
  • 网络long sale;long trade
  1. 期权交易商报告说,以预定价位买进欧元的欧元多头合约交易热络。

    Options traders have reported brisk business in euro calls contracts to buy the euro at a pre-determined rate .

  2. 这种影响力也使得苹果的股票成为了多头和空头交易的聚宝盆。

    This influence makes Apple a prized possession for both the longs and the shorts .

  3. 目前,资本管制可能会限制境外市场参与者做多头或空头交易的能力。

    Capital controls may at present place restrictions on the ability of offshore market participants to take either long or short positions .

  4. 对制糖企业与糖料农户人为地分隔开来进行多头管理,交易成本高、市场风险大、专用性资产投资不足。

    Because of the enterprise and sugar crop farms are separately management , bargaining cost is high , the market risk is great , special assets under-capitalize .

  5. 境外行为对汇率的影响最终取决于货币的多头和空头交易如何在境外市场相抵。

    The implications of offshore activities for the exchange rate ultimately depend on how the long and short positions of the currency in offshore markets balance out .