
  • 网络Perceived Quality;Preceived Quality
  1. 品牌忠诚度、品牌知名度、品质认知度、品牌联想度和其他资产5个部分构成了公司的品牌资产。

    Brand loyal degree , brand popularity , quality cognition degree , brand associate degree and other assets 5 part form brand equity of company .

  2. 最后应用相关分析的方法,证实了原产地效应对品牌知名度、品质认知度、以及品牌个性影响消费者品牌态度的作用机制中起到的屏蔽作用。

    Finally , correlate analysis is used . The result shows that the country-of-origin interfere the effect , which brand awareness , brand quality and brand personality cause on brand attitude .