
  1. 总之,互联网上销售量最大的商品并非音乐、并非玩具,并非图书和鲜花,而是股票。

    After all , the biggest-selling consumer item on the Internet is not music , not toys , not books or flowers . It 's stock .

  2. 沙札姆娱乐已经创造出一套商品化的音乐辨识系统,可利用行动电话辨识歌曲的旋律,并且已正式在英国推出。

    Shazam entertainment has created a commercial music-recognition system , now available in britain , that allows people to identify tunes using their cell phones .

  3. 人们认为,放慢商品里播放音乐的节奏能让顾客认为才过了一小会儿时间,从而花更多的时间仔细查看货架上的商品。

    It is thought that slowing down the tempo of music in shops can trick customers into thinking less time has passed , and therefore spend more time perusing the shelves , for example .

  4. 音乐市场是媒介,其它三个环节必须都得存在于音乐市场之中,可分为生产要素市场和商品市场,作为音乐经济各个环节运行的平台,在音乐经济的运行过程中起到重要的作用。

    , the music market is the medium . the other three steps have to exist in the music market . it can be devided into the product elements market and goods market . being the platform for each step , the music market plays an important party .