
  1. 再加上商品归类与关税征收联系紧密,其与WTO相关制度的协调也至关重要。

    In addition , the goods classification is closely connected with duty collection . Thus the coordination between the system and relevant WTO mechanism is essential .

  2. 海关对所作出的商品归类等行政裁定,应当予以公布。

    The administrative rulings on classification made by Customs shall be publicized .

  3. 归纳了协调制度商品归类的几条基本原则;

    Secondly , several fundamental principles about H.S are summarized ;

  4. 解析国际物流通关时商品归类的共性归类原则国际通用银道坐标系

    Analysis on the General Character Classification Principle of Import-export Goods ; IAU galactic coordinate system

  5. 第一章介绍了海关商品归类的定义、法律依据及特点。

    Chapter ⅰ introduces the Customs commodity classification definition , the legal basis and the characteristics .

  6. 必要时,海关可以组织化验、检验,并将海关认定的化验、检验结果作为商品归类的依据。

    Whenever necessary , the Customs may make arrangements for analysis and inspection and take the results it confirms as the basis for classification .

  7. 第五章主要应用本文提出的具体的商品归类的原则,对一些具体的商品进行归类,进一步论证本文提出的归类原则;

    Based on the concrete principles for commodity categorization proposed in the dissertation , chapter five categorizes some specific commodities and demonstrates further the categorization principles .

  8. 海关可以要求进出口货物的收发货人提供确定商品归类所需的有关资料;

    The Customs may ask the consignee for import goods and the consigner for export goods to provide it with information needed for determining their classification .

  9. 笔者通过对法律条文及实际案例的分析,探究了商品归类争议案件的管辖权问题及《协调制度》在案件中的角色。

    The author clarifies the jurisdiction and the role of the " Harmonized System " in cases on tariff classification by analyzing the legal text and cases .

  10. 对海关来说,商品归类是控制关税收入的重要途径,甚至可以作为贸易保护的有利手段。

    In the opinion of Customs , Commodity Classification is an important way to control the customs revenue , even as a favorable means of trade protection .

  11. 顾客联系玛莎百货,投诉该商场将一系列商品归类为男孩玩具,包括玩具飞机、小汽车、恐龙、赛车、猫、单子和弹出式消防站。

    Customers contacted MS to complain at a range of toys called Boy 's Stuff , which included planes , cars , dinosaurs , racing cars , cat toys , a marble run and a pop-up fire station .

  12. 顾客联系玛莎百货,投诉该商场将一系列商品归类为“男孩玩具”,包括玩具飞机、小汽车、恐龙、赛车、猫、单子和弹出式消防站。

    Customers contacted M & S to complain at a range of toys called " Boy 's Stuff , " which included planes , cars , dinosaurs , racing cars , cat toys , a marble run and a pop-up fire station .

  13. 如何正确对进出口商品进行归类

    How to classify the import and export commodity correctly

  14. 海关商品编码归类的实用技巧

    Practical Skills of Customs Product Code Classification

  15. 中国海关积极为企业提供出口归类咨询服务,认真执行出口商品预归类制度,努力避免因归类问题延误出口通关。

    In addition , China Customs has been active in providing classification-related consulting services and trying to avoid any delay of the clearance of import goods due to reasons of misclassification .

  16. 本文就从纤维的梳理程度这个角度出发,对其在进出口通关过程中对部分商品产生的归类差异进行了分析。

    This article analyzes impacts of fiber carding degree on fiber product classification in the customs clearance of import and export .

  17. 《商品名称及编码协调制度》(以下简称《协调制度》)是为统一国际贸易中的商品归类标准,促进国际贸易的发展,满足海关、统计、运输等部门基本需求而编制的商品目录。

    " Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System " ( hereinafter referred to as the " Harmonized System ") is an uniform criteria for tariff classification . The system is used to facilitate international trade , and satisfy basic requirements in customs , statistics , transportation and so on .