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tiān zāi
  • act of God;natural disaster;scourge
天灾 [tiān zāi]
  • [natural disaster] 天降的灾祸;自然灾害,如水灾、旱灾、风灾、地震等

  • 天灾可以死。--清. 林觉民《与妻书》

天灾[tiān zāi]
  1. 保护你的城市免于疾病,天灾和附近的敌人。

    Protect your city against disease , natural disaster and neighboring enemies .

  2. 我国天灾预测的综合地球物理研究

    Comprehensive geophysical study on natural disaster predictions in China

  3. 总统将这场灾难说成是天灾。

    The President described the disaster as an act of God .

  4. 那场地震太强烈了,简直是天灾!

    That earthquake was so intense5 ; it was like an act of God !

  5. 天灾打击的爆击与其他DK技能效果一样,造成200%伤害。

    Scourge Strike should crit for200 % damage like other DK spell effects .

  6. 自唐山以来,人类的灾难太多数不胜数,古今中外的一次次天灾为什么就不能唤醒人们反思一下这其实就是TMD人祸呢?

    Since tangshan , human disaster , many of the prodect again why couldn 't scourge awakening people actually reflect the TMD disasters is ?

  7. 我也听说了,自从Dave同女朋友分手后他成天灾家里玩电子游戏,什么事也不做。

    LL : Ever since Dave 's girlfriend broke up with him , Dave has been staying in his apartment doing nothing but playing video games and eating pizza .

  8. 羊毛蛀蚀已成为当今世界羊毛的天灾,用国产羊毛防虫蛀剂TAW-AM对羊毛蛀虫进行防治,是防止羊毛蛀蚀的有效方法之一。

    Moth damage , a world-wide calamity to wool , was effectively prevented by the finishing with nationally made Antimoth TAW-AM .

  9. 因为天灾诸如冰雹、迟雨、暴雨、以及虫灾使得GORUGUTU的居民处于饥饿的境地。

    The land is green but hailstorms , rains that came too late , then rains that fell too heavily , as well as infestations of insects , have left Goru Gutu starving .

  10. 我们没有办法抵御天灾。

    We have no means to protect ourselves from this disaster .

  11. 当然天灾不可能被预测

    Of course , predicting these acts of god is impossible .

  12. 青藏铁路沿线的天灾及其预测方法探索

    Natural disasters along the Qinghai - Xizang railway and their prediction

  13. 受伤生病天灾.你统统克服了

    Injuries , illness , disasters You 've survived them all .

  14. 旧病复发,新病增加,是天灾还是人祸?

    Relapse , a new disease to increase is natural or man-made ?

  15. 毁灭性的大地震是一种极可怕的天灾。

    Great destructive earthquakes are a kind of extremely dreadful natural disaster .

  16. 当时人们还曾迷信地认为,它的一出现就会有天灾。

    At that time it was believed that its appearance foretold disaster .

  17. 可是幸存者们怎会相信这一切(竟然)是天灾呢?

    But how could the survivors believe it was natural ?

  18. 总统奥巴马已经签署了北卡罗那州的天灾声明。

    President Obama signed a disaster declaration for North Carolina .

  19. 又有多少人还记得这一次无情的天灾呢?

    How many people could still remember the merciless Tsunami ?

  20. 某种天灾可能是台风。

    Some act of god & a typhoon , perhaps .

  21. 天灾成因的一种新认识

    A new understanding to the causes of natural disasters

  22. 那大火不是天灾而是人祸。

    That conflagration is not a natural disaster but a.

  23. 那座村庄的毁灭一定是天灾造成的。

    The destruction of the village must have been an act of god .

  24. 最后,遗族和天灾当然有很大的区别。

    And of course there is the grand difference between SCOURGE and FORSAKEN .

  25. 是天灾,还是人祸?

    An act of providence , or man-made calamity ?

  26. 但是达尔福尔和尼日尔都频遭天灾。

    But Darfur and Niger are among those tragedies .

  27. 气仙沼市市长菅原就是这群人中的一个(仙台市惨遭天灾侵袭)。

    Shigeru Sugawara , mayor of semi-destroyed Kesennuma , is one of them .

  28. 市场情不自禁地想把一场巨大的天灾,简化为一些相对微小的数字。

    Markets cannot help reducing an immense natural disaster to relatively small numbers .

  29. 向天灾复仇是减轻你痛苦的唯一方法。

    Vengeance on the Scourge is the only way to ease your pain .

  30. 这是天灾,政府对他的家庭是毫无义务的。

    It is a misfortune , and government owes nothing to his family .