
fà yóu
  • hair oil;pomade;brilliantine;hair tonic
发油[fà yóu]
  1. 这个家伙还有很多钱,头上抹得亮亮的发油。

    This fellow had money , too , and hair oil .

  2. 我开始贩卖一切,从发油到柴油发电机。

    I started to sell everything , from hair oil to diesel generators .

  3. 当归与五味子挥发油的超临界CO2萃取工艺

    Supercritical CO_2 extraction process of essential oil from Angelica sinensis and Schisandra sphenanthera

  4. 超临界CO2萃取法为提取石香薷挥发油的理想方法。

    Supercritical CO 2 extraction is ideal for extracting the volatile oils .

  5. 超临界CO2萃取的满山红挥发油成分分析

    Analysis of the Chemical Constituents of Volatile Oil from the Folium Rhododendri Daurici by Supercritical CO_2 Extraction

  6. 鸦胆子挥发油GC指纹图谱相似度分析

    Analysis of GC fingerprints similarity of Brucea javanica

  7. 室内的抑菌试验,大蒜素、石香薷挥发油1000倍液(1000μg/ml)即能对番茄枯萎病菌起到明显的抑制作用;

    1000 times liquid of the garlic and volatile oil of Mosla chinensis could inhibit Fusarium oxysporum efficiently .

  8. 方法:采取超临界CO2萃取、微波萃取和水蒸汽蒸馏三种方法提取佩兰挥发油。

    Method : The volatile oils were obtained with supercritical CO2 , microwave and stream distillation .

  9. 番石榴叶挥发油成分的GC-MS分析

    GC-MS Analysis of Essential Oil from the Leaves of Psidium guajava

  10. 拳卷地钱挥发油的CO2超临界流体萃取及GC-MS分析

    Extraction of Volatile Oil from Marchantia Convoluta by CO_2 Supercritical Fluid Extraction and Analysis by GC-MS

  11. 草黄堇挥发油化学成分的GC-MS研究

    Research of essential oil in Corydalis straminea Maxim by GC-MS

  12. 江南星蕨挥发油的提取与化学成分的GC-MS分析

    Extraction of essential oil from microsorium fortunei and its analysis by GC-MS

  13. 不同前处理方法所得白芷挥发油成分的GC-MS分析

    GC-MS Analysis on Volatile Oil of Angelica dahurica by Different Pre-treatment Methods

  14. 超临界CO2萃取-分子蒸馏对白术挥发油的提取分离和GC-MS分析

    Analysis of Essential Oil from Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae by GC-MS with Supercritical CO_2 Extraction and Molecular Distillation

  15. 同时研究了不同的提取方法,采用特殊的PR混合溶剂提取挥发油。

    Different extraction methods were also compared .

  16. GC-MS建立石菖蒲挥发油特征指纹图谱方法学研究

    Study on GC-MS fingerprint analysis in rhizome of volatile oil of Acorus tatarinowii

  17. 博落回挥发油化学成分GC-MS分析

    Determination of Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil from Macleaya cordata by GC-MS

  18. 细风轮菜挥发油成分的GC-MS分析

    GC-MS Analysis of the Volatile Oil from Clinopodium Gracile

  19. 不同品种莪术挥发油成分GC-MS分析

    GC-MS analysis on ingredients in volatile oil in rhizoma curcuma of different varieties

  20. 汽油,挥发油,石油精低温预浓缩系统GC-MS联用测定色拉油油烟气中痕量挥发性有机物

    Determination of Trace Volatile Organic Compounds in Cooking Salad Oil Fume by Preconcentrator-GC-MS

  21. 方法:采用GCMS联用法对珠光香青挥发油的化学成分进行分离和鉴别。

    Methods : The separation and identification of volatile oil of Anaphalis Margartacea were carried out by GC MS method .

  22. 通过DB5弹性石英毛细管柱GCMS分析所得栀子花挥发油,共鉴定了40个化合物并测定了其相对含量。

    Analysing on DB 5 fused silica capillary Column by GC / MS. The 40 kinds of compounds were identified .

  23. 方法:采用GCMS对组方中每味药材所含挥发油的主要成分进行追踪。

    Methods : The main compositions of volatile oil contained by every herb in prescription were followed up by GC MS.

  24. 基于MCS-51单片机的油库自动发油集散控制和管理系统

    Distributed Control System of Oil Depot Delivery Based on MCS-51 Microcontroller

  25. 肉豆蔻饮片炮制前后挥发油成分的GC-MS分析

    Comparing analysis of components in volatile oils of nutmeg and prepared nutmeg by GC-MS

  26. 蛇床子挥发油的GC-MS分析

    GC-MS analysis of essential oil from Cnidium monnieri

  27. 丁岙杨梅叶挥发油的GC-MS分析

    Analysis of the essential oil from the leaves of ding-ao Myrica rubra by GC-MS

  28. 结论GC法建立肉桂挥发油指纹图谱,方法准确可靠,专属性强,特征明显,可用作肉桂挥发油质量控制和鉴别的依据。

    The method is reliable , accurate and can be applied for the quality control of Cinnamomum cassia Presl .

  29. 结果:小鼠腹腔注射松针挥发油的LD(50)为3.738ml/kg;

    Results : the LD50 injecting essential oils to mice 's abdominal cavity is 3 . 738ml / kg ;

  30. 光皮木瓜挥发油成分的GC-MS分析

    GC-MS Analysis of Chemical Components of Volatile Oil in Chaenomeles sinensis ( Thouin ) Koehne