
  1. 在本研究中,学琴的早晚(以8岁为界)与注意力的稳定性、背谱能力相关;与注意习惯、听觉习惯无关。

    The time of starting is correlative with attention stability and memorizing and has little correlation with the bad habit of attention and auditory sensation .

  2. 由新技法创作的现代音乐,使人们在听觉上已不习惯它的表现方式。

    Created by the new techniques of modern music , so people have not used it in the hearing on the expression .

  3. 对听觉纬度的考察结果表明,被试群具有良好的听觉习惯与听觉表象能力,而内心听觉能力处于较低水平。

    Subjects have a good habit of auditory sensation and impression , but have a weak ability of internal auditory sensation .