
  • 网络Brand Communication;brand dissemination
  1. 另外,选取AMD工作人员4名,对AMD品牌传播进行了深入个案访谈。

    In addition , we selected four AMD staff to of , in-depth interviews about the AMD brand communication .

  2. 然而SNS是网络新事物,国内外对它缺乏完整、系统的研究,特别是与品牌传播理论相结合的研究更是少之又少。

    However SNS is a new network application , which is lack of the comprehensive 、 systematic research at home and abroad . Especially the research on the combination of SNS and brand communication theory is much less .

  3. 金融危机下中小企业品牌传播的SWOT分析及策略

    SWOT Analysis and Tactics for Small and Medium-sized Brand in Context of Financial Crisis

  4. 依托INCITEGROUP策动全球顶尖资源,策动有能力在任何品牌传播领域中启用首屈一指的精英专家。

    Relying INCITE GROUP instigated the world 's top resources to mount any brand and have the ability to enable communication in the field leading the elite experts .

  5. 我不想见到一款阿斯顿•马丁香水,该车型的品牌传播总监珍妮特•格林(JanetteGreen)表示。

    I don 't want to see an Aston Martin perfume , says Janette Green , the marque 's director of brand communications .

  6. CCTV-10:品牌传播之巅

    CCTV-10 : the best of brand spread

  7. SNS为企业提供了一个与目标消费者进行互动交流,深度沟通的品牌传播平台,企业应该结合自身情况充分运用这个充满商机的网络平台。

    SNS provides the enterprises with a brand communication platform which helps the enterprises to make depth interactions and communication with target consumers , so the enterprises should make full use of this network platform full of business opportunities according to their own conditions .

  8. 作为广告业领导者群体,4A公司策划的品牌传播和整合营销案例代表国际最先进的行业水平,同时,4A公司本身由于对整合品牌传播理论的理解不同,也选择了不同的发展道路。

    As the leader group of the advertising industry , 4A companies brand communication planning and integrated marketing represent the most advanced level of advertising industry , but due to different understanding of integrated brand communication theory , 4A companies chose different paths of development .

  9. 姚明价值的开发,让我们不禁会想NBA与CBA的差距究竟在哪?本文从NBA品牌传播使用的策略以及NBA与CBA的比较上研究论述,归纳总结出品牌传播的方法和策略。

    Yao Ming , the value of the development , lets us can not help wonder where the gap between NBA and the CBA ? From the NBA brand communication strategy and comparison with CBA , this paper proposes the research exposition summarized and brand communication methods and strategies .

  10. 通过对TDY公司的品牌传播现状的分析,发现TDY公司存在品牌传播主题分散、传播渠道力量薄弱以及传播投入不稳定的问题。

    Through the status quo analysis of TDY Company , the author finds that there existed the following problems , such as spread dissemination of the themes in brand communication , weak strength of the channels of brand communication , and unstable input in brand communication .

  11. 品牌传播:新媒体环境下广告内涵演进的取向

    Brand Communication , Trend of Ad in the New Media Background

  12. 探索中国家用轿车整合品牌传播策略

    Explore the Strategy of Local BIC of China 's Domestic Car

  13. 我国大学出版社品牌传播效果实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on the Brand Communication Effects of China University Presses

  14. 其四,基于形象识别统一品牌传播。

    Fourth , based on image recognition uniform brand dissemination .

  15. 浅谈金融危机下少数民族地区的旅游品牌传播对策

    Tourism brand communication strategy after the financial crisis in Ethnic Minority Areas

  16. 中国商业银行品牌传播研究

    A Study in Brand Communication of China 's Commercial Bank

  17. 再次,服装品牌传播具有不断创新的特点。

    Thirdly , clothing brand communication has the characteristic of unceasing innovation .

  18. 本文首先界定品牌传播以及电视媒介品牌传播。

    Firstly the paper defines brand communication and the television brand communication .

  19. 最后,服装品牌传播强调传播的高效率。

    Lastly , clothing brand communication emphasis high effective rate .

  20. 现代烟草品牌传播策略趋向研析

    Research on the Strategic Trend of Modern Tobacco Brand Spread

  21. 跨文化品牌传播管理中往往存在着许多不稳定性问题。

    Intercultural brand management is often unstable , there are many problems .

  22. 巧妙运用口碑传播,提高品牌传播效率;

    Utilize oral communication skillfully to improve brand communication efficiency ;

  23. 城市形象宣传中的品牌传播研究

    On " City Brand Communication " in Cosmopolitan Image Building

  24. 草根文化和恶搞文化背景下的品牌传播

    Brand Communication in the Background of Grass Root Culture and Parody Culture

  25. 品牌传播:湖南电视现象的勃兴与启示

    Communication of Trademark : The Vigorous Hunan TV Phenomenon and Its Enlightenment

  26. 食品品牌传播环境的变化及应对策略

    The Changes of Food Brand Communication Environment and the Strategy

  27. 基于降低消费者隐性成本的品牌传播研究

    Study on brand communication based on reducing consumer ′ s implicit cost

  28. 金融企业的品牌传播策略研究&以招商银行为例

    Financial enterprise 's brand broadcasting strategy research & take Merchant Bank as example

  29. 本文论述了电视品牌传播的内涵、模式及特点。

    The paper addresses intension , mode and characteristic of television brand communication .

  30. 第五,广东区域品牌传播存在的问题及对策性建议。

    Fifth , the problems and countermeasures recommendations of brand communication in Guangdong .