
  1. 监管者已经向CDS交易商包括所有大型金融机构施加压力,要求降低结算和交易风险。

    Already , regulators have put pressure on CDS dealers , including all the large financial institutions , to reduce settlement and trading risks .

  2. 在2008年和2009年,银行高层曾放弃奖金;但在去年,美欧大型金融机构的15位CEO中,有14人拿了奖金。

    Bank leaders turned down bonuses in 2008 and 2009 , but 14 out of 15 chief executives of leading US and European financial institutions accepted one last year .

  3. 在任何一个大型金融机构中,CEO必须是风险控制官,我就是波克夏公司的风控官。

    But I say that in any large financial organization , the CEO has to be the chief risk officer . I 'm the chief risk officer at Berkshire .

  4. 迄今为止,该公司已筹集了逾80亿美元,投资者包括Benchmark和谷歌风投(GoogleVentures),以及高盛(GoldmanSachs)和TPGGrowth等大型金融机构。

    To date , the company has raised more than $ 8 billion from investors including Benchmark and Google Ventures , as well as large financial firms like Goldman Sachs and TPG Growth .

  5. 但最近,花旗(citigroup)和美林(merrilllynch)等大型金融机构发行了大量股票,以补充“一级资本(tier1capital)”,防止自己的业务遭遇流动性匮乏。

    And large financials , such as Citigroup and Merrill Lynch , have recently brought huge issues to market to help replenish tier 1 capital to prevent their operations being hampered by inadequate liquidity .

  6. 更有意思的问题是,奥巴马政府对保罗沃尔克(PaulVolcker)为大型金融机构集团瘦身计划的支持,是否将会对纽约产生不利影响。

    The more interesting question is whether the Obama Administration 's support for Paul Volcker 's plan to downsize large complex financial institutions will have an adverse impact on New York .

  7. 不过,提议对风险高度集中的大型金融机构实施附加资本金和新的联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)费用评估却是另一回事。

    The proposed capital surcharge and new FDIC fee assessments on the largest institutions with high risk concentrations , however , are a different matter .

  8. 相比之下,美国政府在花旗集团(Citigroup)持有的34%股权,迄今已有近110亿美元的账面盈利。这是它在大型金融机构唯一的直接持股。

    The US government , by contrast , is sitting on a paper profit of almost $ 11bn on its 34 per cent shareholding in Citigroup , its only direct stake in a large financial institution .

  9. 特里亚纳专门腾出了一个章节介绍宽客们(quants),他们是那些在众多大型金融机构中获得影响力、并把学术模型引入那些机构的数学家和物理学家们。

    Triana devotes a chapter to the quants , the mathematicians and physicists who became influential in many big finance houses and imported academic models with them .

  10. 根据美国参议院银行委员会主席多德(ChristopherDodd)提议的立法,美联储在调控大型金融机构方面将获得更多的权利,而不再监管资产低于500亿美元的小型银行。

    Under legislation proposed by Senate Banking Chairman Christopher Dodd , the Fed would be given more power to regulate large financial institutions but would no longer supervise smaller banks , those with assets under 50 billion dollars .

  11. 对汇丰银行的索赔,是受托人埃尔文皮卡德(irvingpicard)向美国和欧洲大型金融机构提起的多起巨额诉讼中数额最大的一起,提起索赔的两年期限已近临近尾声。

    The HSBC claim is the largest in a flurry of huge lawsuits that Irving Picard , the trustee , has filed against big US and European institutions as a two-year deadline for filing claims approaches .

  12. 但是这些银行表示,他们为员工发放巨额奖金是有原因的。负责美国大型金融机构薪资发放的肯尼思·费恩伯格(KennethFeinberg)发现,17家银行在接受了政府的紧急贷款之后向高管发放了总额高达16亿美元的奖金。

    Kenneth Feinberg , charged with reviewing the pay practices of large U.S. financial institutions , found that 17 banks made a total of $ 1.6 billion in payments to their top executives after receiving emergency loans from the government .

  13. 巴洛夫斯基称,tarp赦免了“高管、股东、债权人和交易对手方,增强了人们的这种印象:政府不但会救助大型金融机构,而且在救助时几乎不会对负有责任的利益攸关方造成任何伤害”。

    Mr Barofsky said that tarp spared " executives , shareholders , creditors and counter parties , reinforcing that not only would the government bail out the largest institutions , but would do so in a manner that would do little harm to responsible stakeholders " .

  14. 表面看上去,最近取得了一些进展美国联邦存款保险公司(fdic)公布了清算大型金融机构的计划,方式与处理小银行破产一样迅速、冷酷和有效。

    On the face of it , this week marked some progress , with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in the US publishing its plans to be able to liquidate large financial institutions in the same way that it deals with small bank failures swiftly , ruthlessly and effectively .

  15. 许多大型金融机构都在今天升息。

    Many big financial institutions raised their interest rates today .

  16. 其它8家大型金融机构也从中获得总计1150亿美元资金。

    Eight other large financial institutions received another $ 115bn .

  17. 金融机构许多大型金融机构都在今天升息。

    financial institution Many big financial institutions raised their interest rates today .

  18. 我们需要一个甚至能够适用于大型金融机构的、可靠的破产清算机制。

    We need a credible system for winding up even huge financial institutions .

  19. 难道这些大型金融机构真的因为规模过大,不可能完全接受法规的约束?

    Are these and other large financial firms just too big to behave ?

  20. 多数投资者一直以为美国政府不会坐视一家大型金融机构破产。

    Most investors had assumed the US government would never let a large financial group fail .

  21. 大型金融机构华盛顿互惠银行正在新老板的带领下为生存而挣扎。

    Washington Mutual , a big thrift , is fighting for survival under a new boss .

  22. 我们必须解决缺乏针对大型金融机构破产的有序程序的问题。

    We must address the lack of an orderly process for the demise of large financial institutions .

  23. 为何具有系统重要性的大型金融机构就有资格通过短期借款大肆提高自身的杠杆比率?

    Why should large systemically critical financial institutions be allowed to heavily leverage themselves with short-term borrowing ?

  24. 在过去的六周里,仅有一家大型金融机构需要接受政府的帮助来摆脱困境。

    The government has had to bail out only one big financial institution in the past six weeks .

  25. 汇丰是去年最先提示次级抵押贷款问题的大型金融机构之一。

    The bank was one of the first large institutions to signal problems with subprime mortgages last year .

  26. 大型金融机构正面临上世纪30年代经济大萧条以来最大规模的重组。

    And large financial institutions are facing the largest reorganization since the Great Depression of the United States .

  27. 必须对大型金融机构进行分拆;它们的规模过于庞大、关联过于紧密、结构过于复杂,让人难以管理。

    Large financial institutions must be unbundled ; they are too big , interconnected and complex to manage .

  28. 在其当前的资本结构下,大型金融机构就是一张用纳税人的钱来赌博的许可证。

    With their current capital structure , big financial institutions are a licence to gamble taxpayers ' money .

  29. 这正是促使大型金融机构在金融危机爆发前过度冒险的众多因素之一。

    That was one of many encouragements before the financial crisis for excessive risk-taking by conglomerate financial giants .

  30. 还可以要求大型金融机构为所受的扶持支付巨额费用。

    Big financial institutions could also be required to pay a hefty fee for the support they enjoy .