
  1. 在中国,涉外税收95%以上是由外商投资经济创造的。

    In China , more than 95 percent of foreign-related tax payment comes from foreign-funded businesses .

  2. 上海法院有关外商投资企业经济纠纷案件的审理情况

    Handling economic disputes by shanghai court against enterprises with foreign investment

  3. 外商直接投资经济实效与中国企业内向型国际化

    The Economic Performance of FDI and the Inward Internationalization of Chinese Enterprises

  4. 市场规模影响外商投资的经济模型及其上海的实证研究

    Model and Positive Study on Market Size Affecting on Foreign Investment in Shanghai

  5. 比较而言,外资对重庆工业制造业中外商投资企业经济的影响并不显著,对重庆工业制造业经济以及对整个重庆工业经济的影响同样也不显著。

    In a word , the influence of Chongqing manufacturing industrial economy for FDI is not prominent , the influence of Chongqing manufacturing industrial economy and the while Chongqing economy are also not prominent .

  6. 文章认为全球外商直接投资因经济服务化而转向服务业,且各部门FDI流入与出口之间具有显著的跟踪性变化的特征。

    It believes that FDI shifts to service industry due to the trend of service-oriented economic development and there is remarkable traceability between the inflow of FDI and export .

  7. 实证结果表明,生产性服务业利用外商直接投资对经济增长有促进作用,并且存在长期稳定的协整关系,二者互为Granger因果关系。

    The results show that producer service using FDI can promote the economic growth and there is a steady coordinating relationship between them , they are Granger causation relation .

  8. 通过中国和世界银行WDI多国数据的实证分析表明,较高的人力资本水平对于协调外商直接投资、经济增长、环境污染具有重要作用。

    Human capital plays an important role on the coordination of foreign direct investment , economic growth , and environmental pollution .

  9. 根据1990年以来盐城市吸收外资的实际情况,通过协整检验分析和误差修正模型得出外商直接投资与经济增长之间存在长期稳定的关系,通过格兰杰因果检验证明FDI与GDP之间存在Granger因果关系。

    Through the study of the imported foreign capital of Yancheng City since 1990 , there is a long-term stable relationship between FDI and economic growth according to the cointegration analysis and Error Correction Model ( ECM ), and it is found that Granger Causality exists through Granger Causality test .

  10. 中部地区外商直接投资对经济增长的直接作用和间接作用都较小,而且两者之间也不存在Granger因果关系。(4)论文实证分析了中部地区对外贸易与外商直接投资之间的关系。

    The direct and indirect role of FDI plays on the economic growth in the central region is relatively small and there is not Granger causality between them . ( 4 ) The paper empirically analyses the relationship between the foreign trade and FDI of the central region .

  11. 我国外商直接投资的经济效应分析

    The Analysis of the Effects of China 's Foreign Direct Investment

  12. 外商投资于东道国经济效应的机理分析世界各国货币名称

    Theoretical analysis of the economic effects FDI brings to recipient countries

  13. 影响湖南利用外商直接投资的经济因素分析

    Analysis of Economic Factors Influencing the Ues of FDI in Hunan

  14. 外商投资与本国经济

    Foreign Investment and Local Economy

  15. 由于宏观经济变量之间存在多向因果关系,导致使用单方程计量模型估计外商直接投资对经济增长贡献的结果无效。

    The estimation result of single equation is ineffective because there are complex causal relationships between macroeconomic variables .

  16. 摘要:外商投资对国民经济和区域经济的发展具有显著影响。

    Picked to : foreign investment on the national economy and have a significant impact on regional economic development .

  17. 珠三角服务业外商直接投资的经济增长效应

    Research on Economic Growth Effects of FDI in the Service Industry of the Pearl River Delta Based on Panel Data

  18. 合肥市经济在不断的赶超进位,外商直接投资对经济拉动效应越发明显。

    Along with the the Hefei growing economic , foreign direct investment is becoming increasingly clear that pulling effect on the economy .

  19. 外商直接投资与经济发展的关系一直是经济学界研究的热点课题之一。

    The relation between FDI ( Foreign Direct Investment ) and Economic growth have been continuously paid deep attention by the economic academia .

  20. 20世纪90年代是中国经济快速发展的时期,其间对外经济交流与合作得到进一步深化,外贸与外商投资对中国经济增长的促进作用明显加强。

    Chinese Economy has experienced a rapid development in the 1990s , when foreign trade and FDI enhanced China 's economic growth evidently .

  21. 本文从内生技术进步层面来探讨外商直接投资与经济增长之间的关系。

    This article studies the relationship between the foreign direct investment ( FDI ) and economic growth from the aspect of endogenous technology progress .

  22. 近几年来,关于外商直接投资与经济增长的关系问题已经成为国内外学术界的研究热点。

    In the last few years , the relationship between FDI and economic growth has become the hot spot that both the domestic and international academic circles concern .

  23. 从基础设施、市场特征、聚集经济、人力资源、经济国际化等五个方面对影响湖南利用外商直接投资的经济因素作了简要的分析。

    This paper deals with the economic factors influencing the use of FDI in Hunan from five aspects : infrastructure , market characteristics , agglomeration economy , human resources and economic internationalization .

  24. 研究结果表明:国内储蓄、外商直接投资和经济增长之间存在一种均衡关系,外商直接投资的流入对我国的储蓄水平有促进作用。

    The result shows that there exists a long-run equilibrium between FDI and domestic saving in China . On the other hand , we research the effect of FDI to domestic investment .

  25. 一方面,外资规模小、结构不合理、技术含量低、存在严重的技术控制、与国内企业关联度不等,都严重抑制了河南外商直接投资的经济带动效应。

    One hand , the small scale , unreasonable structure , low technology content and serious technology control of FDI and low level of relationship with domestic enterprises all restrict the economy-facilitated effects .

  26. 的确,这些已成为国际经济议程上亟需解决的问题。为将全球外商直接投资和经济增长带回正轨,需要更宽的视野、果断的决策和更紧密的合作。

    Indeed , these issues rank high on the international economic agenda , calling for broader vision , decisive action and closer cooperation to bring global FDI and economic growth back on track .

  27. 然而,如何科学评价山西省利用外商直接投资的经济效应,人们的认识不一。科学准确地评价山西利用外商直接投资的经济效应就成为目前亟待解决的问题。

    However , different people are holding different understanding on how to scientifically evaluate the economic effects of the utilization of the FDI in Shanxi Province , what has become an urgent problems to solve .

  28. 研究外商直接投资与经济增长的关系,能够使我们清楚的认识到外商直接投资在经济增长中所处的地位与作用,并制定相应的政策和措施。

    The research of the relationship between FDI and economic growth will ensure us to know clearly what role the FDI play in economic growth and help the government take the right measures and make policies accordingly .

  29. 分析指出,从总体上看,我国利用外商直接投资的经济综合效应为正,并且我国利用外商直接投资的经济效应是与经济发展阶段不同时期和地区有关,是一个动态发展过程。

    By analyzing it , the effect of FDI to our national economy is positive in totality and is relevant to the different period and area of economy development stage of china and is a dynamic development process .

  30. 根据西部地区各省区市历年统计年鉴公布的数据资料,采用协整分析方法判断西部地区外商直接投资和经济增长之间的关系,结果表明二者存在长期稳定的关系。

    According to the statistical yearbook of the western provinces , the paper analyses the relation between FDI and the economic growth by co-integration analysis , and then draw a conclusion that they have a long-term and stable relations .