
ɡuó jì dì wèi
  • international status;international prestige
  1. 这五年,我国国际地位和影响力显着提高。

    China 's international prestige and influence grew significantly .

  2. 20世纪70年代初,中国重返联合国,国际地位快速提升,对外交往日益频繁,中国对同声传译的需求也与日俱增。

    In the early of 1970s , China returned to the UN , bringing about the rapid elevation of its international prestige and frequent external contacts . Meanwhile , the demand for simultaneous interpreters in China gradually increased .

  3. 把中国近现代社会的GDP数据与美国、日本两个不同类型的国家进行对比,可以管窥中国国际地位的浮沉,进而看出近现代中国国际地位的变化。

    Compared China 's GDP with two different types of countries , the United States , Japan , we could see China 's international status and see China 's international status changes .

  4. 其粗略目标应该是在未来十年左右的时间里,实现美元与欧元国际地位的等同,随后让人民币也参与进来,同时稳步创建特别提款权(SDR)。

    The goal should be roughly to equate the international positions of the dollar and the euro in the next decade or so , and subsequently to bring the renminbi into the mix along with steady creation of special drawing rights .

  5. 关于日元国际地位影响因素的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Yen 's International Status

  6. 对非洲形势与国际地位的再认识

    A reassessment on the situation of Africa and its international role

  7. 国际地位和综合国力都得到了极大的提升。

    International status and comprehensive national strength has been greatly improved .

  8. 伴随中国国际地位的逐渐提升,中华文化由边缘位置向中心地位逐步靠拢。

    Nowadays , Chinese culture draws from the marginal status to centre gradually .

  9. 宣言将增强我们的力量,为我们赢得国际地位。

    That measure will strengthen us . It will give us character abroad .

  10. 第三部分:国际地位的边缘化。

    Part three : Chinese international status became peripheralization .

  11. 经济对当今英语和法语国际地位的影响

    Economic Influences on the Status of Contemporary English and French in the World

  12. 对东盟的直接影响就是提高了东盟国家的国际地位,但也使东南亚地区的局势复杂化。

    The direct influence to the ASEAN is improving its own international status .

  13. 俄罗斯的国际地位与外交政策选择

    Russia 's International Status and Foreign Policy Option

  14. 神州六号的成功发射提高了我们的国际地位,加强了民族力量。

    The successfully launching of Shenzhou VI improved our international status and national strength .

  15. 大家围绕中国的国际地位问题进行了热烈的讨论,这是我经历过最热烈的一场中国人之间的辩论了。

    It was the most heated debate I 've had with my fellow Chinese .

  16. 欧元国际地位发展探析

    The Growing International Position of Euro - Dollar

  17. 中国的国际地位显著提高

    China 's international standing has risen notably

  18. 但总体而言,亚洲经过奋力打拼,国际地位已比以前重要得多。

    But over all , the region has carved out a much bigger international role .

  19. 中国的国际地位与作用&东亚事务的视角

    China 's International Status and Its Role & From the Perspective of East Asia Affairs

  20. 翻译:人们没有提高印度国际地位的意识。

    NO : 15 : People have no mentality to highlight india at international level .

  21. 上海特殊的地理位置决定了上海拥有重要的经济地位和国际地位。

    The special geographical location decided ShangHai has an important economic position and international status .

  22. 中国实施核战略是被迫而为,而中国核战略的实施,有效地维护了国家安全,提高了中国的国际地位。

    Chinese Nuclear Strategy has safeguard national security effectively , and improved international status of China .

  23. 对外交往方面,组织国际地位和影响力不断提升。

    In external relations , the international standing and influence of the Organization has kept rising .

  24. 尽管他享有国际地位,丁俊辉在公开场合还是用翻译来和自己的英语国家的球迷交流。

    Despite his international status , Ding prefers to address his English-speaking fans through an interpreter .

  25. 韩国达到了推动经济发展和提高国际地位的目的。

    South Korea has reached the target of promoting the economic development and improving the international status .

  26. 随着国力的增强,澳大利亚希望提升国际地位,争取在国际事务中发挥重要作用。

    Australia would like to enhance its international status and play an important role in international affairs .

  27. 法国因其国际地位的下降而感到烦心,对国内的外来移民也感到苦恼。

    France is troubled by its diminished voice in the world and fretful about immigration at home .

  28. 该文对于英语的起源、扩张及其目前的国际地位进行了探索。

    This essay is a research on the the origin , spreading and present status of English .

  29. 中国成为世界贸易总协定成员后,其国际地位和声望都大大增强。

    With its new WTO membership , China has obtained a promotion with its international position and reputation .

  30. 即便中国无意颠覆美国的霸权地位,其国际地位的不断上升还是会对美国起到牵制作用。

    Even if China is not out to dethrone the US , its ascension will hamper it nevertheless .