
  • 网络Macro-History;MACRO HISTORY;micro-history
  1. 黄仁宇的“大历史观”在历史研究方法和历史表述方面具有明显的特点。

    Ray Huang 's macro-history has distinctive features concerning historical method and historical expression .

  2. 黄仁宇时史学的贡献可以概括为:不拘一格的治史方法、多元化的历史发展史观、大历史观。

    Huang Renyu s contribution to the science of history can be concluded as following : the method not sticking to one pattern , the view of multi-development and the view of macro-history .

  3. 从技术的角度看历史&黄仁宇大历史观述评

    Technical Interpretation of History & Comment on the Macro-history View of Huang Renyu

  4. 黄仁宇大历史观视角下的中国近现代史

    Modern and Contemporary History of China under the Perspective of " Outlook of Macro-History "

  5. 历史与文化都属于宏观的时空范畴,故应建立大历史观与大文化观。

    In fact , the history and culture belong to the macro concept of e time and space , therefore , a broad concept of history and culture should be established .

  6. 历史教学中,培养中学生大历史观应从这三方面着手,重点是学生自身因素。

    In the teaching and learning of History , the three aspects should be set about to cultivate students ' overall views of History , and the key factor is students .

  7. 该文试图以“大历史观”作为理论依据,重新审视整个江户时代的政治、经济和思想文化方面的状况,以探讨日本在近代由落后到先进的某些“长时段”原因。

    The paper tries to reexamine closely the condition of politics , economy and culture in the Eto Times of Japan based on the theory of macroscopical history , then probes into the long-period factors which made Japan develope .

  8. 试论大历史素质教育观的形成

    On the formation of quality education of history

  9. 从某种意义上说,作为主观精神创造的传统与由客观事实组成的历史一起构成了一个民族的大历史,这种传统观是对历史本质的新认识。

    In a sense , the tradition which was the subjective creation of mental spirit and the history which was made up of by the objective things constituted the history of a nation , this kind of view of tradition was a new understanding of the nature of history .