
  • 网络Development curve;developmental curve;growth curve;hype curve;growthcurves
  1. 本研究通过严密细致的模拟实验来评价布卢姆的儿童智力发展曲线。

    The present study critically evaluates Bloom 's Developmental Curve of Intelligence based on the findings from a carefully designed simulated test .

  2. 未喷药对照与壳寡糖处理的病情发展曲线都可拟合Logistic模型,但壳寡糖处理的模型参数不同。

    The disease progress curves in both treated and untreated plants were fitted to logistic model with different parameters .

  3. 社会保障水平发展曲线研究

    Study on the Curve-shape Development of Life Security Level

  4. 中国的民营企业家的成长曲线和中国民营企业的发展曲线是成正比的。

    The growing curve of the Chinese private entrepreneur is in positive correlation with the developing curve Chinese private enterprises .

  5. 结果表明:在载荷控制的疲劳过程中,材料的周期最大应变发展曲线呈现明显的三阶段规律。

    The results indicate that the increase in the maximum strain exhibits a three-stage tendency in the process of fatigue .

  6. 通过数学推理,得出了我国列车活载的发展曲线,并预计了到2000年时列车活载的大小。

    The developing curve of living load is found by mathematical deduction . And the train living load in 2000 is calculated .

  7. 在线性加载过程中,地基沉降的发展曲线呈S型,可用泊松曲线来描述这一过程。

    The settlement curve of the foundation endured the ramp load is a S-type curve , which is usually simulated via Poisson curve .

  8. 不同批样水泥由于化学成分等的差异导致其水泥石强度发展曲线不同。

    The dosage of such cement additives as accelerator , retardant and different composition could also affect the developing of cement compressing strength .

  9. 发展曲线箱梁桥的计算理论,一直是各国专家和学者所面临的重要研究课题之一。

    So developing the calculation theory of the curved box-girder bridge is one of important research subjects for expert and scholar of various countries .

  10. 它的服装不仅以耐用性和长寿著称,而且这家公司也远远领先于可持续发展曲线,尤其是对于一个服装公司而言。

    Not only are its clothes known for their durability and longevity , but the company is far ahead of the sustainability curve , especially for an apparel company .

  11. P-1+H-1体系点火后的压力发展曲线反映氯化氢产生、溶解及氮气产生过程。

    The pressure development of system P-1 + H-1 in a closed test chamber shows the generation and the dissolving of gaseous HCl and the generation of gaseous N_2 and others .

  12. 本文通过对某一施工中的八层框架结构的钢筋混凝土柱进行施工期间的包括收缩徐变变形值的现场测量,得到现场条件下钢筋混凝土柱应变发展曲线。

    By on-site experiment to reinforced columns during the construction period , the columns ' total strain including shrinkage and creep in construction circumstance was obtained , and curves of strain development was made .

  13. 中国经济的许多领域正处于自身发展曲线最陡峭的阶段,消费者收入已达到一定水平,越来越多的人可以期望拥有自己的住房、汽车和家居用品。

    Many areas of the economy are in the steepest part of their development curve as consumer incomes reach a level where increasing numbers of people can aspire to own homes , cars and household goods .

  14. 基于小区负荷S形发展曲线,把中压配电网规划问题分成2种维度:基于时间维度的配电网衍生规划和基于空间维度的配电网扩张规划。

    According to the S-curve of small area load , the planning of medium-voltage distribution systems can be divided into two kinds , viz . the expansion planning in time dimension and the derivation planning in space dimension .

  15. 在此基础上,利用统计学中控制弃真概率的方法,确定了分叉曲线和新旧坐标之间的转换关系并且从统计的角度给出了不同土的孔压发展曲线。

    The statistical method based on the validation hypothesis for controlling the first type of error is used to determine parameters , bifurcated curve and transformation relationship , the curves of earthquake-induced pore water pressure are given for various kinds of soils .

  16. 论文产出不平衡,发展呈现曲线上升态势。

    And paper output is in imbalance but with a rising curve .

  17. 他说,为进一步发展平面曲线论,应该研究曲面上的曲线。

    He says that , to crown the introduction of plane curves , one should study curves on surfaces .

  18. 应用线性回归方法和极大似然法原理,发展了曲线及其置信限的估计方法。

    A method for estimating the curves and their confidence bounds is developed by a linear regression technique and a maximum likelihood principle .

  19. 随着城市化的快速发展,曲线梁桥在城市内以及城市与城市的连接处应用的越来越广泛。

    With the rapid development of the urbanization , curved girder bridge has got more and more utilization in the city and joint of city-to-city .

  20. 良好的政策起到了部分:中央银行有时间多了在利率走势更好地理顺经济发展的曲线。

    Good policy has played a part : central banks have got much better at timing interest rate moves to smooth out the curves of economic progress .

  21. 最后,提出用水平位移曲线或水平位移发展速率曲线结合塑性区开展情况综合评价软基上路堤所处的状态。

    Finally , suggestions for the design of such embankment and method for predicting the state of a reinforced embankment with the horizontal displacement curve or rate of horizontal displacement and evolution of the plasticity region as criterion are proposed .

  22. 文章在对我国图书馆自动化系统市场现状进行分析的基础上,预测了我国图书馆自动化系统市场发展需求曲线的变化趋势,提出了我国图书馆自动化系统市场的发展策略。

    On the base of the analyzing to the circumstance graph of Chinese library automation market . The paper foresees the developing tendency of Chinese library automation system market , points out the developing strategy of Chinese library automatic system market .

  23. 随着我国城市建设和交通事业的迅猛发展,曲线钢-混凝土结合梁桥以其优美的曲线,与道路良好的适应性以及其跨越能力,已成为现代交通工程中的一种重要桥型。

    With the development of construction and transportation industry in China , steel and concrete composite curved girder bridge , due to its graceful curves , good adaptability to roads and its ability to span , has become an important bridge style in modern traffic engineering .

  24. ROC曲线分析方法自应用于医学诊断试验评价以来得到较大推广和发展,根据曲线的形状和面积可对诊断试验作定量分析。

    In this paper , we introduce theory and practice method about combining independent studies of Diagnostic test into a summary ROC curve .

  25. 像研究直线梁柱稳定问题的CDC法一样,ADC法可以继续发展成为分析曲线梁柱稳定问题的通用方法。

    Like the CDC method for the stability analysis of straight beam-column , the ADC method can continue to develop further into a general method to analyze stability problem of curve beam-column .

  26. 首先界定研究对象、总结并梳理了与住房保障水平和住房保障水平影响因素有关的理论,具体包括社会保障理论、住房保障理论、住房梯度消费理论、供需理论以及房地产发展倒U曲线理论。

    First of all , choosing study object , summarizing theories about housing security level and its affecting factors , specifically including social security theory , housing security theory , step consumption theory on housing , supply-demand theory and inverted U curve theory in real estate development .

  27. 早龄期混凝土温度与强度发展速度关系曲线

    The development-rate curve between temperature and strength of an early-stage setting concrete

  28. 随着航空、造船等行业的发展,对曲线曲面造型技术提出了更高的要求。

    With the development of aviation and shipbuilding , the curves and surfaces formation technology is imminently required .

  29. 分析了多元化发展与学习曲线、波士顿矩阵的关系;分析了比较优势的利用与多元化发展的内在联系。

    It also analyses the relation betweenthe diversification evolution and studying curve , inner relation betweenthe diversification strategy and comparative advantage .

  30. 其中社会发展水平的曲线上升的比较平稳,说明甘肃省的社会发展处于一个良好的上升阶段。

    Social development level of the curve is relatively stable rising , that is to say the social development is a good upswing .