
  • 网络brand community;virtual brand community
  1. 体育营销中品牌社群的消费价值研究

    A Study on Consumption Value of Brand Community in Sports Marketing

  2. 品牌社群形成机理模型初探

    The Exploratory Study of the Model of Forming Mechanism of Brand Community

  3. 收集问卷并通过SPSS软件对虚拟品牌社群下社群互动对品牌忠诚的影响模型和相应的假设进行验证和修正。

    And verify and revise those models and hypothesis through analysis the impact of community members information interact on brand loyalty in the virtual brand community with SPSS .

  4. 以品牌社群经营提升顾客品牌忠诚度

    Boosting Customer Brand Loyalty by the Management of " Brand Groups "

  5. 当今,品牌社群研究已成为国际品牌研究领域的一个前沿问题。

    Nowadays , brand community is a cutting-edge field under investigation in the world .

  6. 品牌社群是以核心品牌的消费者为中心建立起来的非地理意义上的社会关系网络。

    Brand community is a non-geographical social network which is consisted of core brand consumers .

  7. 品牌社群是指使用相同品牌产品的人结合而形成的社会关系团体。

    Brand community refers to social groups combining by those who use the same brand products .

  8. 本研究依据意见领袖的异质性,从人格特质的角度切入,研究不同人格特质对品牌社群承诺的影响,具有一定的理论意义。

    Based on the heterogeneity of the opinion leaders , this study starts from the personality traits .

  9. 品牌社群融入的测量、影响因素及其对品牌忠诚的影响研究

    The Study on Measurement , Influencing Factors of Brand Community Integration and Its Impact on the Brand Loyalty

  10. 品牌社群影响品牌忠诚的作用机理研究&基于超然消费体验的分析视角

    Research of Mechanism of Impact of Brand Community on Brand Loyalty & Based on the Transcendent Consumer Experience Perspective

  11. 文章的重点在于探索品牌社群对品牌资产的作用机理。

    The focal part of the thesis lies in exploring the action mechanism of brand community on brand equity .

  12. 消费者可以在地球的任何一个地方,任何时间都可以在虚拟品牌社群中讨论和获取自己需要的信息。

    Consumers can get those information what their need in a online brand community discussion , anywhere , anytime .

  13. 一方面,形成品牌社群的品牌能有效的凝聚消费者,并提升消费者的品牌忠诚度。

    On the one hand , brand with its own community could effectively assemble consumers together and enhance their brand loyalty .

  14. 有学者的研究表明,品牌社群的建设对于提高品牌忠诚度有重要作用。

    Some research shows that , that the brand construction of the community is important to improve brand loyalty is obviously .

  15. 第三,要发挥实体品牌社群与虚拟品牌社群的同步发展,实现互补的效果。

    Third , we should exert physical brand community and virtual brand community synchronous development , to achieve a complementary effect .

  16. 而零售企业促销力度和品牌社群关系都对消费者购买意向产生调节作用。

    However , the sales promotion of the retail enterprise and the brand social community relationship may regulate consumers ' purchasing intention .

  17. 事实上,基于在线品牌社群的用户生成内容,提供给消费者的互动价值越大,对消费者品牌态度的影响也越显著。

    In fact , The more interactive value provided by User-generated content based on online brand community , the more influence it will occur .

  18. 本文构建虚拟品牌社群下社群成员信息互动对品牌忠诚的影响模型。

    Therefore , this article build model some assumptions with the impact of community members information interact on brand loyalty in the virtual brand community .

  19. 采用实证研究与规范研究相结合,定性研究与定量研究相结合,得出体育品牌社群的四大消费价值有益于为企业建立稳固的顾客群。

    This paper combines demonstration with criterion , and quantitative evaluation with qualitative analysis , to get the results that the four consumption value of sports brand community is beneficial to establish steady consumer for enterprise .

  20. 在线品牌社群也随着网络的快速发展和普及,成为消费者搜寻产品与品牌的信息、进行互动交往的关键场所。

    In the age of internet , website develop fast and become popular , making online brand community become the important site for consumer to search information about product or brand and communicate with each other .

  21. 对于企业而言,其对品牌社群的品牌资产提升价值的关注程度要远高于品牌社群对单纯的品牌忠诚度的价值与贡献。

    For enterprises , they intend to pay much more attention to " the brand equity promotion value of brand community " than " the contribution and value of brand community to the pure brand loyalty " .

  22. 体育营销堪称21世纪最有效的市场推广工具之一,而品牌社群的消费是体育营销的时代要求,成为企业现代化和成熟程度的重要标志。

    Sports marketing is regarded as one of the most useful marketing tools in 21st century . And the consumption of brand community is epoch demand in sports marketing , which becomes the vital symbol to modernization and mature of enterprise .

  23. 因此,本文的主要研究平台&虚拟品牌社群很有理论价值和现实意义。虚拟品牌社群是利用互联网技术构建的虚拟网络平台,虚拟品牌社群具有它的特殊性、地域性和空间性。

    Therefore , this article main research platform & virtual brand community is a theoretical value and practical significance , online brand community is using Internet technology to construct the virtual network platform , it has its particularity : regional and spatiality .

  24. 本项研究在理论上的创新点主要体现在以下两个方面:(1)在对品牌社群概念、特征、关系结构、发展动因进行创新性探讨的基础上,重构了品牌生态系统。

    The theoretical innovation points of this study lie in the following two aspects : ( 1 ) The brand ecosystem was reconstructed based on the innovative probe into the concept , characteristics , and relationship structure and development drivers of brand community .

  25. 但是目前我国品牌社群的起步晚,建设不完善,而且没有得到广泛厂商的重视,其中也有厂商在完善和建立社群的过程中显著提高了品牌忠诚。

    But at present in China , brand community start late and develop slowly . The construction of brand community is not perfect , and has no widely attention of enterprise . Also some firm pay attention to build a perfect community and significantly improve the brand loyalty .

  26. 本文希望通过以上的研究分析,能够帮助中国企业从品牌社群的角度重新建立顾客忠诚培养体系,从而获取竞争优势,能够积极应对风云变换的国际、国内市场环境,使企业基业长青。

    Through the above analysis , the author hopes that it can help the Chinese community service enterprises establish a customer loyalty training system in the angle of brand community . And it is good to gain competitive advantage and to actively respond to the transformation of international market environment .

  27. 品牌社区(社群)理论则是社区理论在品牌关系理论中的新发展。

    Brand community theory is a new development of the theory of " community " in the theory of brand relationships .

  28. 尤其是随着网络的快速发展和广泛普及,其快速传播、及时的特点更为虚拟社群的建立提供了良好的平台,对品牌的虚拟社群的研究也更具时代性和参考性。

    With the rapid development of network , the rapid spread and timely spare provide a better platform of brand community , research of virtual community are more timely and referable . Theoretically , value of virtual brand community has distinct relationship with brand loyalty .

  29. 随着产品品牌网络论坛的普遍,品牌社群已成为国内外营销学者最为关注的领域之一。

    With the widespread of the online brand forums , the brand community had became one of the most concerned areas of marketing by scholars at Home and abroad .

  30. 社会心理视角则以消费者-品牌关系为核心,提出品牌活化在品牌故事、理想化的品牌社群、品牌精髓和品牌悖论等四个方面的考虑。

    The perspective of social psychology , centered with customer-brand relationship , proposes that brand rejuvenation should consider four aspects : brand story , ideal brand community , brand essence and brand paradox .