
gù róng qiáng huà
  • solution strengthening;solution strength
固溶强化[gù róng qiáng huà]
  1. 本文首先采用机械合金化方法制备了Cu-Cr-(Zr)复合粉体,然后通过冷压烧结方法制备了弥散强化、固溶强化兼有细晶强化高强高导铜基复合材料。

    In this paper , Cu-Cr - ( Zr ) composite powders was prepared by mechanical alloying firstly , and then copper-matrix composites with dispersion strengthening , solution strengthening , fine grain strengthening were prepared by cold pressing and sintering .

  2. 其强化机理主要是硬质相强化、固溶强化和晶粒细化强化。

    Its strengthening mechanism belongs to hard phase strengthening , solution strengthening and grain fining strengthening .

  3. 稀土金属兼具高的固溶强化参数和沉淀强化参数,是强化Au与Au合金的重要合金元素。

    The rare-earths have both parameters of high solid solution strengthening and high precipitation strengthening .

  4. MIMFe基合金的固溶强化

    Solid solution strengthening for MIM Fe - based alloys

  5. 孪晶马氏体的固溶强化使熔敷金属的硬度高、脆性大,Ar的增韧作用有很大局限性。

    Since twin martensite results in the high hardness and brittleness of the deposited metal , the effect of austenite on toughness is restricted .

  6. (Ti,Cr)N多元膜层强化机理主要是:晶粒细化、固溶强化、多元素优化。

    The main strengthening mechanisms of ( Ti , Cr ) N films were grain fining , solid solution strengthening and multi elements strengthening .

  7. Ca元素的加入能起到固溶强化作用和细晶强化作用,提高合金的强度。

    Ca plays a role of solid solution strengthening and refinement strengthening in the alloys . Ca can enhance the strength of the alloys .

  8. 用固溶强化模型计算InP中等价电子杂质对位错的钉扎力

    Calculation of Dislocation Pinning Forces in InP with Isovalent Impurities by Solid Solution Hardening Model

  9. 这可归因于Bi的固溶强化与弥散强化作用的转化。

    This can be attributed to the strengthening effect of Bi from solid solution strengthening to precipitating strengthening in the solders .

  10. 与Al的固溶强化相比,Al2O3粒子的弥散强化不仅大大提高了电导率,而且显著提高了材料的硬度。

    As compared with solution strengthening of Aluminum , the dispersion strengthening of Alumina improved obviously not only electric conductivity but also hardness of the material .

  11. 俄歇分析表明C、V离子注入浓度将分别达到50%和30%的原子比例,即形成固溶强化。

    It was found from the Auger analysis that the concentrations of C and V were 50 % and 30 % respectively , and therefore the solid solution strengthening appeared .

  12. Nb、V、Ti三种元素的复合加入所产生的强韧化作用,是晶粒细化、沉淀强化以及固溶强化等综合作用的结果。

    The effects to improve the strength and toughness by adding the three elements are a comprehensive results of the grain refinement , precipitation strengthening and solid solution strengthening .

  13. 混合组织,Mo的固溶强化以及MC和Mo2C的析出强化作用,是耐火钢获得良好性能的重要原因。

    The solution strengthening of Mo , the mixed microstructures , and the precipitation strengthening effect of MC and Mo_2C are the reason for good properties of FR steels .

  14. 稀土氧化物对WC-8Co硬质合金显微结构无明显影响,也不引起钨溶质对γ相的附加固溶强化效果。

    There are no evident effect of rare earth on the microstructure parameters and additional strengthening effect of W solute on γ phase of WC Co alloy .

  15. 微量Ag、Mg共同加入可提高2197合金主要强化相&T1相(Al2CuLi)的析出速率和析出密度,使2197合金具有最大的固溶强化效果及最强烈的时效响应和时效强化效果。

    The addition of Ag and Mg jointly can increase precipitation rate and density of T_1 ( Al_2CuLi ) and lead to a larger effect of solution-strengthening , and the strongest aging-response and aging-strengthening .

  16. W-Ni-Cu重合金不平衡凝固与固溶强化

    Investigation on solid solution strengthening and nonequilibrium solidification in W-Ni-Cu heavy alloy

  17. 着重分析加入微量元素Nb、V、Ti通过晶粒细化,析出强化,固溶强化使钢的强度得以提高。

    In this paper , the trace elements Nb , V , Ti could result in grain refining , precipitation strengthening , solid solution strengthening , so as to increase the strength of the steel .

  18. 在含碳0.4(wt%)的HP合金中添加0.5(wt%)以下的Nb,主要起固溶强化作用;

    When the Nb content in HP alloy containing 0.4 wt % C is less than 0.5 wt % , the Nb exists in the matrix and mainly plays the part of solution strengthening .

  19. Fe-Ni-C合金中奥氏体固溶强化对马氏体相变的影响

    Effect of solution strengthening of austenite on Martensitic Transformation in Fe-Ni-C alloys

  20. 试验结果表明,单独加Ag对2197合金的固溶强化效果很小,但有较强的时效强化作用。在本试验中,添加05wt%Ag最为合适;

    The result showed that small addition of Ag alone has a little effect on solution-strengthening of 2197 alloy but strong aging-strengthening , the addition of 0.5wt % Ag is the most appropriate for 2197 alloy .

  21. 钢中增氮提高了微合金元素的析出强化和细晶强化作用,加上氮元素本身的固溶强化作用,从而减少Mn及微合金元素的加入量。

    Increasing nitrogen increased micro alloying elements precipitation strengthening and fine-grain strengthening effect , add nitrogen element solid solution strengthening function of itself , thus reducing Mn and micro alloying elements join quantity and reduce the cost .

  22. 由于Cr和Zr的复合加入除了起到固溶强化的效应外,还起到沉淀强化的作用,所以Cr-Zr-Cu合金的屈服及抗拉强度都要高于Ag-Cu合金。

    As the compound by adding Cr and Zr in addition to play solid solution strengthening effect , but also play a role in precipitation strengthening .

  23. Y、Zn元素的细晶强化及Zn元素的固溶强化是屈服强度提高的主要原因;抗拉强度和延伸率的降低是由于化合物相沿晶界析出。

    The improvement of YTS is attributed to the grain refinement strengthening of Y and Zn , and to the solid solution strengthening of Zn . The reduction of UTS and elongation are caused by the precipitation of a compound phase along the grain boundary .

  24. 熔覆层的土要强化机制是WC颗粒的弥散强化和C,Cr及B等合金元素溶入γ-Ni(Me)中产生的固溶强化。

    It is proved that the main hardening mechanism of the coating belongs to the dispersion hardening of WC particles in the γ - Ni ( Me ) matrix , the solution hardening duo to dissolving of C , Cr and B etc. into γ - Ni ( Me ) .

  25. Cu-Ag-Zr合金的高强度来源于Ag的固溶强化、β-Ag与铜锆化合物粒子的析出强化;

    The high strength of the Cu-Ag-Zr alloy results from solid solution strengthen of Ag and precipitation strengthen of β - Ag and Cu-Zr compound particles , the alloys have obviously aging strengthening effect .

  26. 金属强化的几种主要方式,细晶强化、位错强化、晶界与亚结构强化、第二相强化、固溶强化等都在ADI得到了体现。

    All the strengthening mechanisms such as fine grain strengthening , grain boundary strengthening , dislocation strengthening , solid solution strengthening , second phase strengthening and phase transformation strengthening play their roles in enhancing the properties of ADI .

  27. 当向Cu-8P合金中加入3%的Ni时,合金的硬度值达到最小值,这是由于合金成分偏离共晶成分且Ni的固溶强化作用比较微弱的综合效果。

    It is also interestingly found that Cu-P alloys with addition of 3 % Ni possess the lowest hardness value which is caused by the combined effect of eutectic deviation and weak solid solution strengthening due to the addition of Ni .

  28. 本文讨论了二元Au合金系中富Au端相图特征,合金元素在Au合金中分布及强化与脆化倾向性,分析了合金元素对Au的固溶强化参数和沉淀强化参数。

    The characteristic of gold-rich phase diagrams in binary Au alloy systems , the tendency of distribution and of strengthening of alloying elements in and to gold were summarized in present paper . The parameters of solid solution strengthening and precipitation strengthening of alloying elements to gold were analyzed .

  29. 强化机制主要表现为细晶强化与固溶强化。

    The strengthening mechanisms are chiefly grains refining and solution reinforcing .

  30. W-N-Cu重合金固溶强化的机理研究

    A study on solid solution strengthening of W-Ni-Cu heavy alloy