
zài jiàn xiànɡ mù
  • Projects under construction;project under way
  1. 由于FGD装置的启停对锅炉运行工况有较高要求,其安全性和经济性制约着在建项目FGD工艺系统初期的定型工作。

    While the FGD equipment has a high requirement to the operation of boiler , its safety function and economy function restrict the choice of FGD system .

  2. 各州不得不停止一些在建项目。

    States might have to put some of their projects on hold .

  3. 公路在建项目可视化动态信息管理系统研究与开发

    Study and Development of the Visualization Information Management System of Construction Project for Highway

  4. 在建项目与市场的真正需求之间存在着严重的错配。

    There is a big mismatch between what is being built and what the market actually needs .

  5. 住在马斯温戈省大坝在建项目盆地中的村民们受影响最大。

    Villagers living in the basin of a huge dam project that is under construction in Masvingo province have been most affected .

  6. 我们将严禁核准产能严重过剩行业新增产能项目,坚决停建违规在建项目。

    We will strictly ban approvals for new projects in industries experiencing overcapacity and resolutely halt construction of projects that violate regulations .

  7. 所有活跃市场数据包括在建项目,筹备阶段或最后筹备阶段的工程,但是不包括处于前期策划中的项目。

    Total active pipeline data includes projects in the construction , final planning and planning stages , but does not include projects in the pre-planning stage .

  8. 该项目是目前仍是在建项目,其工程包括公路路基路面工程和桥梁工程,工程期限为两年。

    The project is currently still under construction , the project includes highway and bridge engineering Pavement engineering , engineering for a period of two years .

  9. 对在建项目对环境的影响进行分析和研究,主要内容包括以下几个方面:(1)工程分析;

    Analysises and studies to the impact on environment of project under construction , main content includes the following several respects : ( 1 ) Project analysis ;

  10. 世行研究报告指出,另有投资额为1100亿美元的私营部门融资项目可能会滞后,投资额约为700亿美元的在建项目存在风险。

    Another $ 110 billion of privately financed projects could be delayed . About $ 70 billion worth of existing projects are at risk , according to Bank research .

  11. 我国正处在一个经济建设发展的高峰期,每天都有数以万计的大小工程项目上马和竣工,在建项目更是无法计数。

    Our country is in an economic construction and development in the rush hour every day , and millions of size project completion , horse and construction projects is not counting .

  12. 他说,这应该包括实施“积极的财政政策”,加大对国家重点在建项目的信贷投放、降低融资成本、减税,以及为中小企业提供信贷。

    That should include a " proactive fiscal policy " , he said , with more loans to big infrastructure projects , lower financing costs , tax cuts and credit for smaller businesses .

  13. 适当发行专项债券。保障符合条件的在建项目后续融资,防范和化解风险隐患。

    We will allow local governments to issue an appropriate amount of special bonds , ensure continued financing for eligible projects already under construction , and guard against and defuse risks and latent dangers .

  14. 我们认真开展债务清理整顿和规范工作,严格控制增量,积极稳妥解决债务偿还和在建项目后续融资问题。

    We sorted out and standardized these debts , imposed a cap on their increase , and actively yet prudently solved problems related to the repayment of such debts and additional funding for ongoing projects .

  15. 但该行强调称,不会全面停止放贷,将继续为在建项目、小企业、消费者信贷及重点产业和重点区域即享受中央政府明确政策支持的部门和地区提供资金。

    But the bank stressed it did not intend to stop all lending and would continue to fund projects already under construction as well as small businesses , consumer credit and key industries and areas a reference to sectors and regions that enjoy explicit policy support from the central government .

  16. 从财政支出看,继续实施应对国际金融危机的一揽子计划,完成在建项目、加强薄弱环节、推进改革、改善民生、维护稳定等都需要增加投入。

    consequently , revenue will not increase very quickly . Regarding expenditures , we will continue to implement the package plan for dealing with the global financial crisis , and increase spending to complete work on projects now under construction , strengthen weak links , carry forward reform , improve people 's wellbeing and maintain stability .

  17. 本文以著名的大型国有企业C公司为研究对象,对其近几年内已建或者在建的项目进行实地考察、访谈调查,获得第一手的真实数据资料。

    This article take famous large-scale state-owned business C Corporation as the object of study , in the recent several years has constructed or the project which to it constructs is carrying in-the-spot investigation , the interview investigation , obtains the first real data information .

  18. 对工厂财务提交的在建工程项目进行检查。

    Monthly review on all CIP project status which submitted by plant finance .

  19. 利率上升还会对许多在建投资项目构成资金压力。

    Higher interest rates would also put pressure on the finances of many ongoing investment projects .

  20. 地震前已浇筑的未达龄期混凝土的处置是地震后在建工程项目复工的必要条件。

    Treatment of early age concrete poured before earthquake is necessary condition for continuing construction in process after earthquake .

  21. 他说,我相信高铁市场将会是乐观的,当许多在建的项目投入使用后。

    " I believe the high-speed rail market will be rosy " after many projects still under construction are put into service , he said .

  22. 企业在建工程项目交付使用后,应当在一个年度内办理竣工决算。

    After a project under construction is delivered for use , an enterprise shall perform the final accounts of the completed project within one year .

  23. 霞浦县福宁湾围垦项目是省级在建重点项目,是国务院批准的滩涂围垦综合开发项目。

    Funing Bay reclamation project in Xiapu County is the provincial key projects , meanwhile , it is also the State Council approved the comprehensive development project .

  24. 截止到2009年底,我国已经有32个城市拥有或者在建地铁项目,国家投入资金超千亿元。

    Till the beginning of 2010 , there are 32 cities in China have subway systems or have subway construction projects . The government invested budget over one hundred billion yuan in developing subway .

  25. 安全管理虽然越来越受到政府和企业管理者的重视,但在建工程项目数量日益增多和建筑高度增加的趋势导致施工项目管理面临巨大挑战。

    Both government and corporate managers have considered safety management as more and more important issues . Increasing amount and height of high-rise building led the construction industry to face enormous challenges in safety management .

  26. 在电建企业项目管理中热点信息技术是:虚拟现实技术、Intranet和数据仓库技术。

    The popular information technologies in project management of power construction enterprises are : virtual actual technique , Intranet and data base technique .

  27. 在建船舶抵押项目信贷风险控制研究

    Research on Credit Risk Control of the Ship under Construction Mortgage Project

  28. 《绿色建筑评价标准》在某公建项目中的应用简析

    Brief Analysis about Evaluation Standard of Green Building Using in a Public Architecture

  29. 国内消费仍然旺盛,同时固定资产投资增长会受到在建基础设施项目以及2008北京奥运会的支撑。

    Domestic consumption remained robust while fixed asset investment growth will be well supported by on-going infrastructure projects and the hosting of the Beijing Olympic Games in2008 .

  30. 为支持这一行动,将从在建墨西哥卫生项目调整出2500万美元贷款,以满足诸如药品和相关物资购置等急需。

    US $ 25 million will be re-directed to this purpose from the ongoing Mexico health project ( PROCEDES ) to meet urgent needs such as the purchase of drugs and related supplies .