
  1. 品牌底蕴对中国奢侈品消费者的品质认知非常重要。

    Brand heritage is important to the Chinese luxury consumers ' perception of quality .

  2. 影响中医师对病患于医疗服务品质期望认知落差的因素,包括医师每月看诊日数、职务、与中医市场竞争程度。

    The associated factors of this gap included physicians'monthly practice days , physicians'position status , and competition of Chinese medicine market .

  3. 通过大学生对创新型人才心理品质结构认知特点的研究,可以推测大学生的心理品质状况,并据此提出强化或塑造大学生创新型人才心理品质的对策和建议。

    By the research , we can infer the university students ' psychological quality , and also we can put forward some counter-plans to strengthen the talented persons ' psychological quality of the university students based on it .

  4. 具有强烈的特质自信,具备优秀的意志品质,运动认知特质焦虑水平较稳定。

    It mainly has the following characteristics as : had the characteristics of strong self-confidence , have good will quality , exercise cognitive trait anxiety level is relatively stable .

  5. 掌握整体化思想方法有利于培养学生的直觉思维能力和辨证唯物主义观点,发展学生的思维品质和审美认知能力;

    Grasping integral thoughtway will help the students to train their own intuitive capability of thought , dialectical materialist point of view , quality of thought and capability of appreciating beauty and recognizing things .

  6. 具体说来,高中生的数学思维品质与数学元认知存在明显的相关性,其中思维的灵活性和深刻性与数学元认知相关程度最高。

    Research shows that there exists obvious correlation between high school students ' quality of mathematical thinking and mathematical meta-cognition , in which the degree of flexibility and depth of thinking relates to mathematical meta-cognition most .

  7. 电子政府门户网站的整体服务品质、公众对服务品质维度的认知程度,均与使用者满意度呈现正相关。

    Users ' perception toward service quality and the four facets were positively correlated with the whole satisfaction of systematic service .