
tīng rèn
  • allow;let;resignation;indulge;leave free
听任 [tīng rèn]
  • [allow;let] 随其发展,不加干预

听任[tīng rèn]
  1. 如果公司管理层听任自己被Tweeter上的网民吓倒,他们将失去战斗力,变革将比以往更加艰难,现状将永远维持下去。

    If managers allow themselves to be frightened of the tweeting mob , they will become emasculated , change will be even harder than it ever was , and the status quo will always prevail .

  2. 20决不能听任这一局面毁掉自己。

    The G20 must not allow this to derail it .

  3. 你怎么听任他那么骂你呢?

    Why did you let him swear at you like that ?

  4. 如果听任土壤变干,树木可能会枯死。

    If the soil is allowed to dry out the tree could die .

  5. 她能听任他们嘲笑却从不还击,这让我更加敬佩她。

    I admired her all the more for allowing them to ridicule her and never striking back

  6. 她听任门砰地关上。

    She let the door slam

  7. 这些建筑被听任破败下去。

    These buildings were left to decay .

  8. 不能听任错误思想自由泛滥。

    No erroneous ideas should be allowed to spread unchecked .

  9. 在旧社会,妇女要听任摆布。

    In the old days , women were at others ' disposal .

  10. 他不想说话时,我们就听任自便吧。

    When he doesn 't feel like talking , we just let him be .

  11. 你听任自己的情绪低沉下去一点用也没有。

    It 's no use letting yourself fall into the dumps .

  12. 她眼睛里闪过亮光,开始跟我谈起她的单身的儿子Tim。尽管我对重新约会没有兴趣,我还是听任她给我安排跟她儿子的约会。

    With a sparkle in her eye , she began telling me about her single son , Tim . Even though I wasn 't interested in dating again , I let her talk me into meeting him .

  13. 她不能对这样的要求听任不管。

    She could not allow such a claim to go unchallenged .

  14. 你怎么能听任他那样对我说话?

    How can you let him talk to me like that ?

  15. 我们只得听任波涛摆布。

    We therefore trusted ourselves to the mercy of the waves .

  16. 他们不愿意听任外国控制。

    They did not want to resign themselves to foreign control .

  17. 如果听任其依靠自己的机制,市场将会自我毁灭。

    Left to its own devices , the market will self-destruct .

  18. 他们经听任于生活的艰苦挣扎而不抱怨。

    They have surrendered to the struggle of life without complaint .

  19. 国王让他的臣民听任摆布。

    The king had his subjects eating out of his hands .

  20. 工人们完全听任不诚实的雇主的摆布。

    Workers are entirely at the mercy of dishonest employers .

  21. 他听任他的工会会员资格失效。

    He allowed his membership of the union to lapse .

  22. 敌兵纷纷逃窜,听任后面的人遭殃。

    The enemy soldiers fled and let the devil catch the hindmost .

  23. 他说他会听任她为所欲为的。

    He said he would give her all the rope she wanted .

  24. 人们常常听任这些标签贴太长的的时间。

    Often labels are allowed to stick far too long .

  25. 我们不能听任麦克米伦对我们进行这种感情上的讹诈。

    We can 't let Macmillan practice this emotional blackmail on us .

  26. 不应听任他去自行其是。

    We mustn 't leave him to his own devices .

  27. 洛德嘴里咕噜一声,表示知道了,听任那人握住了自己的手。

    Lord muttered an acknowledgement and allowed his hand to be shaken .

  28. 那位老师听任教室里大声吵闹。

    That teacher allows too much noise in the classroom .

  29. 男子汉不该听任他人娇纵。

    A man must not allow himself to be mollycoddled .

  30. 他们听任军方挣脱文官控制。

    They are allowing the military to break free from civilian control .