
  • 网络national vocational qualification;NVQ
  1. 雇主有可能难以提供学徒由国家职业资格要求的活动范围。

    Employers may have difficulty providing apprentices the range of activities required by the NVQ .

  2. 对我国引进英国国家职业资格证书制度的研究

    Study on the Introduction of the UK National Vocational Qualifications System To China

  3. BQ分类作为国标,具有普适性。在企业中推行国家职业资格证书制度的思考

    As national standard of China , BQ qualification is ubiquitous . The Popularization of National Professional Qualification Certificates System in Enterprises

  4. 职业技术教育资格证书体系分为普通教育证书(GCE)、国家职业资格证书和国家普通职业资格证书,三者之间具有相互联系的等价关系。

    Vocational and technical education credentials system includes general education certificate ( GCE ), national job credentials and national general job credentials . Having equivalent relation between the three each other .

  5. 一种为学生的升学和就业做准备的课程&英国普通国家职业资格(GNVQ)课程述评

    A Kind of Curriculum for Students ' Entering Higher Schools and Obtaining Employment & Review on the Curriculum for General National and Vocational Qualification in UK

  6. 英国的普通国家职业资格(GNVQ)课程是一种能力本位课程,该课程旨在开发多种职业领域都需要的一般技能、知识和理解力。

    The curriculum for general national and vocational qualification is a kind of competent-based curriculum , which aims to develop students ' common skill , knowledge and understanding that are necessary to many occupations .

  7. 《秘书国家职业资格培训教程》表现出明显的务实特征,为职业秘书的培养和选拔提供了可靠依据;

    Book of Secretary 's National Vocational Qualification has obvious Practicality .

  8. 秘书国家职业资格认证制度的研究与实践

    Research and Practice of Secretary 's National Vocational Qualification System

  9. 英国国家职业资格证书制度概述

    Brief Introduction to British National Vocational Qualification Certification System

  10. 从汽车维护模块探讨英国国家职业资格证书考评模式

    Study on Assessment Method of National Vocation Qualification Certificate in United Kingdom Based on Automobile Maintenance

  11. 涉外文秘国家职业资格证书

    Secretary of Foreign Affairs-National Job Credentials

  12. 分析了职业教育学历层次与国家职业资格证书级别的对应关系;

    Has analyzed the corresponding relations of the vocational education school record level and the national professional qualifications rank ;

  13. 同时,还承担大学生国家职业资格鉴定的教育培训工作。

    Meanwhile , the center has also assumed the training program of national vocational qualification for graduates and undergraduates .

  14. 职业资格考评是国家职业资格证书制度的重要组成部分,是人力资源开发的重要途径。

    Vocational qualification assessment is an important part of the national vocational qualification system and a tool of human resource development .

  15. 教师资格作为一种国家职业资格,其特点是所涉及的从业人员(教师)的大多数有相应的专业培养。

    As one of national qualifications , the feature of teacher qualification is that most of the teachers involved have the corresponding training .

  16. 在档案行业中建立职业资格证书制度对提高从业人员的素质,促进档案事业的发展以及完善国家职业资格体系都具有重要意义。

    In archival industry , the construction of archival profession qualifications system is very important to promote the development of the archival cause and perfect national vocational qualification system .

  17. 三是利用专业学位、国家职业资格证书、岗位培训证书和继续医学教育学分证书来激劢医务人员的医学终身教育消费。

    And stimulation the interest in lifelong medical education by means of professional degree entitling , state accreditation of occupational proficiency , issue of on-job training and continuing medical education credits .

  18. 推行国家职业资格证书制度,实行职业资格证书与学历证书的相互沟通与衔接,不仅是时势所需,也是国外经济发达国家的通行做法。

    This article states that it is not only the need of the time but also the common thing in the advanced countries to carry out the policy of Vocational qualification certificate .

  19. 伴随着国家职业资格证书制度的推行,高等职业教育与职业资格证书制度之间的衔接问题日渐突出。高等职业教育与职业资格证书制度的衔接,成为当前亟待研究的教育课题。

    With the implementation of the certificate system of vocational qualifications , the effective connection between higher vocational education and the certificate system of vocational qualifications has become an educational subject for quick research .

  20. 教师资格是一种国家职业资格,它是一种身份的象征,一种职业的认可,它代表作为教师最基本的条件。

    Teacher qualification is a qualification of a kind of national job , a symbol of a kind of identity and an approval of a kind of job . It regards a teacher as most basic terms by representative .

  21. 第三部分和第四部分,分别研究了英国国家职业资格证书和普通国家职业资格证书的构成,证书管理体系及质量监督体系,并分析两种证书在实际运作中所取得的成效及其不足。

    Iii. The third part and the fourth part is refers to the study of the National Vocational Qualification Certificates and the General National Vocational Certificates . How the two certificates constituted ? How the quality of the certificates was controlled ?

  22. 20世纪80年代中期,受经济建设、社会发展和新职业主义思潮的影响,英国政府对传统职业教育进行了一次改革,并在全国范围内推行国家职业资格证书制度。

    In the middle of 1980 ′ s , under the influence of economic construction , society development and the idea of new vocationalism , British government put up a reformation on traditional vocational education , and conducted National Vocational Qualification Certificate System throughout the country .

  23. 我们的国家普通职业资格考试的通过率为90%。

    We have a 90 cent pass rate for GNVQs .

  24. 立足本职贯彻执行好国家的职业资格证书制度

    Based on Own Duty Carrying Out the Vocational Qualification Certificate System

  25. 本文对发达国家教师职业资格证书制度的四项功能,即评价、激励、选拔和保障功能作一详细阐释,以此来为我国实行不久的教师资格证书制度提供借鉴。

    In order to help our system develop , this article is to give a clear explanation of each of the four basic functions of the system ( judgment , stimulation , selection and guarantee ) practiced in some developed countries .

  26. 继续教育是指学生在16岁后所接受的教育和培训,包括普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程、普通中等教育证书考试补充高级水平课程、国家通用职业资格和预科课程(亦称为基础课程)。

    Continuing educating refers to student 's education and training accepted after 16 years old including ordinary secondary education certificate examination advanced horizontal course , ordinary secondary education certificate examination supplementary advanced horizontal course , national in common used job qualification and preparatory course ( also called basic course ) .

  27. 关于高职教育与国家统一职业技术资格考试接轨的思考

    On Connection of Higher Vocational Education and National Vocational Technology Qualification Test

  28. 英国、美国、澳大利亚等发达国家历来重视职业资格制度的建立,有一套有效的管理体制,并取得了显著的成效。

    UK , USA , Australia and other developed countries always pay attention to vocational qualification system .

  29. 若干国家的图书馆员职业资格认证历史与现状

    Discussion On the History and the Present Situation Of the Overseas Librarian Professional Qualification Authentication

  30. 澳大利亚是世界上职业教育与培训较为成功的国家之一,其职业资格证书制度更是独具特色。

    Australia is one of the most successful countries in vocational education and training , and its professional qualification certificate system is even more unique .