
duō ɡuó qǐ yè
  • multinational enterprises
  1. 关于国际投资和多国企业的宣言,包括多国企业准则

    Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises , including Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

  2. 国际投资和多国企业委员会

    Committee on International Investments and Multinational Enterprises

  3. IDFA拥有的近200家奶制品加工会员运营着近600家奶制品工厂。这些工厂,大到多国企业、小至一个单一加工厂,无所不包。

    IDFA 's nearly 200 dairy processing members run nearly 600 plant operations , and range from large multi-national organizations to single-plant companies .

  4. 多国企业和国际投资问题宣言

    Declaration on Multinational Enterprises and International Investment

  5. 以知识观企业理论为基础的多国企业理论

    Towards a Knowledge-based Theory of MNE

  6. 多国企业理论近10年的发展是基于对内部化和交易成本方法多国企业理论的批判,以资源观多国企业理论的兴起和发展为代表。

    The development of the theory of MNE during the past decade is characterized by the Resource-based approach to the theory of MNE .

  7. 作为一个充满活力的多国企业,积分快递已逐步发展战略,不懈创造一个协同为整个组织。

    As a highly motivated Multinational Enterprise , TVI Express has been developing progressive strategies , which unrelentingly create a synergy for the whole Organization .

  8. 摘要德国在四个拉丁美洲经济体海外投资中,反应了当区域进口替代产业策略普遍实施时,德国多国企业面临严格出口限制的情境因素。

    The determinants of German FDI to four main Latin American economies reflect the stringent limitations German MNCs had to export their products when the import substitution industrialization strategy was implemented throughout the region .

  9. 当世界贸易大量增长,跨国投资快速增加,多国性企业逐渐在国际经济活动中扮演重要角色之后,贸易法和竞争法传统上互不跨越之界限早已不复存在。

    The traditional demarcation between trade law and competition law has long vanished since the global trade volume increases greatly , considerable cross-boarder investments are made and multinational corporations gradually play an important role in international economical activities .