
  • 网络Urban Redevelopment
  1. 城市再开发,迁移和拆迁,城中村的拆迁和再开发。

    Urban redevelopment , relocation and demolition , demolition and redevelopment of chengzhongcun ( urban villages )

  2. 在香港,公众对城市再开发表示愤怒的情况过去很少见。在这个城市,迅速转型被视为经济发展的必要部分,而先前保护遗产的举措也产生了独特的结果。

    Public outrage over urban redevelopment used to be rare in a city that viewed rapid transformation as a necessary part of economic development , and where previous approaches to heritage preservation yielded curious results .

  3. 关于城市再开发的几点认识

    Cognition on re-development of city

  4. 在后危机时期,中国仍然面对着来自城乡迁移、经济重构和城市再开发的挑战。

    In the post-crisis era , China continues to face the challenges from rural to urban migration , economic restructuring and urban redevelopment .

  5. 在城市更新再开发的过程中,如何保护历史风貌建筑,使其得到更好的利用,发挥更大的综合效益,已成为一个必须解决的问题。

    In this course , it has been an important problem that , how to protect historical style and features building , enable it to obtain a better use , displays a bigger comprehensive benefit .

  6. 城市旧厂区再开发的开发模式随着时代价值观而变化,而旧厂区再开发的更新实效与规划策划、城市设计、景观设计密切相关。

    The renewal results that the past factory area redevelop plans with programming , city design , landscape design closely .

  7. 近年来.由于城市土地的再开发,一些已确定的历史保护区受到了严重的威胁。

    During the recent years , some historic districts , although had been designated for preservation , are under serious threats owning to the large-scale urban renewal .

  8. 作者认为工业景观则是城市码头工业区再开发的价值所在。

    It is industrial landscapes that the values of redevelopment of these areas lie in .

  9. 浅析城市滨水区的再开发与空间环境设计

    Urban waterfront redevelopment and space environment design

  10. 城市更新与城市再开发

    City Updating and City Re - development

  11. 如今,在对大拆大建再开发模式进行反思、倡导资源节约的情况下,如何看待和再利用这些城市资源,进行资源节约型的再开发,是城市再开发建设面临的重大课题。

    Now , in the circumstance of reflecting on this development model and advocating of resource conservation , how to reuse these cities " resources " in the resource-saving re-development of city is the major issue faced by urban planners .

  12. 历史建筑和地段是一种宝贵的城市文化遗产,既是旅游观光资源,又可作为城市再开发的资源。

    As the precious cultural heritage of a city , historic buildings and sites are not only the impetus for tourism , but also the resources for the city redevelopment .

  13. 中心区作为城市的核心,集中了城市功能活动的重要部分,是城市再开发和功能结构调整的主要载体。

    AS the core of the metropolises , the center district involves most of urban functions , it is the main carrier of urban redevelopment and function - adjustment .

  14. 但在过去20年中,这些菜市场已从这些城市中心的街道上以及许多郊区地带消失。不断上涨的城镇地价、大规模的城市再开发以及卫生方面的顾虑,共同发挥作用,使这些市场消失。

    But , in the last 20 years , these wet markets have disappeared from the streets of these city centres , and from many of the suburbs , pushed out by a combination of spiralling downtown land prices , massive urban redevelopment and hygiene concerns .

  15. 城市更新已经成为一个全球性的问题,为了达到迅速消除城市的破败、进行城市的再开发目的,政府大都选择动用征收权强行取得土地,我国亦是如此。

    Urban renewal has been a global problem . In order to clean urban blight and redevelop cities quickly , governments prefer to taking the renewal land , so as Chinese offices .

  16. 随着世界性产业结构的调整,环境保护与城市生态环境的改善,以及公众对旅游、休闲等户外活动需求的升温,全球范围内出现了城市滨水区再开发的热潮。

    Along with the adjustment of industrial structures in the world , environmental protection , city ecological environment improvement and the increase of the public requirement with outdoor activities such as travel and leisure , the redevelopment of urban waterfront region brings the world into a new stage .

  17. 在工业社会时期,城市沿岸地区因其便利的交通条件而成为工业发展的前沿,而在后工业社会,城市沿岸地区再次成为城市再开发的重要内容。

    In the period of the Industrial society , the river bank in the city became the forefront of industrial development due to its convenient traffic condition . In the post-industrial society , the river bank in the city once again becomes an important aspect of further urban development .

  18. 然后将城市土地市场机制分别放在静态城市经济模型和动态城市经济模型中进行研究,在此基础上,探讨了城市土地开发和再开发的时机与条件。

    Thirdly , I discuss the urban land market mechanism in a static urban economics model and a dynamic one respectively .