
  • 网络Field potential;LFP;field potentials,FPs
  1. 方法采用计算机叠加技术,观察了皮下注射士的宁后电针解溪穴,对大鼠脊髓场电位(SFP)的影响。

    Method A computer superposition technique was used to observe the effect of electroacupuncture of point Jiexi ( ST41 ) on rat spinal field potential ( SFP ) after subdermal injection of strychnine .

  2. 从记录的信号中检测锋电位(spike)将遇到两个困难:由周期性振荡的局部场电位引起的基线漂移和由溶液-电极-细胞系统的微分效应导致的锋电位波形变化。

    There are two difficulties in the spike detection : spike signals are frequently superimposed on local field potential ( LFP ) that reflect the activity of populations of cells near the electrode tip , moreover , the recorded extracellular signal represent a time derivative of the intracellular signal .

  3. 多通道局部场电位的PCA特征值对刺激编码的研究

    A Study of Coding Stimulus Via PCA Eigenvalue of Multichannel LFPs

  4. 300kA铝电解槽三维电热场电位ANSYS分析

    Analysis of 3D Thermo - electric Field Potential for 300 kA Aluminum Electrolysis Cell Using ANSYS

  5. 继而,左旋巴氯芬抑制场电位作用强于GABA。

    Baclofen was more effective in inhibiting field potentials than GABA .

  6. 乙酰胆碱对视皮层诱发场电位及LTP形成的影响

    Effects of acetylcholine on field potentials and LTP formation in primary visual cortex

  7. 实验结果显示,刺激HVC,在RA内所记录到的诱发场电位幅度较小。

    Following electrical stimulation of HVC , the evoked field potentials recorded in RA were feeble .

  8. 大鼠视皮层场电位在发育过程中及LTP形成前后的变化

    Changes of field potentials during development and after long-term potentiation in developing rat visual cortical slices

  9. 采用幼年大鼠视皮层脑片标本,观察了乙酰胆碱对视皮层诱发场电位以及LTP的影响。

    The effects of acetylcholine ( Ach ) on the field potentials and LTP produced in primary visual cortex of developing rats were observed in vitro .

  10. 神经元动作电位(锋电位)的发放与局部场电位(localfieldpotentials,LFP)节律之间的锁相关系反映了神经元参与大脑某种活动的信息,具有神经编码的特性。

    The phase-locking relationship between the firings of neuronal action potentials ( i.e. , spikes ) and the oscillations of local field potentials ( LFP ) reflects the information of neuron participates in the brain nerve activity , which may contain neural coding information of brain .

  11. 结果共标测肺静脉49根,PVP表现为单一、规律的电活动,呈现PVP-A(心房远场电位)或A-PVP传导,但PVP落后于冠状静脉窦电极标测的心房波。

    Result Forty-nine PVs were examed , whose PVPs were mono-morphogeny , regular electric-activity , order of PVP and A ( far-field atrial potential ) was variable , and most PVPs were slower than atrial potential in coronary sinus .

  12. 本文运用在体场电位电生理记录的方法,研究了成年雄性斑胸草雀(Taeniopygiaguttata)HVC-RA突触的电生理特性。

    Electrophysiological properties of HVC-RA synaptic transmission in adult male zebra finch ( Taeniopygia guttata ) in vivo was investigated by using field potential recording method .

  13. 当以强直刺激作用于HVC,RA内诱发场电位随即显著减小,并在15min内逐渐恢复,表明HVC-RA突触传递在强直刺激过后出现了短时抑制。

    The results also showed that the evoked field potentials were significantly decreased after a conditioning tetanic stimulation and finally recovered gradually within 15 min , which indicates tetanic stimulation-induced transient depression is present at HVC-RA synaptic transmission .

  14. 对GP毁损组大鼠毁损术前后在清醒静息状态下的皮层脑电和纹状体场电位有明显改变,术后HVSs(HighVoltageSpindles)在持续时间上明显缩短发作次数明显减少。

    Before and after GP damaged rats in awake resting EEG and striatal field potential significant change in perioperative , postoperative HVSs ( High Voltage Spindles ) in significantly shorter duration , the number of attacks decreased significantly .

  15. 除大脑皮层神经网络外,在纹状体、苍白球、丘脑底核及黑质网状部局部场电位的记录中也发现了HVSs活动。

    In addition to the cerebral cortex neural network , also found in the striatum , globus pallidus , subthalamic nucleus and substantia nigra pars reticulata local field potentials recorded in the the HVSs activities .

  16. 所以我们做了纹状体脑片的场电位记录。

    So we performed field recordings from acute striatal brain slices .

  17. 局部场电位和微分特性影响下神经元网络发放锋电位的检测

    Neural Network Spike Detection under Effect of Local Field Potential and Derivative

  18. 士的宁背景下电针诱导的大鼠传导性脊髓场电位

    Electroacupuncture-induced Rat Transmitted Spinal Field Potential Under Strychnine

  19. 刺激大鼠高位颈髓诱发的下行性脊髓场电位

    Descending Spinal Field Potentials Evoked by Higher Cervical Spinal Stimulation in , the Rats

  20. 应用线性硅电极阵列检测海马场电位和单细胞动作电位

    Recordings of The Hippocampal Field Potentials and Unit Activity by Using Linear Silicon Electrode Array

  21. 轴对称静电场电位导数计算的数值方法探究

    Research on the Numerical Methods for Calculating the Derivatives of Electropotential of an Axisymmetrical Electrostatic Field

  22. 又将这一数学公式应用到了电磁场理论中静电场电位的求解。

    This mathematic formula is applied to solve the voltage of static state in electromagnetic theory .

  23. 主要内容如下:(1)局部场电位提取。

    The main contents are as follows : ( 1 ) The extraction of local field potential .

  24. 卡马西平对大鼠海马脑片诱发场电位抑制作用的可能机制

    Inhibition of field potentials recorded from rat hippocampus slices by carbamazepine might be achieved through endogenous GABA

  25. 特别地,在整个神经电极阵列记录不到神经元锋电位信号时,局部场电位信号仍然能够提供一定的解码信息。

    Especially , when no spike was recorded from the array , LFPs still provided some kinematic information .

  26. 多通道局部场电位及其θ分量相位同步振荡模式对刺激编码的研究

    A Study of Coding Stimulus Via Phase Synchronization Pattern of Multi-channel Local Field Potentials and Its θ Component

  27. 二度角域点源场电位的似镜象性质

    Angle . the quasi & image properties of the field of a point current source in a 2-D wedge-shaped region

  28. 目的:研究钩藤对癫痫模型海马脑片诱发场电位的影响。

    Aim : To investigate the effect of uncaria on evoked field potential of CA1 hippocampal slice in epileptogenic model .

  29. 双银丝刺激电极放置于圆窗表面,在电刺激条件下采用玻璃微电极记录前庭神经核的场电位。

    Double silver electrodes were placed on the surface of round window , vestibular nuclei field potential was recorded under the condition of electrical stimulus .

  30. 在横切制备上,刺激背索横切水平的头、尾侧背索和背外侧索,均记录到了典型的负相场电位。

    Similarly , typical field potentials were recorded from both the cervicodorsal and dorsolateral funiculi rostral and caudal to the dorsal column on transection preparation .