
  • 网络photo sharing;instagram
  1. 依然缺席的是:流媒体音乐服务Pandora、图片分享服务Instagram以及所有的Zynga社交游戏。

    Still missing : Pandora , instagram and all the Zynga games .

  2. 上面这张图片发布在图片分享网站Imgur上,不到一天,浏览量就超过了300万次。

    The image above was posted on the photo sharing site Imgur , where it was viewed more than three million times in less than a day .

  3. Instagram(图片分享网站)几乎被灰发造型淹没了——有职业模特的美艳大片,也有广大Instagram网友上传的得意自拍。

    Instagram is awash with the grey haired images - from beauty shots featuring professional models to selfies uploaded by proud grey haired Instagrammers .

  4. 十六岁的布鲁克林在图片分享平台Instagram上已有440万的铁杆粉丝,最近又成为时尚杂志《MissVogue》的封面人物。

    Sixteen-year-old Brooklyn has a 4.4 million-strong following on Instagram and has recently appeared on the cover of Miss Vogue .

  5. AmazonSpark给人的感觉很像图片分享社交网站Instagram和Pinterest。

    Amazon Spark feels quite a lot like the big image-based social networks , Instagram and Pinterest .

  6. 据图片分享应用Instagram的粉丝称,“空中滑梯”相当酷。

    According to Instagram fans , the " Skyslide " is pretty darn cool .

  7. 每周一,他都会在图片分享网站Tumblr和Instagram上传胡须造型照。

    He posts pictures of his sculpted facial hair on Tumblr and Instagram every Monday .

  8. 相反,图片分享软件Snapchat以及软件巨头微软旗下的网络电话Skype表现得并不好。

    Conversely , Skype - which is owned by software giant Microsoft - and Snapchat performed poorly .

  9. 这只宠物狗被一个路人拍到,所拍照片被上传至Flickr图片分享网站后迅速走红。

    Pictures of the pet taken by a passer-by have become an internet sensation after being posted on the photo-sharing website Flickr .

  10. 日前,在一个名为贾尼的10岁芬兰小男孩发现图片分享社交网络平台Instagram的安全漏洞后,他获得了1万美元的奖金。

    A 10-year-old boy Finnish boy named Jani has been given $ 10000 after he found a security flaw in image-sharing social network Instagram .

  11. 你所看到的冥王星图像,附带有极度夸张的色彩数据,就像你在Instagram(一款图片分享应用)上放大图片的色彩饱和度那样。

    What you 're looking at is an image of Pluto with heavily exaggerated color data -- like when you amp up the saturation on an Instagram .

  12. 这只来自纽约的喵星人在图片分享网站Instagram有超过1万名粉丝,它那古怪的表情已经让他在全球范围内火起来了。

    The feline , believed to be from New York , has more than 10000 followers on picture sharing site Instagram , with his quizzical expression earning him world wide fame .

  13. 另有12%的女性会在图片分享网站Instagram上快速浏览照片,以确保她们的朋友中没有人最近穿过同样的衣服鞋子,或者用过其他相似的配饰。

    Another 12 per cent have a quick look on picture sharing site Instagram to ensure that none of their friends has been pictured recently in the same outfit , or something similar .

  14. 只有极少数初创企业的增长强劲到(暂时)不用在意盈利,而本•西尔伯曼所领导的图片分享网站Pinterest就是其中之一。

    Pinterest CEO Ben Silbermann leads one of a small number of privileged startups for whom growth is so strong that money is not ( yet ) the point .

  15. 当然,你不能完全消除看见或闻到食物的可能性,但你可以尝试减少暴露在食物前的机会,比如说跳过电视广告或者不看Instagram(图片分享应用)上的食物商标。

    Of course , you can 't totally eliminate the possibility of seeing or smelling food . But try limiting your exposure , say by skipping TV commercials and un-following food brands on Instagram .

  16. 美国流行乐坛天后麦当娜55岁不服老,星期三在图片分享应用Instagram上上传一张在健身中心的劈叉照片,展示自己的柔韧性不减当年。

    Even at 55 , Madonna 's still got it ! The superstar posted yet another photo of her fit physique on her Instagram account on Wednesday showing off she is just as flexible as her Danceteria days .

  17. 据社交图片分享网站提供给《广告周刊》(Adweek)的数据显示,刚成立六个月、只拥有15个精选品牌的Instagram广告公司也已经展露出巨大的发展前景。

    Instagram ads , just six months old and limited to a select group of 15 brands , are already showing promising results , according to data given to Adweek by the social photo-sharing site .

  18. 这样你就不会专注地努力工作,成为明星员工,而是寻求网上的更多关注——我可以很大胆地推测你可能不会放弃Instagram(一款图片分享软件)上的25个兴趣群。

    Instead of focusing on working hard and being a star employee , you 've looking for more attention online - and I 'm going to go out on a limb and assume that you 're not getting cut a check for your 25 likes on Instagram .

  19. 而图片分享网,就是给不识字的人看的推特

    And Instagram is twitter for people who can 't read .

  20. 图片分享网站Imgur的用户希尔上传了这些照片。

    The photos were created by an Imgur user known only as Seir .

  21. 我在五个月前离开了安德森o霍洛维茨基金,加入图片分享网站Imgure担任产品总监。

    I left Andreessen Horowitz five months ago to join Imgur as director of product .

  22. 仅仅三个半月过后,这家创业公司调整方向,放弃了之前吸引他过去的图片分享业务。

    Just 3 1 / 2 months later , the startup changed direction and dropped the photo-sharing business that had attracted him .

  23. 这张照片已在社交媒体上吸引了数十万次分享,包括图片分享网站Imgur和俄罗斯社交网站Pikabu。

    The photo has since been shared hundreds of thousands of times on social media , including Imgur and Russian social media site Pikabu .

  24. 随着互联网技术与信息产业的发展,以及各种图片分享类网站的出现,如今我们已经步入图像时代。

    Along with the Internet technology and information industry development , and emergence of various image share website , now we have entered an era consisting of image .

  25. 用平邮方式向图片分享网站Imgur上传照片——你现在可以不再通过互联网向图片分享网站Imgur上传照片,而是将照片真正地“邮寄”给这家网站。

    Upload Imgur images by snail mail -- Instead of directly uploading a photo through the Web to image hosting site Imgur , you can now ' mail ' it to the site .

  26. 该方案同时也适用于手机的视频分享、图片分享等应用中,希望能为未来的手机设计提供参考和借鉴。

    The design flow also can be applied to the cell phone video sharing , picture sharing and so on . Lastly , the current study can propose direction for the future mobile phone design .

  27. 图片社交分享网站Pinterest最近频现大动作,相当引人注目。

    Digital scrapbooking site pinterest is stepping into the spotlight in a big way .

  28. 而“me”(我)是图片和视频分享应用Instagram上第三大热门标签。

    And " # me " is the third-most-common tag on instagram .

  29. 但正如甘地本人所说,“Pinterest(以图片展示和分享而闻名的社交媒体网站)上有一半引用我说的话都是假的。”

    But as Gandhi once said , " Half my quotes on Pinterest are fake 。 "

  30. 特朗普猫:这张搞笑滑稽的图片在图片分享网站上爆红。

    Trump cat : The amusing - and creepy - photos were an instant hit on the photo-sharing site .