
  • 网络Training Needs;needs analysis
  1. 新疆地区ICU专科护士状况及培训需求的调查

    Status Quo and Training Needs of ICU Clinical Nurse Specialist in Xinjiang Province

  2. 医院中层管理人员的培训需求分析

    An Analysis of Training Needs of Middle Level Managers Within Hospital

  3. 吉林市14所综合医院HIV职业暴露培训需求评估

    Assessment on Training Demand for Occupational People Exposed HIV on 14 Polyclinic Hospital in Jilin City

  4. 北京市1292名医务人员AIDS相关知识态度及培训需求调查

    The attitude towards people living with HIV and AIDS ( PLWHA ) and AIDS knowledge and desire for AIDS related training among 1292 health workers in selected hospitals in Beijing

  5. 南宁市PCO职业培训需求调查分析

    A Professional Learning Demand Analysis and Investigation of Nanning

  6. 当老化的初教-6型不再符合中国空军(PLAAF)飞行员培训需求,在2006年南昌洪都飞机工业集团开始发展第二代初级教练机。

    As the ageing ChuJiao-6 no longer meets the PLAAF 's requirements for pilot training , Nanchang Hongdu Aircraft Industry Group began to develop a second generation basic trainer aircraft in2006 .

  7. 培训需求分析是人员培训工作基本程序的关键环节。

    Training demand analysis is a primary procedure for training professionals .

  8. 护理学毕业生参加护士规范化培训需求调查

    Investigation on the nurse standard training of graduates from nursing school

  9. 铁路建筑企业2010年人力资源培训需求预测

    The Demand Prediction of Railway Architectural Enterprise for 2010 HR Training

  10. 如何分析具体工作的培训需求?

    How are the training needs of specific job functions analysed ?

  11. 门诊医疗服务质量评价及医生的在职培训需求

    Medical Care Quality and Demands of Training On-post by Doctors in Outpatients

  12. 11个省市1004名护理管理者岗前培训需求调查

    Surveys on 1004 nursing managers ' pre-post training needs in 11 provinces

  13. 组织应建立并保持一套确定培训需求的程序。

    The organization should establish and maintain procedures for identifying training needs .

  14. 最后,本文将所建的模型导入培训需求分析中。

    At last , the model is brought into training needs analysis .

  15. 如何找到教师的培训需求?

    How can I find out the real training needs of teachers ?

  16. 上海市幼儿园教师在职培训需求研究

    The Study of Kindergarten Teachers On-the-job Training Demand in Shanghai

  17. 惠州市中青年科级干部培训需求的调查与思考

    Investigation and Thinking of Huizhou Middle-aged and Young Section-level Cadres Training Demand

  18. 医疗器械不良事件监测培训需求研究

    Study on Training Needs for Survey of Adverse Effects of Medical Devices

  19. 各部门向人力资源部提供培训需求的信息和资料。

    Each department provides information and files of training to HR Department .

  20. 建立和维护组织的策略性的培训需求。

    SP1.1 Establish and maintain the strategic training needs of the organization .

  21. 培训需求分析是实施培训项目的前提。

    Training need analysis is the first step to implement a training project .

  22. 国家消除碘缺乏病项目培训需求调查

    Training need survey of programme for national IDD elimination

  23. 临床医学毕业生住院医师规范化培训需求调查

    An survey of resident standard training of clinical graduates

  24. 我国物流人才现状及培训需求策略分析

    Analysis on Current Situation & Training Demand of Logistics Qualified Personnels in China

  25. 图书馆人力资源培训需求研究

    Research on the Human Resources Training Demand of Library

  26. 培训需求分析在现代培训中的作用

    The Function of Training Demand Analysis in Modern Training

  27. 研究二是培训需求的组织胜任力分析研究。

    In Study 2 , an organizational competency-based training needs analysis was conducted .

  28. 如何保障培训需求控制的有效性

    How to Guarantee the Effectiveness of Training Need Control

  29. 中小学校长培训需求的调查研究

    Investigation on the Demand of Training of the Headmasters

  30. 护理管理者培训需求调查分析

    A survey of demands for training on nursing management