
  • 网络Programmable Keyboard
  1. 8279芯片可编程键盘显示控制器的应用技巧

    Application Technique on 8279 Programmable Keyboard and LED Display Controller

  2. 可编程键盘/显示器接口在建筑机械控制系统中的应用

    Application of Programming Keyboard / CRT Interface in the Architecture Machinery Micro - control System

  3. 单片计算机与8279可编程键盘/显示器接口应用的研究

    Discussion on application of single board computer and the model 8279 programming keyboard / display interface

  4. 基于嵌入式PC/104的可编程触摸键盘

    Programmable touch keyboard based on embedded PC / 104

  5. 介绍一种可编程触摸键盘的方案,重点阐述基于嵌入式PC/104可编程触摸键盘的功能、特点、组成及原理,并给出了系统软件流程。

    This paper introduces a scheme of programmable touch keyboard , puts emphasis on functions , characteristics , composition and principle of embedded PC / 104 based programmable touch keyboard . It also presents the system software flow chart .

  6. 装置中半导体激光测距仪与单片机之间采用异步串行通讯,外围显示、键盘电路采用可编程8279键盘/显示器接口芯片,从而减少了单片机端口的占用率,提高了系统的响应时间。

    Asynchronous serial communication between semiconductor laser range finder and SCM has been realized . The 8279 programmable keyboard / indicator interface chip has been adopted to design display module and keyboard . So the occupating coefficient of SCM is reduced and the respondence time of the system is enhanced .

  7. MJS-8型30秒计时器,采用8051单片机,利用可编程通用,键盘和显示器接口器件8279来完成整个系统。

    In the design of 30-seconds timer MJS-8 , the system is made by means of 8051 computer , programmable keyboard and 8279 interface element of display .

  8. 用在系统可编程器件实现键盘编码

    Encode of keyboard by ISP device

  9. 单片机是系统的控制中枢,通过单片机来实现对系统的液晶显示器、可编程器件、键盘以及与计算机通讯的控制,使得整个系统能够协调、通畅的工作。

    MCU is the control center , and it controls LCD , programmable logic device , keyboard and communication with computer . It makes this system work harmony and fluently .