
  • 网络Post combustion;afterburn;after burning
  1. 模拟结果显示,空气分级改造后燃烧稳定,NOx排放量显著降低,且与实测值较为接近,达到了预计的效果。

    The simulation results showed that air staged combustion is more stable and the NOx emission was significantly reduced . And the simulated results math well with measured ones .

  2. 固体火箭发动机试车后燃烧产物

    The products of afterburning occured in the exhaust gas of solid rocket motor

  3. 如捕获前燃烧、捕获后燃烧和纯氧燃烧。

    If caught before combustion , combustion and after the capture oxygen combustion .

  4. 用于测量易燃纺织品穿着时,一旦点燃后燃烧的剧烈程度和速度。

    Used for testing the flaming degree and speed of textile after being ignited .

  5. 涤沦织物点燃后燃烧很慢,在离开火源时通常会自行熄灭。

    Fabrics made from polyester burn very slowly when ignited and are usually self-extinguishing when removed from the igniting flame .

  6. 试验结果表明,采用飞灰循环回燃后燃烧效率可达99.8%。

    Test results show that a combustion efficiency of 99 . 8 % can be attained with the use of recycled fly-ash .

  7. 论述了设计锅炉时为避免锅炉结渣应采取的措施以及锅炉投运后燃烧强结渣特性煤种应采取的措施,以指导锅炉设计及锅炉运行。

    To guide boiler design and operation , means to avoid slagging in boiler design and firing high slagging coal are discussed .

  8. 试验结果表明:采用快速点传火技术的传火管传火速度大大提高,点火压力增大,点火后燃烧稳定。

    The result showed that , by using a quick ignition technique , the transmitting speed and ignition pressure of the flash tubes increased obviously , and more stable combustion were obtained .

  9. 在提出电弧炉能量过程控制概念的基础上,论述了其控制过程的三个子系统控制:饱和电抗器控制、喷氧和后燃烧控制、能源需求控制。

    On the concept of energy process control in EAF , three subsidiary control system , which are saturation reactor control , oxygen jet control and energy demanding control , are introduced .

  10. 详细分析了燃原煤与将煤气化后燃烧两者的热平衡及热损失,阐述了燃发生炉煤气节能的机理及应采取的措施。

    The paper analyses the thermal balance and heat loss for burning parent coals and burning gas yielded from coal gasification and set forth the mechanism of energy saving for burning producer gas and the adopted measures .

  11. 并通过对某火力发电厂某台机组检修前、后燃烧控制系统输出数据的分析,验证了通过计算得到的评价结果与实际情况是一致的。

    Make analysis of two sets of operating data from a unit of a combustion control system before and after the thermal power plant maintenance to verify the calculation results using the proposed method is the same with the actual situation .

  12. 火柴点燃后在燃烧过程中释放能量。

    The energy is released by combustion on the application of a match

  13. 用未经阻燃处理的牛仔织物增强阻燃PP制备的复合材料的极限氧指数仍然很低,在空气中就可以点燃后缓慢燃烧。

    The composites made by the denim without flame retardant treatment reinforced the flame retardant PP have low LOI , which can burn in the air .

  14. 通过投运后锅炉燃烧调整试验,证明了燃烧器顶部布置反向OFA是一种减少四角切圆燃烧残余旋转引起的烟温偏差的有效方法。

    Through the boiler combustion experiment , it was proved as an effective method to reduce the flue gas temperature deviation by the arrangement of reversed OFA on the top of burner .

  15. 按照设计大部分卫星在完成任务后自行燃烧。

    Most satellites are designed to burned up themselves after completing mission .

  16. 锅炉燃烧器改造后的燃烧调整试验研究

    Study on the Combustion Adjustment Test after the Retrofit of Burner of Boiler

  17. 这是叛乱爆发后霍姆斯燃烧过后的木头。

    It 's some of the wood rebels broke out of Homs to burn .

  18. 飞机坠毁后猛烈燃烧起米。

    The aircraft crashed and burst into flames .

  19. 当储层中的气体渗透率提高后,燃烧前缘开始向生产井中运动。

    After permeability development for gas , the burning front starts moving forward to the production wells .

  20. 通过AVL657数字采集分析系统的测量,分析了改进后的燃烧系统。

    The preliminary analysis for improved combustion system have been made on the basis of the measurement of its parameters .

  21. 在车用柴油机上引用缩口低排放型燃烧室后,燃烧系统向直喷化发展。

    Combustion system is developing into the direct injection trend with the introduction of reentrant type combustion chamber for diesel engine .

  22. 该模型为预报高炉大量喷煤后煤粉燃烧率提供了基础。

    The model can also be used for predicting coal burning rate for large scal pulverized coal injection in blast furnace .

  23. 测试和评价了改造前后锅炉运行状况、改造后的燃烧区域冷态空气动力场。

    The running conditions before and after reforming , and the cold aerodynamic field in combustion zone after reforming are tested and evaluated .

  24. 介绍了煤层顺流燃烧的特点,以及将煤筛分后分级燃烧对层状燃烧过程的影响。

    His paper deals with the characteristics of the concurrent combustion of fixed coal bed and the influence of screened coal on the combustion .

  25. 结构优化后的燃烧装置进行了实验室试验运行,验证了燃烧装置具有非常好的升温控制能力和温度与能量的平衡能力。

    The burning equipment was tested in the laboratory , proving that it had good temperature-rising control ability and temperature and energy balance ability .

  26. 在褐煤和烟煤中加入生物质后,燃烧特征温度降低,燃烧速率增大;

    And the combustion characteristic temperature decreases while the maximum rate of combustion increases with the addition of biomass materials for lignite and bituminous coals .

  27. 在马格德堡苏军训练基地的一处垃圾存放点,几位克格勃军官将汽油浇到箱子上后放火燃烧。

    On a rubbish dump in a Soviet military training ground near Magdeburg , the officers poured petrol over the cases and set them alight .

  28. 对高温气冷堆石墨元件球后处理燃烧去除石墨过程的比燃烧速率进行了实验测定,并提出了理论计算方法。

    The specific combustion rate of a single graphite ball has been measured by experiments and calculated by theory for removing matrix graphite in HTGR fuel reprocessing .

  29. 实验表明,突然打开固体火箭发动机反向喷管后,燃烧室中可能出现强烈的压力冲击,这种压力冲击来自喷管喉部节流和形成准稳态流动之前的非定常过程。

    It 's verified that a series of intense pressure impulses can occur in the combustion chamber after the thrust reversal nozzles of the solid rocket motor are suddenly opened .

  30. 从能源利用、环境保护和资源开发并重并举的观点出发,提出了将煤先干馏后无烟燃烧的燃煤新方式&分离燃烧,并分析了其技术可行性。

    Equal stress is laid on energy using , environmental protection and resource exploitation and a new burning way of coal is put forward : seperate burning-distillation first and smokeless combustion later .