
gǔ jí
  • ancient books
古籍 [gǔ jí]
  • [ancient books] 古代流传下来的书籍,可供后人研究、参考

  • 古籍出版社出版了大批中国古典文学作品选,为青年学习古籍提供了方便

  • 古籍整理

古籍[gǔ jí]
  1. 各种语言的书籍都有——新书、古籍,甚至有一本有七百年历史的伊拉克历史书。

    The books are in every language — new books , ancient books , even a book on the history of Iraq that is seven hundred years old .

  2. 基于TWAIN的民族古籍数字化图像采集方法研究

    Image Acquisition Methods Research in Digital Minorities ' Ancient Books Based on TWAIN

  3. 有些古籍早已散失。

    Some ancient works have long been lost .

  4. 基于J2EE的民族古籍文献保护系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Protection System of Ancient Ethnic Literatures Based on J2EE

  5. 分析了中国古籍电子化和网络化面临的问题和研究用Unicode和XML技术解决古籍电子化和网络化问题的方法。

    This article analyses electron and network problem of Chinese Ancient Books , and studies technology of Unicode and XML to resolve this problem ;

  6. 基于TRS的古籍数据库建设

    Construction of TRS based ancient books databases

  7. CALIS古籍联机编目对全国古籍普查工作的借鉴与启示

    Discusses Model and Inspiration of the CALIS Ancient Book On-line Catalog Regarding the General Survey for Chinese Ancient Books

  8. 本文将综合边缘和纹理特征以准确反映彝文古籍图像中文本特点。然后,对于文本和非文本像素的分类问题,本文采用基于GBDT(GradientBoostDescentTree)学习理论设计分类器。

    We will combine edge and texture features to reflect the characteristics of text in Ancient Yi character documents accurately . Secondly , we adopt the Gradient Boost Descent Tree learning theory to design a classifier to classify text and non-text pixels .

  9. 文章按照视觉生理学原理,利用统计方法,并参照扁平天穹归算模型,对古籍中95条黑子大如X记录的17种比体进行了面积和实际大小的归算。

    The author uses the principle of seeing physiology and statistical method and the model of the plane vault of heaven to reduce to the area the scale of 17 comparative objects that come from 95 records of big as X of sunspots in annals .

  10. 本文采用Shannon理论,讨论了古籍印刷汉字识别字域地选择所受的约束,汉字特征提取的性能限度,以及如何用汉字的统计特性,进一步提高系统的识别率。

    In the light of Shannon theory , this paper discusses how to choose a Chinese charac-ter set for recognition , the limitation of character feature extraction and how to use the statis-tics of Chinese character to improve recognition rate .

  11. 传统的古籍普查方式耗费大量的人力物力,主要采取中国机读目录格式CNMARC(ChinaMachine-ReadableCatalogue)、古籍普查表、国家珍贵古籍名录申报书和Access数据库等传统载体进行记录。

    The traditional way of ancient book survey is spending a lot human and material resource , and mainly using traditional carriers such as CNMARC ( China Machine-Readable Catalogue ), ancient book census form , declaration of national precious ancient books and the access database to record information .

  12. 他的公司已经用货船运送了足够多的珍本书和古籍,以此来支付给75位Frenchboro居民邮书的费用,Frenchboro是一个离缅因州北部海岸约八英里的一个小岛。

    His company has shipped enough rare and antique books to sustain mail deliveries for the75 residents of Frenchboro , an island about eight miles off Maine 's northeast coast .

  13. 尤其是历史学家费格斯·坎南(FergusCannan)(他自称与罗伯特和布鲁斯有亲缘关系),他花费了几年时间查找古籍资料并得出结论:中世纪苏格兰士兵所着战袍与大众所想并不一致。

    One historian in particular , Fergus Cannan ( who claims to be related to Robert the Bruce himself ) , spent years going through old records and came to the conclusion that the uniform worn by the medieval Scottish warriors was different than imagined .

  14. 中文古籍数据库建设与参考咨询服务

    The construction of database of Chinese ancient books and reference service

  15. 图书馆古籍编目亟待解决的问题

    The Problems Resolving Urgently about Classification of Ancient Books in Libraries

  16. 韩国收藏中国古籍的现况

    Status in quo of collection of Chinese ancient books in Korea

  17. 古籍整理过程中对免费网络资源的利用

    Utilization of Free Network Resources in the Collation of Ancient Books

  18. 古籍数字画廊的实践与探讨

    The Practice in and Discussion on the Ancient Book Digital Gallery

  19. 古籍修复人才培养的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of Talent Training for the Ancient Books Repairing

  20. 江苏省馆藏古籍数字化的建设与意义

    Establishment and significance of digitization of ancient books in Jiangsu Province

  21. 古籍目录与中国古代学术密不可分。

    The ancient catalogue is closely related to Chinese ancient academy .

  22. 古籍数字化的障碍及解决方案

    Obstacles of Digitalization of Ancient Works and the Solving Plan

  23. 略论民族古籍及其翻译问题

    A Discussion on Ancient Ethnic Archives and their Intralingual Translation

  24. 本文是介绍当今著名的古籍版本学家潘景郑先生的治学历程及其在长期学术实践中的丰硕成果。

    This paper introduces the academic career and achievements of Mr.

  25. 国内科研院所古籍数字化资源的建设

    Construction on Ancient Books Digitization in Research Institutions of China

  26. 从彝文古籍探索西南农业文明的起源

    Agricultural Civilization Origin of the Southwest from Ancient Books of Yi Group

  27. 近50年来古籍整理出版之特色

    Publication Characteristics of Chinese Ancient Books Rearranged in the Recent Fifty Years

  28. 论图书馆古籍数据库的专题开发

    Discussion on Library 's Special Subject Development of the Ancient Books Database

  29. 古籍电子化中生僻汉字的处理

    Processing of Rarely Used Chinese Characters in the Electronization of Ancient Books

  30. 论经学对古代文论的影响古籍文献研究与利用的新层面

    Influence of the Study of Confucian Classics on the Ancient Literary Theory