
fā bù xīn wén
  • release news;publish a story
  1. 准备什么时候发布新闻?

    When is the best moment to release news ?

  2. 准备什么时候发布新闻?我一小时以内准备好。

    When is the best moment to release news ? I 'll be ready in an hour .

  3. 她在慕尼黑向听众传达的信息是,在谷歌(Google)和Facebook等网站发布新闻的搜索引擎正在创造扭曲的棱镜。

    Her message to an audience in Munich was that the search engines that deliver news on websites such as Google and Facebook are creating distorting prisms .

  4. 美国食品和药品管理局(FDA)发布新闻声明以及产品召回和公司从市场退出的通告,以服务于消费者、媒体和其他合作者。

    FDA posts press releases and other notices of recalls and market withdrawals from the firms involved as a service to consumers , the media , and other interested parties .

  5. 全球新闻及信息提供商路透社(Reuters)表示,随着报纸行业在各自网站发布新闻报道的同时,也将发布视频和图片,预计该公司将向全球传媒企业销售更多新闻和信息内容。

    Reuters , the global news and information provider , expects to sell more content to media companies around the world as newspapers include videos and photos alongside news stories on their websites .

  6. 一项N.I.H.项目最近发布新闻称:人类基因组中之前被称为‘垃圾DNA’的片段其实大多是巨大的控制面板,内含数以百万计的开关,调节着我们的基因活性。

    One news release from an N.I.H. project declared , Much of what has been called ' junk DNA ' in the human genome is actually a massive control panel with millions of switches regulating the activity of our genes .

  7. 《大西洋月刊》(TheAtlantic)总编辑詹姆斯·班内特(JamesBennet)称,使用即时文章功能发布新闻报道,意味着“失去对发行渠道的控制权”。

    James Bennet , editor in chief of The Atlantic , one of the project 's initial publications , said that publishing pieces through instant articles means " losing control over the means of your distribution . " On the other hand , he said ,

  8. 他们可以共享调查并发布新闻。

    They can share survey polls and publish news and headlines .

  9. 整个晚上我们都将为你发布新闻。

    We will be bringing you news bulletins throughout the night .

  10. 地方议会以自行发布新闻声明的手法占了我们的上风。

    The Council outsmarted us by releasing their own press statement .

  11. 您可以在网站上发布新闻稿。

    You can publish the newsletter on a web site .

  12. 公关不仅是让媒体帮你发布新闻而已。

    PR is more than blitzing the media with your press releases .

  13. 如果发布新闻,保证发布最新的新闻。

    If you post press releases , be sure to have some up-to-date news .

  14. 外国通讯社在中国境内发布新闻信息管理办法

    Measures for Administering The Release of News and Information In China by Foreign News Agencies

  15. 所谓新闻博客一般是指那些以发布新闻为主的博客网站。

    Generally refers to the so-called news blog to post news that the main blog site .

  16. 这家公司发布新闻说这种新型汽车将投放市场。

    The company send out or Issue a press release about the launch of the new car .

  17. 杂志社经营范围为:杂志出版发行,网络传媒经营广告代理发布新闻产品营销。

    The magazine scope of business : magazine publishes , network media management agency news release product marketing .

  18. 畅通无阻的发布新闻;这可以给黑人不受种族主义阻碍的生活机会。

    Unhampered dissemination of news ; this would give black people the opportunity to live unhampered by racism .

  19. 中华宗教文化交流协会副会长兼秘书长蒋坚永在会上发布新闻。

    Jiang Jiansong , vice president and secretary-general of China Religious Culture Communication Association in the press conference .

  20. 散发小广告传单,分发宣传手册或者发布新闻稿件都有助于建立公司形象。

    Distribute flies , pass out brochures or issue press releases will also help to create a company image .

  21. 他们合并之后,发布新闻和信息的渠道将越来越少。

    And as they merged , the delivery of news and information would come from fewer and fewer outlets .

  22. 电视不仅及时发布新闻,而且用图像显示比语言更具冲击力。

    TV not only gives the news instantly , it also shows it in pictures more powerful than words .

  23. 而第三种新闻博客的建立者是由具有发布新闻意识的博友组成。

    The third founder of the blog news with a press release by Friends of the composition of consciousness blog .

  24. 当地卫生机构发布新闻会表示,25名工作人员已于周三上午完成了首轮消毒工作。

    Local health authorities announced at a press conference that 25 workers have finished the first round of disinfection on Wednesday morning .

  25. 网络新闻媒体,从一般意义上来说,是指借助因特网发布新闻和进行新闻信息服务的站点。

    Internet news media , from the general sense , refers to the use of Internet news and information services for news sites .

  26. 他发布新闻常在大家做饭的时候,地点自然以厨房居多。

    The tune far his news broadcast was usually dinner time , so the best place for it was naturally the shared kitchen .

  27. 我们就是这样在一个巨大的结构上处理各种消息的,我们告诉你所有发布新闻消息的地点。

    From a macro level , that 's what we do for news . We tell you about all places that are reporting news .

  28. 尽管在日本发布新闻信息,媒体不会对信息本身进行任何扭曲,但不容否认的是,有些时候新闻的出版发行还是受到不同媒体各自偏好的影响。

    Although information may be published without distortion by Japanese media , we can not deny that sometimes information is biased by press ' interests .

  29. 网站推广又包括很多方法,比如联署计划,论坛的参与,免费礼物以吸引用户,发布新闻稿等。

    Website promotion also includes many methods such as joint programs , forums , free gifts to attract customers , press releases and so on .

  30. 学生可以利用系统向管理老师申请活动批准,申请物资的功能。还可以发布新闻和通知,方便非社团成员、普通学生参与到活动中去。

    Club members can use it to apply activities and materials , release news and announcements , convenient for ordinary students to take part in the activities .