
kǒu yīn
  • oral speech sounds;accent;voice;tone


kǒu yin
  • voice
口音 [kǒu yīn]
  • (1) [accent]∶带有个人、地方、民族语言特征的话音

  • 南方口音

  • (2) [voice]∶说话的声音

  • 他的口音好听

  • (3) [tone]∶口气

  • 他一听口音不对,拔腿就跑

口音[kǒu yīn]
口音[kǒu yin]
  1. 他让自己的口音变得粗俗起来,接近伦敦东区的发音。

    He had coarsened his voice to an approximation of Cockney .

  2. 他从她的口音中听出了波兰腔。

    He recognized the Polish cadences in her voice

  3. 她故意操那种口音的样子实在令我恼火。

    The way she puts on that accent really irritates me .

  4. 她讲话的声音柔和而抑扬顿挫,有些威尔士口音。

    Her voice had a soft Welsh lilt to it .

  5. 我肯定他把他的爱尔兰口音故意说得很重。

    I 'm sure he exaggerates his Irish accent .

  6. 他的口音表明他是苏格兰人。

    His accent proclaimed him to be a Scot .

  7. 他总是嘲笑我的法国口音。

    He 's always mocking my French accent .

  8. 她说话带有浓重的澳大利亚口音。

    She spoke with a strong Australian accent .

  9. 她因多年居住在英国,美国口音已荡然无存。

    Years of living in England had eliminated all trace of her American accent .

  10. 她模仿伦敦东区人的口音拿腔拿调地说话。

    She speaks in this ridiculous mockney accent .

  11. 他的口音表明他是苏格兰人。

    His accent proclaimed him a Scot .

  12. 她说英语带有口音。

    She spoke English with an accent .

  13. 他竭力掩饰自己的口音。

    He tried to disguise his accent .

  14. 你能模仿威尔士口音吗?

    Can you do a Welsh accent ?

  15. 他的口音无法辨认。

    His accent was impossible to place .

  16. 他说话带苏格兰口音。

    He spoke with a Scots accent .

  17. 他的口音难以识别。

    He had an unidentifiable accent .

  18. 他说英语带有浓重的异国口音。

    He spoke heavily accented English .

  19. 他明显地操英国口音。

    His accent was unmistakably British .

  20. 他滑稽地模仿她的南方口音。

    He mimicked her southern accent .

  21. 大家都拿我的口音取笑。

    Everybody laughs at my accent .

  22. 他的口音听上去很假。

    His accent was so faux .

  23. 她的口音是很明显的。

    Her accent was unmistakable .

  24. 明尼苏达州和田纳西州的许多人都有明显的地区口音。

    Many people in Minnesota and Tennessee have noticeable regional accents .

  25. 他用英语回答了我们的问题,不过口音很重。

    He answered our questions in English but with a thick accent

  26. 布兰德敏锐的耳朵听出了口音。

    Brand 's keen ear caught the trace of an accent .

  27. 他承袭了二战时期播音员的口音。

    He has adopted the accent of a Second World War newscaster

  28. 我说话带爱尔兰口音让他们感到很惊奇。

    They were amazed that I was talking in an Irish accent .

  29. 从口音和举止来看,他像一个地道的东欧人。

    In accent and mannerism he appeared to be completely Eastern European .

  30. 他说话带着悦耳的、抑扬顿挫的北方口音。

    He had a pleasant , lilting northern accent .