
shānɡ rén yín hánɡ
  • merchant bank
  1. 他的公司华兴资本(ChinaRenaissance)是一家商人银行,一方面对新经济企业进行投资,另一方面向这些企业提供传统证券服务。

    His company , China Renaissance , is a merchant bank which invests in and provides traditional securities services to new economy groups .

  2. 我行是商人银行,建于1869年。

    We were established as a merchant bank as long ago as1869 .

  3. 上世纪90年代,华尔街大公司扫荡伦敦金融城,一路收编规模较小的商人银行,如Warburg和施罗德(Schroders)。

    The big Wall Street firms swept through the City of London in the 1990s , picking up smaller merchant banks , such as Warburg and Schroders , on their way .

  4. 商人银行大部分存在于伦敦及一些英联邦国家。

    Many of the merchant banks are also acceptance houses .

  5. 伦敦一家商人银行的体制

    The Organization of a London Merchant Bank

  6. 但它们将变成规模较小的专业化机构,如同昔日的商人银行。

    But they will be smaller , specialist institutions , like the merchant banks of old .

  7. 这些家伙提供相当水准的服务,你将需要有一个标准的商人银行帐户。

    These guys offer a pretty standard service and you will need to have a merchant account with Standard Bank .

  8. 查尔斯?拉姆齐是伦敦一家商人银行行长,他正就他所在银行的体制接受采访。

    Charles Ramsay , the Director of a London merchant bank , is being interviewed about his bank 's organization .

  9. 投资银行[美国];商人银行[英国]:接受一家公司新发行的股票并向公众销售以谋利的机构。

    Investment Bank [ US ] ; merchant Bank [ UK ] : Institution that accepts new issues of stocks from a corporation and attempts to sell them to the public at a profit .

  10. 商人需要银行为他们提供资金以资助企业发展。

    Merchants needed banks for their funds to finance their business .

  11. 它假设记号化的发生之间的商人和银行的收购。

    It assumes that tokenization is happening between the merchant and the acquiring bank .

  12. 但是这些钱很快通过收到款项的商店和商人回到银行,存入他们自己的银行户头。

    But this money is quickly returned to the banks by the shops and traders who receive it and who pay it into their own bank accounts .

  13. 这两种协议都能有效解决客户、商人、银行等之间的通信认证的可靠性问题,适用于实际移动电子商务环境中。

    Both agreements can be an effective solution to customers , merchants , banks and other communications between the reliability of authentication for mobile e-commerce in the actual environment .

  14. 美元也为制定货币政策提供一个定位点,在该地区金融市场不发达的背景下,有助于商人和银行规避外汇风险。

    The dollar also provides an anchor for monetary policy and , given the undeveloped state of the region 's financial markets , facilitates hedging by merchants and banks against exchange rate risk .

  15. 联邦上诉法庭否决了一个案件,该案向银行在借记卡交易业务上所收取的费用上限发起挑战,美国哥伦比亚特区上诉法庭推翻了地方法庭的裁决,此前地方法庭做出了有利于商人并使银行受挫的判决。

    Federal appeals court has shut down a challenge the current cap on fees banks can charge businesses for debit card transactions , the US Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia overturning a lower court decision that favored merchants and was viewed as a setback for banks .

  16. 商人缺乏的不是银行贷款,是信心;处于困境的主要是小企业。

    What businessmen lack is confidence , not bank loans ; it is mostly small businesses that suffer .