至2016年。

    It also approved the extension until end of2016 of the waiver on the United States'duty-free treatments of products from the former Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands .

  3. 美国国务院表示,他们将聚焦于增强美国的角色和对太平洋岛屿论坛(PacificIslandForum)的承诺。

    They would be focusing on enhancing the US role and commitment to the Pacific Island Forum , the state department said .

  4. 但是,任何区域合作的努力都必须具有灵活性,譬如要考虑到太平洋岛屿在气候变化对粮食供应影响方面的脆弱性,Bell说。

    But any regional collaborative efforts must be flexible , says Bell , to take into account , for example , the Pacific islands ' vulnerability to the impact of climate change on food supply .

  5. 美国回顾其1948年就得到了GATT授予的豁免,可以对当时太平洋岛屿托管地的产品给予免税待遇。

    The United States recalled that in1948 under the GATT , it was granted a waiver for duty-free treatment to products of the then Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands .

  6. 在研讨会开始之前,粮农组织对太平洋岛屿地区IUU捕鱼和港口国现行管制措施进行了一次调查。

    In advance of the event FAO conducted a survey of IUU fishing and existing port state controls in the Pacific Islands region .

  7. 在这个意义上,gata的工作可能令人联想到人类学家在太平洋岛屿上研究的货物崇拜:某种在造成可怕混乱的同时,带来模式和意义的东西。

    In that sense , the work of GATA might be seen as an echo of the cargo cults that anthropologists study in the Pacific Islands : something that offers pattern and meaning amid terrifying disorder .

  8. 地势低洼的太平洋岛屿正面临着海岸侵蚀和作物歉收的困境。

    Low-lying Pacific Islands are suffering coastal erosion and crop failures .

  9. 在太平洋岛屿居住的人们享受着悠闲的生活。

    On the pacific islands , people enjoy a soft life .

  10. 太平洋岛屿托管领土的托管协定

    Trusteeship Agreement for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands

  11. 亚裔及太平洋岛屿裔学生占在校生的47%;

    Asians and Pacific Islanders comprise 47 percent of the student body ;

  12. 南太平洋岛屿的年轻女子,习惯在耳边戴朵鲜花。

    South Pacific island of young women used to wear flowers flowers ear .

  13. 产于亚洲东部和太平洋岛屿河口或港湾的鳄鱼。

    Estuarine crocodile of eastern Asia and Pacific islands .

  14. 原产太平洋岛屿,果实可食,有纹理,像面包。

    Native to Pacific Islands and having edible fruit with a texture like bread .

  15. 原产于太平洋岛屿的观赏姜。

    An ornamental ginger native to Pacific islands .

  16. 太平洋岛屿上温暖的空气。

    The genial air of the Pacific islands .

  17. 其他地方也一样,比如非洲和太平洋岛屿。

    The same is true of other places , like Africa and Pacific Islands .

  18. 太平洋岛屿发展中国家问题特别小组

    Special Body on Pacific Island Developing Countries

  19. 国家简况:太平洋岛屿-斐济、所罗门群岛、西萨摩亚、瓦努阿图、汤加。

    Country Profile : Pacific Islands-Fiji , Solomon Islands , Western Samoa , Vanuatu , Tonga .

  20. 太平洋岛屿上的居民有很多住在珊瑚礁岛上,他们面临的危险是最大的。

    Pacific Islanders , many living on coral atolls , are among those most at risk .

  21. 亚裔及太平洋岛屿裔学生占在校生的47%;白人学生占46%。

    Asians and Pacific Islanders comprise 47 percent of the student body ; Caucasians , 46 percent .

  22. 太平洋岛屿火灾增�

    Fires Increase on Pacific Islands

  23. 太平洋岛屿会议常设委员会

    Pacific Island Conference Standing Committee

  24. 太平洋岛屿领导人会议

    Conference of Pacific Island Leaders

  25. 对太平洋岛屿国家来说,一个主要挑战是在学校里加强营养教育,促进健康饮食习惯。

    A major challenge for Pacific island countries is to reinforce nutrition education in schools by promoting healthy eating practices .

  26. 上月葛兰素分发了推动4年拉米夫定方案的小册子,在太平洋岛屿的背景上加上了对自己有利的统计数字。

    A Glaxo flier last month promoted a four-year regimen of lamivudine , with favorable statistics superimposed on a Pacific island scene .

  27. 专家表示,太平洋岛屿的火灾正在增加,造成环境破坏,影响到数百万居民重要而有限的资源。

    Experts say Pacific island fires are increasing , creating environmental damage that affects important and limited resources for millions of residents .

  28. 营养标签不仅标准不一致,往往还不使用英文&大多数太平洋岛屿国家的通用语言。

    Nutrition labels are not only inconsistent but often not in English , the common language spoken in most Pacific island countries .

  29. 马里亚纳群岛南部的一个岛屿,是美国太平洋岛屿托管领土的管理中心。

    An island in the southern Mariana Islands that is the administrative center of the United States Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands .

  30. 如果拿着一个闪光棒到太平洋岛屿的土著面前,我拿着闪光棒,周围站的都是,太平洋土著。

    If I took a flashlight to a primitive pacific island , I 'm flashing my flashlight around all the natives on the island .