
ɡuó jì dà xún huán
  • international economic circulation
  1. 在国际大循环中开拓包装工业

    Development of Packaging Industry in the International Circulation

  2. 该运动随着中国经济融入国际经济大循环的体系中而在中国兴起。

    The exercise has been rising in China along with the Chinese economy merging into the international economic circulating system .

  3. 而且随着我国经济纳入国际经济大循环,面对不断扩大的世界市场,日益激烈的国际竞争,如何增强我国企业的国际竞争力已经成为我国经济发展面临的重要课题。

    And , with our economy blending into international economy , firms facing with expanding world markets and intense international competence .

  4. 随着经济全球化的推进,一国的经济活动不可避免的融入到国际经济大循环中。

    With the development of global economy , the economic activity of one state would inevitably form into part of international economic cycle .

  5. 中医劳务技术输出大有可为&卫生经济参与国际经济大循环的思考

    Much Can Be Accomplished by Exporting Labour and Techniques of Traditional Chinese Medicine Thoughts of Making Health Economy Join the Grand International Cycle of Economy

  6. 我国加入世贸组织后,参与了国际经济大循环,这标志着我国真正进入了完全意义上的市场经济时代。

    After China enters WTO , we participate in the international economic circulation , which means that China has completely stepped into the age of market economy .

  7. 在参与国际经济大循环过程中,我国现有的农业生产经营方式及落后的农业基础制约了外向型农业的持续健康发展,本文立足国情,提出相应的对策建议。

    When participating in the great international economic circulation , the current ways of agricultural production and management and backward agricultural foundation have restricted the sustainable and sound development of out-going agriculture . Accordingly the countermeasures are proposed based on the national conditions .

  8. 只有破解多重体制性、结构性矛盾,才能在国际资本流动大循环体系中提高我国的金融资源利用效率。

    Only after systemic and structural problems are solved can the utilization ratio be improved under the present international capital recycling system .

  9. 他从参与国际分工体系、融入国际经济大循环的战略角度论述了中国参与国际经贸与科技合作的必要性。

    From the strategic standpoint , he analyzes the necessity of this cooperation to participate the system of international division and to merge in the circulation of international economy .

  10. 以国际分工的动态观走向国际经济大循环

    On the Great International Economic Cycle as Viewed from the Dynamic Concept of International Division of Labour