
  • 网络soil physical properties;Physical properties of soils
  1. 样地B表层土壤物理性质的空间分布受到结构性因素(自然因素)和随机性因素(人为因素)的共同影响。

    Spatial distribution of the surface soil physical properties in plot B are both affected by structural factors ( natural factors ) and random factors ( human factors ) .

  2. 聚乙烯醇(PVA)对土壤物理性质及葡萄、菊花生育的影响

    Effects of using polyvinyl alcohol on soil physical properties and on the growth of grapes and chrysanthemum

  3. 施用有机肥料改善土壤物理性质,配施不明显改变pH。

    Applying the organic fertilizer could improve the soil physical property , rational application could not obviously change pH.

  4. 结果表明:马尾松生长能改良土壤物理性质,特别是对0~20cm土层改良效果较为明显。

    It shows that masson pine can ameliorate soil physical properties , especially to the layer 0 ~ 20 cm .

  5. 毛竹根系对土壤物理性质影响较大,0~60cm土层的总孔隙度为71.7%,林地稳渗率达8.28mm/min。

    The root system of P. pubescens has a greater effect on soil physical properties . As for the soil layer of o ~ 60cm , the total porosity is 71.7 % , final infiltration ratio 8.28mm/min .

  6. 考虑到耕作层与非耕作层在土壤物理性质上的差异.用Saint-Venant方程和改进后的Green-Ampt下渗模型联立,对成层土上的畦灌非恒定流方程进行数值模拟。

    Considering the difference in physical properties between different layers of soil , a mathematical model of unsteady flow in border irrigation is constructed by means of Saint-Venant model combined with the improved Green-Ampt infiltration model . The numerical solution is in good agreement with field observation .

  7. 黑土培肥与土壤物理性质关系的研究

    Studies on relationship between fertilized black soil and its physical properties

  8. 高分子聚合物对土壤物理性质的影响研究

    A Study on Influence of Macromolecule Polymers to Soil Physical Properties

  9. 杉木连栽对土壤物理性质的影响

    Effects of Continuous Plantation of Chinese fir on Soil Physical Properties

  10. 矿物肥料对排土场土壤物理性质的改良效应

    Ameliorative effect of mineral fertilizers on soil physical properties of dump

  11. 桉树人工林林下植被、地面覆盖物与土壤物理性质的关系

    Soil physical properties under effects of Eucalyptus understory vegetation and litter

  12. 侵蚀土壤物理性质变化及其与土壤氮素迁移转化的关系

    Relationship between Physical Properties of Eroded Soil and Nitrogen Transformation

  13. 波涌灌土壤物理性质变化

    The Change of Soil Physical Characteristics under Surge Flow Irrigation

  14. 多年生混播草坪土壤物理性质的研究

    Study on the soil physical properties of perennial mixed turf

  15. 黄土高原草地土壤物理性质初步研究

    Research on Soil Physical Properties of Grass Land in the Loess Plateau

  16. 稻草整株还田对土壤物理性质的影响

    Effect of Straw - Incorporation on Some Physical Properties of Paddy Soil

  17. 陆面过程模式对不同土壤物理性质的敏感性研究

    The Sensitivity of Land Surface Model to Physical Properties of Different Soils

  18. 黄土高原土壤物理性质对养分迁移速率的影响

    Effects of Soil Physical Properties on Nutrient Transport Velocity in Loess Plateau

  19. 冀东几种土壤物理性质的探讨

    Studies on physical properties of Several Soils in Eastern Hebei

  20. 树莓和黑莓对土壤物理性质的影响

    Effect of planting raspberries and blackberries on the physical properties of soil

  21. 交通对干草原土壤物理性质影响的试验研究

    Impact of traffic on physical properties of Arid Grassland Soils

  22. 择伐对林地土壤物理性质影响及作业技术

    Impact on Soil Physical Properties by Selective Cutting and Logging Operation Technology

  23. 黄土丘陵小流域土壤物理性质的空间变异

    Variability of the Soil Physical Properties on the Loess Plateau

  24. 定植穴对局部土壤物理性质及苹果生长的影响

    Effects of planting hole on partial soil physical properties and apple growth

  25. 不同配置农田防护林对土壤物理性质的影响

    Influence of Different Pattern Farmland Shelterbelts on Soil Physical Properties

  26. 贵州喀斯特山区土壤物理性质对土壤侵蚀的影响

    Effect of Soil Physical Properties on Soil Erosion in Guizhou Karst Mountainous Region

  27. 马尾松林地土壤物理性质变化及抗蚀性研究

    Study on Anti-erodibility and Change of Soil Physical Property in Pinus massoniana Woodland

  28. 控释肥残膜对土壤物理性质及油菜生长效应的影响

    Effects of CRFS Residual Coating on Soil Physical Property and Growth of Cole

  29. 农业机械行走系统对土壤物理性质的影响

    Effects of travelling system of farm machine on physical properties of the soil

  30. 热带次生林利用与土壤物理性质变化

    The utilization of tropical secondary forest and the change of soil physical properties