
  • 网络Brand performance;BRAND EXPRESSION
  1. 服务质量对顾客感知的品牌表现有显著影响。

    Hotel service quality has a significant influence on hotel brand performance .

  2. 你会考虑那类别的品牌表现及品牌形象,能直接特显你个人身份与地位于社群中?

    Which type of a brand , you will consider brand performance and imagery it can direct differentiate your personal identity and social status in society ?

  3. 总统顾问凯莉安妮?康韦(KellyanneConway)就对她老板女儿的“美好”品牌表现出了极大热情,以至于被控为了鼓励民众“去购买伊凡卡的产品”而违反联邦道德法规。

    Kellyanne Conway , counsellor to the president , has shown a passion for her boss 's daughter 's " wonderful " brand so intense that she has been accused of violating federal ethics laws in order to encourage folks to " go and buy her stuff . "

  4. 今天他们使用更加创新和金融控制的手段来更好的确定品牌表现出来的价值。

    Today they use more innovative and financially driven techniques to better quantify the value that brands represent .

  5. 一方面,消费者借助网络的力量,通过口碑传播的方式,对品牌表现出越来越深刻的影响力。另一方面,营销者也开始借助网络口碑,通过各种形式开展对产品及品牌的口碑塑造。

    On one hand , consumers , with the help of Internet , have exerted more profound influence on product brand through word of mouth communication .

  6. 在美国知名品牌表现出色的领域,如快餐和酒店连锁,主要成本落在当地合作伙伴的账簿上,美国跨国公司从加盟费中受益。

    In areas where prominent US brands stand out-fast food and hotel chains-the major costs are on the books of local partners while US multinationals benefit from franchise fees .

  7. 常常对奢侈品品牌表现出强烈兴趣的中国消费者,正成为伦敦西区每年5000万海外游客中越来越重要的组成部分。

    Chinese shoppers , who often show a strong interest in luxury brands , are an increasingly important component of the 50m overseas visitors to the West End every year .

  8. 研究发现:(1)在餐饮行业内,顾客满意主要受到企业的品牌表现、服务人员的服务素质、价格水平和质量水平的影响。

    Study found that : ( 1 ) In the catering industry . customer satisfaction mainly by corporate brands performance , service quality , price and quality perception of the impact of perception .

  9. 科技品牌今年表现很好,谷歌(Google)和苹果(Apple)均位列前10。

    Technology brands have done very well this year , Google and Apple are in the top 10 .

  10. BrandZ表示,最具价值品牌的表现超过金融市场,这说明了它们的财务实力和对股东的价值。

    The biggest brands outperform financial markets , according to BrandZ , which says this illustrates their financial power and value to shareholders .

  11. 因此,即使公司做得不好,其品牌依然表现良好。

    So even when it was doing badly , the brand was doing well .

  12. 经济全球化加剧了国际市场的竞争,品牌竞争表现为新一轮竞争的焦点。

    As the economic globalization intensifying the competition of the international market , the competitiveness of brand became the focus of the new round of competition .

  13. 如今采取反对立场,可能有助于为谷歌品牌历来表现出的理想主义增添一些光芒,增强广告客户和用户对谷歌的亲切感。

    Taking a stand now could help to burnish some of the idealism traditionally attached to its brand and reinforce the goodwill of advertisers and users .

  14. 为了突出专卖店与其他商业建筑类型的设计差异,这一部分中重点论述了如何结合品牌理念表现出专卖店的特色,分别分析了专卖店空间设计与形象设计的设计模式与手法。

    In order to give prominence to the store and other commercial buildings , this part mainly expounds design mode and technique with the brand idea which is combined with the characteristic , showing boutique shops space design analyzing with image design .

  15. 不过,MillwardBrownOptimor也一直在评估品牌对股市表现的影响&人们目前对这个领域的研究很少。

    But Millward Brown Optimor has also been measuring the effects of brand on stock market performance – an area where little research has been done .

  16. 期刊品牌标志的表现手法及传达特性研究

    Studies on Expression Techniques and Transmission Characteristics of Periodical Brand Mark

  17. 景区品牌直观地表现为一个符号或符号群,可以而且应该被纳入符号学研究视野。

    As a symbol , tourist attraction brand can and should be taken into semiotic studying field .

  18. 当前,信阳劳务经济已经形成了品牌效应,表现出劳务经济起步早、规模大、效益好,劳务经济质量不断提高,品牌劳务战略初见成效等特点。

    At present , labor economy in Xinyang is famous for the following characteristics : early start , large scale , good quality and efficient labor strategy .

  19. 核心识别是持续的、相对恒定的品牌精髓的表现,是品牌的基因,规定了品牌延伸发展以及品牌传播的基本信息,并代表了一个品牌最中心、最稳定的要素。

    Core identification , the indication of the relatively constant essence of a brand name , is the name 's " gene ", defines the extended development and the basic information of the brand and represents the most central and stable factor of it .

  20. 在这些品牌中,美特斯邦威表现不俗。

    As these brands go , Metersbonwe has done well .

  21. 国际变色龙品牌的商业广告表现研究&以日化行业为例

    The Commercial Advertising Performance Research of International Chameleon Brands , Take Daily Chemical Industry for Example

  22. 其次,通过定性和定量分析,进一步对品牌生态竞争力的表现进行研究,构建了品牌生态竞争力的评价模型;

    Secondly , carried on research to the behavior of brand ecological competitiveness through qualitative and quantitative analysis , and designed the appraisal model of brand ecological competitiveness ;

  23. 一方面,绿色食品标志作为证明商标是品牌的一种表现形式,绿色食品区域品牌是其从属概念。

    On the one hand , the green food mark is a manifestation of certifying that trademarks are brands . Green food regional brand is its subordinate concept .

  24. 本文的研究主要创新成果如下:第一,刻画了高科技品牌资产的市场表现维度。该维度由创新绩效、扩张绩效和市场绩效的三成分构成。

    The main innovation of this study is as follows : Firstly , High-Tech brand market demension variables are analysized : Innovation performance , expansion performance and market performance .

  25. 本文最后根据视觉表现的调研结果及形象分析,总结出服装品牌广告视觉形象表现的发展趋势与前景。

    Finally , according to the findings of visual performance and image analysis , summed up the trends and prospects of development of the advertising visual image of the clothing brand performance .

  26. 服务品牌竞争力则从品牌市场表现力、品牌知名度、品牌满意度和品牌忠诚度四个维度进行衡量。

    Service brand competitiveness is measured from four dimensions : brand market performance , brand popularity , brand satisfaction and brand loyalty .

  27. 安踏主要依靠旗下斐乐(Fila)品牌进军高端市场,该品牌一直表现不错。

    Anta 's high-end foray is focused on its Fila brand , which has been doing well .

  28. 感觉到这种品牌可以比其它品牌能更好的表现自己的个性或能更好的反映其生活方式。

    Who feel that the brand reflects their personality or lifestyle better than other brands .

  29. 在中国这样一个推崇德系高端品牌轿车的国家,美国豪车品牌的表现会如何目前还不清楚。

    It also isn 't clear how well American luxury brands will fare in a nation that often favors German high-end brands .

  30. 消费者自我形象影响其对特定品牌的选择和使用,同时消费者又通过特定品牌的消费来表现和强化其自我形象。

    Consumer self-image influences the choice and use of brands . Meanwhile consumers strengthen their self-image through the use of specific brand .