
  • 网络commercial geological work
  1. 商业性地质工作投入不足;

    Insufficient investment in commercial geological work ;

  2. 目前商业性地质工作的重中之重,是必须抓住矿产勘查风险资本的本质,全方位多途径地筹集风险资本,冲破融资瓶颈。

    Therefore at present the central task of commercial geological work consist in all-directional and many-channel raising fund in the light of the characteristics of mineral exploration risk capital and breaking financing " bottleneck " restrictions .

  3. 论商业性地质工作的运行机制

    On working discussion on operation mechanism of commercial geological project

  4. 运用集成思想浅谈商业性地质工作

    Discussion on the commercial geological work by using integration idea

  5. 商业性地质工作的经营及管理

    Running and management of commercial geological work

  6. 文章认为地质勘查业仍然是地勘单位的主导产业,商业性地质工作大有可为。

    The paper considers that geological prospecting industry is still main industry of geological prospecting units .

  7. 商业性地质工作的思考

    Consideration about the commercial geological works

  8. 实行勘查开发一体化推进商业性地质工作发展&对甘肃地矿局黄金勘查开发一体化发展的认识和思考

    Commercial Geology-Exploration and Development Integration & Thoughts on Gold Exploration and Development Integration-Gansu Provincial Geology and Mineral Resources Bureau

  9. 公益性地质工作和商业性地质工作是我国地质工作相辅相成、缺一不可的两个组成部分。

    Commonweal and commercial geologic works are two parts of geologic tasks which supple to each other and none is dispensable in our country .

  10. 东部地区商业性地质工作发展态势与运行特点&山东、福建商业性勘查的调查与思考

    DEVELOPMENT TREND AND OPERATION CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL GEOLOGICAL PROJECT IN EASTERN CHINA & The Investigation and Thought on Commercial Geological Prospecting in Shandong and Fujian Provinces

  11. 按照社会主义市场经济发展的客观要求,公益性地质调查工作应该与商业性地质工作分开运行。

    In accordance with the objective requirements for development of the socialist market economy , non-profit geological survey should be operated in a way different from that of commercial geological work .

  12. 地勘经济是独立的行业经济,目前地勘行业面临着与市场经济接轨、属地化管理、公益性和商业性地质工作分制运行的现实。

    At present , the geological prospecting industry is facing the following : transition to the market economy , located management , and the separately running of public and commercial geological work .

  13. 在公益性地质工作得到初步加强的同时,如何认识商业性地质工作风险管理的问题,是当前政府部门和地勘单位值得关注的一个重要问题。

    It is an important problem that calls for attention for the present governmental department and geological survey units to realize the risk management in commercial geological work while initially strengthening the public-interest geological work .

  14. 在例举大量实际材料的基础上,从勘查技术劳务市场、矿业权市场、矿业资本市场三个方面,介绍了山东、福建两省商业性地质工作运行态势。

    On the basis of the practical data , the paper introduced the operation state and trend of commercial geological project in Shandong and Fujian provinces , through the market of labour services on prospecting technicals , mining right and mining industry capital .

  15. 面对市场主动出击,多渠道吸收资金,尝试了找钱探矿的新途径,为今后从事商业性地质工作积累了经验。

    Trying to gain the initiative in the market , absorbing funds through various channels , it has tried a new way of " looking for money of ore search " , and has accumulated some experience for business geological work in the future .

  16. 商业性地质工作的网络管理任务是:制定网络战略,实现更大范围内的资源优化配置;培养知识主管;

    The task of net-management of the commercial geological work is as follows : making strategy for network , realizing the better deployment of resources , training people in charge of knowledge , dredging communication channel , creating intelligence group , and releasing detailed information .

  17. 地勘企业按照现代企业制度的要求,以上市为目的进行股份制改制,是探索商业性地质工作进入资本市场一种积极和有效的尝试。

    It is useful for us to find a way by which commercial geological work can enter into the capital market in accordance with the demands concerning the system of modern enterprises , which involves restructuring of the stockholding system by reason of being listed on the stock market .

  18. 试论公益性与商业性地质勘查工作论商业性地质风险管理

    Discussion on the commercial geological work by risking management

  19. 将商业性与公益性地质工作分开运行是我国地质工作体制改革的方向。

    It is the direction for restructuring China 's geological work system to separate commercial geological work from public geological work .