
fǎn lǐ xìnɡ
  • antirationality
  1. Ahmed和Rath一样,都是临床医生,他是科学家被宗教施以反理性影响的一个例子。

    Ahmed like Rath , a clinician is an example of a scientist irrationally influenced by religion .

  2. 探索米拉耶斯的反理性行为:环境消失、隐喻象征、运动视觉、生命建筑;

    Exploring the anti-rational part of Enric miralles 's design : Enviromental-disappearance Metaphor-Symbolism Motional-vision Life-architecture ;

  3. 理想与激情的告别&关于80年代一种反理性话语的重提

    A farewell to ideal and passion & About the counter-reason topic again in the 1980 's

  4. 流行于1915年至1925年间的艺术流派,其特点是反理性的创作手法和虚无、荒诞。矛盾的主题。

    A style ( 1915-1925 ) with antirational approach and nihilistic , absurdist , and incongruous themes .

  5. 非理性主义使流行音乐(尤其是摇滚)表现出反理性、反传统的维度。

    Irrationalism shows the anti-rationalism and anti-tradition dimensions of popular music ( especially rock & roll ) .

  6. 反理性、肤浅性、非中心性和商品性就是这种文化模式的主要特征。

    The main feature of such a cultural mode is the anti-rational , superficial , non-centricity and commodity characteristic .

  7. 流行于1915&1925间的艺术流派。其特点是反理性的创作手段和虚无、荒诞、矛盾的主题。

    A style ( 1915 & 1925 ) with antirational approach and nihilistic , absurdist , and incongrous thems .

  8. 接着,我们通过黑格尔《精神现象学》中对面相学和头盖骨相学的论述,分析了一种反理性的倾向。

    Then , we analyze an anti-rational tendency through hegel 's discussion of physiognomy and phrenology in phenomenology of spirit .

  9. 杜尚对现代设计的影响在于其反理性主义的反艺术创作思想开启了后现代主义设计。

    While Duchamp 's influence upon modem design roots in his unreasonable anti-art mind , which has enlightened the post-modernistic design .

  10. 德国哲学家亚瑟。叔本华的悲观主义与反理性哲学强调了人的意愿与直觉的重要性。

    Arthur schopenhauer , a pessimistic philosopher , started a rebellion against rationalism , stressing the importance of will and intuition .

  11. 它以文学例证的形式照应了一战后兴起的反理性主义思潮对长期以来形成的理性权威所提出的质疑和挑战。

    In the form of a literary example , it echoes the questioning and challenging the long-established rational authority from the rising afterwar anti-rationalism .

  12. 鲍照对意象的构结也独具特色,适度的反理性、非常规的陌生化手法使意象充满活力。

    Bao Zhao has his own character for the imagination construction , moderate counter-rational , the non-conventional Mo biochemistry technique causes the imagination fill vigor .

  13. 揭示其政治思想中的自由观的反理性主义、演进理性主义和个人主义等特征;

    This paper also reveals the characteristics of Hayek 's anti - rationalism , evolving rationalism and individualism on view of liberty in his political thoughts .

  14. 马尔库塞人本主义思想的特征是力图把理性主义与非理性主义结合起来。理性主义、非理性主义与反理性主义

    The characteristic of Marcuse 's humanism is the combination of rationalism and irrationalism . From rationalism to irrationalism and anti-rationalism & An inquiry on the western philosophy 's development

  15. 英美现代主义作为反理性和批判现代性的文学思潮,在热切倡导理性、建构现代性的中国知识界(1917-1949间)有相当的影响。

    British-American modernism , a literary trend of irrationalism and anti-modernity , had immense influence over modern China intelligentsia , who were fervently after rationalism and modernity at that period .

  16. 9·11之后,亨廷顿延续和发展了文明冲突论的主要内涵,并强化了反理性选择和保守现实主义的政策取向。

    After September 11 , Huntington has extended the major argument in his The Clash of Civilizations and has strengthened the policy orientation based on his anti-rational choice theory and conservative realism .

  17. 两者在关于和谐的观念、关于伦理型社会理想、关于反理性主义等方面存在着相似与相契之处,但同时又存在差异。

    Both have similarity and conformity in the conception of harmony , in the ideal for an ethic society , in irrational idea , etc. , while there are differences at the same time .

  18. 合理性取代宏大理性成为第一原理,导致了文学对理性的抵制,同时又引起了反理性悖论。

    Being reasonable has substituted for the grand reason and becomes the first principle , which results in a literary resistance to reason and , at the same time , caused an irrational paradox .

  19. 科学是理性的,宗教未必是反理性的,宗教所提供的不仅仅是对人心的关怀,还提供一种心与物的和谐之境。

    The science is rational while the religious is unnecessarily to be anti-rational . Religious provides not only the care for human heart , but also provides a harmonious situation between the heart and substances .

  20. 在我们今日的后现代反理性主义的今天,不把某日的神学重点联系起来反而被认为是美德。

    In our day of Postmodern irrationalism , where it is considered a virtue to NOT connect the dots of one 's theology , we need to be reminded that the theology of the Bible is a seamless garment .

  21. 20世纪90年代以来,西方艺术经历了现代主义、后现代主义以及新生的后后现代主义的强烈冲击,逐渐具有了反理性、反审美、反中心的创作倾向。

    Since 1990s , having been gone through the strong impact of modernism , post - modernism and post-post - modernism , which is neonatal in realm of philosophy , western art have gradually tend to be unreasonable , unaesthetic and anti-centric .

  22. 犯罪是具有反伦理性和反社会性的行为,刑法天然地承担着保卫社会和捍卫基本伦理道德的使命。

    Because the crime is anti-ethical and anti-social , the criminal law naturally holds the responsibility for protecting the society and the basic morality .

  23. 他的小说文本通过意识与现实的切换、对内对外两种话语指向的交融以及场面化的激烈辩驳,表现出了主人公们反传统理性的生存哲学。

    By the shifts between consciousness and reality , the blending of internal and external discourse , and the scene-like conflicts , his novels demonstrate confrontational and non-rational existential philosophy of his protagonists .

  24. 我国遭遇反倾销的理性分析

    A Rational Analysis of Anti-dumpling

  25. 该诗难以解读的根本原因在于思想容量大和反传统反理性的艺术表现手法。

    The main reason for this is that it has a Large capacity in ideas and artistic manifestations against tradition and reason .

  26. 凯恩斯革命、货币主义反革命和理性预期革命等重大经济学事件构成了20世纪西方宏观经济学发展的主线。

    The major events in economics , the Keynesian Revolution , Monetarist Counterrevolution , Rational Expectation Revolution , etc. , made up main path of development of modern macroeconomics .

  27. 现代派是现当代西方反传统、反理性的产物,他的审美形态是面临虚无深渊的荒诞。

    The modernist school is an anti-traditional and anti-rational product of the modern and present western countries .

  28. 迷信作为一种反科学、非理性的社会精神现象,一直以来都是中国社会发展的一种阻碍力量。

    As one kind of anti-social and unreasoning spirit , Superstition hinder the development of society all the time .

  29. 出口企业作为出口卡特尔的主体,应当加强反垄断意识,理性对待出口卡特尔制度。

    Export enterprises , as the main part of export cartel , should strengthen the antitrust awareness , and rationally treat the system of export cartel .

  30. 二战后,新技术的发展和世界大战的后遗症,给人们带来了精神上的空虚和行为上的反传统、反理性。

    After World War I , the development of new technology and the linger effect of the war brought about people 's spiritual emptiness and the anti - reason and anti - tradition in people 's behavior .