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wài xíng
  • shape;profile;appearance;contour;configuration;external form
外形 [wài xíng]
  • [appearance;external form;contour] 外表的形状、样子

  • 外形美观

外形[wài xíng]
  1. 他的体力与他的外形相称。

    He had a physical strength that matched his outward appearance .

  2. 这种植物的外形像草。

    The plant resembles grass in appearance .

  3. 这辆车外形设计流畅,看起来像赛车。

    It is smoothly contoured to look like a racing car .

  4. 这家公司生产经久耐穿、外形美观且价格合理的服装。

    The company makes wearable , beautifully cut clothes at affordable prices .

  5. 各种外形和尺寸的自行车都有。

    Bikes come in all shapes and sizes

  6. 拟建的新建筑令人瞩目,不仅是因其高度,也因其外形。

    The proposed new structure is notable not only for its height , but for its shape

  7. 他有辆劳斯莱斯,他把它折价贴换了两辆外形相配的银色路虎车。

    He had a Rolls-Royce , and he traded it in for two matching silver Range Rovers

  8. 我紧张地把摄影机架在大腿上,但是它冰冷的外形并没能给我任何安慰。

    I cradled my video camera nervously on my lap , but its cold contours did nothing to comfort me .

  9. 它们可以是直的或弯的,但不呈现纠缠在一起的外形。

    They may be straight or curved , but not in sharply kinked configurations .

  10. 这里的“立方体”指的就是卫星的外形。

    The " Cube " here simply refers to the satellite 's shape .

  11. 这座建筑有着非凡的外形,看起来像是"积木"的组合。

    The building has a remarkable shape and looks like a combination of " blocks " .

  12. 在中国贵州,人们可以去参观湄潭茶博物馆,这个博物馆的外形就好像一个大茶壶。

    In Guizhou , China , people can visit the Meitan Tea Museum , built in the shape of a big teapot .

  13. 这两座办公楼在外形上有点相似。

    The two office buildings are somewhat alike in appearance .

  14. 或许外星人早就在观察地球呢,只不过他们的飞船外形像云彩而已…

    Aliens could already be observing Earth , but their ships look like clouds ...

  15. 在保加利亚洞穴中发现的吊坠外形与尼安德特人制作的吊坠相似,这表明现代人类和尼安德特人有过思想上的交流。

    Pendants from the Bulgarian cave resemble those made by Neanderthals , suggesting we exchanged ideas .

  16. 飞梁结构,灵感来自于带拱形的垂直石质桥墩,外形像弯曲的手指

    Flying buttresses were constructed of vertical masonry piers with arches curving out from them like fingers .

  17. 双色火炬外形极具动感和活力,象征冰火相约,照亮冰雪,温暖世界。

    Beaming with dynamism and vitality how it will bring light and warmth to the winter sports gala .

  18. 外形的丑陋和本性的怪异都不能惊动他,触犯他

    Hideousness of aspect , deformity of instinct , troubled him not , and did not arouse his indignation .

  19. 这其实是一种焦虑症,本来外形高达健硕的人却总觉得自己太瘦小。

    It is an anxiety disorder which causes someone to see themselves as small , despite being big and muscular .

  20. 雾霾净化塔由45块银色金属板组成,外形类似半开的百叶窗,塔内有一个连续低噪音运行的空气净化器。

    Comprised of 45 silver plates resembling partially2 open window blinds , the tower contains an air-purifying machine that runs continuously with a low hum .

  21. 其茎干被一层光滑的棕色树皮包裹,绿色的叶子则长有锯齿状边缘,其外形与蔷薇的叶子相似。

    Its stem is covered with a smooth brown bark , and its green leaves have saw-like edges , somewhat like the leaves of a rose-bush .

  22. 樱花的中部就是种皮,外形像一个绿色小囊,花柱从这里向外生长。

    In the centre of the cherry-flower is the seed-vessel , which looks like a little green bag , with a long point called the style rising from it .

  23. 她们多数外形火辣,看重事业,下班之后会去健身房,衣着干练,自信、聪慧且风趣。

    They are hot women who more than likely are career oriented , going to the gym after work , immaculately dressed and are confident , intelligent and fun .

  24. 这种公交车叫做“快速高架公交”,外形像一辆巨型的双层公交车,但是这款公交的底层是镂空的,乘客坐在上层,底层可供其他车辆通行。

    Called a Transit1 Elevated Bus , it looks like a giant double-decker but is hollow on the ground floor . Passengers can sit on the top floor while cars move below .

  25. “美貌催眠”指因为某人外形实在出众,以至于他们的另一半会忽视他们性格中挺严重的一些缺点,心甘情愿继续被他们催眠。

    Hotness hypnosis describes the situation when one finds their partner so physically attractive that he / she is overlooking the serious flaws in their personality and continues to willingly remain under their trance .

  26. 虚拟油泥造型系统(VirtualClayModelingSystem)是西北工业大学开发的一种新的汽车外形设计系统。

    A new kind of computer aided modeling , Virtual Clay Modeling ( VCM ) System , is developed in Northwestern Polytechnical University .

  27. 机器外形美观,微电脑(PLC)可编程序控制,光电传感。

    The machine contour is artistic , Microcomputer ( PLC ) programmable control , Photoelectricity sensing .

  28. 本文利用现代流体力学计算技术,采用复合形法(COMPLEX),对八维参量的回转体最小阻力外形进行优化设计。

    Based on the modern digital technology of fluid mechanics , the eight-parameter optimum axisymmetric bodies for minimum drag are obtained by using COMPLEX method .

  29. 目的:应用CO2激光治疗牙龈增生,恢复牙龈正常外形。

    Objective : To evaluate the effect of gingival hyperplasia treated by CO 2 Laser .

  30. 探讨了一种将CAD软件、CFD商用软件与代理模型相结合的飞机气动外形优化方法。

    This paper discusses an approach of aerodynamic shape optimization combining CAD and CFD with surrogate models .