
shuāng jīng dù
  • double precision
双精度[shuāng jīng dù]
  1. BASIC语言中双精度函数的计算

    The double precision computation of standard functions in basic language

  2. 本文给出了BASIC语言中一些常用的标准函数的双精度计算的算法和程序。

    In this paper , algorithms and routines about the double precision computation of some standard functions in BASIC language are presented .

  3. BASIC语言中的双精度开平方

    A Method of Solving Square Roots With Double-Precision in BASIC I Microcomputer Language SUNFLOWER OPENING

  4. access将所有日期存储为8字节的双精度整数。

    Access stores all dates as8-byte double-precision integers .

  5. 数值全部采用IEEE双精度格式。

    Numbers are all in IEEE double precision format .

  6. 为了展示这一点,假设您有两个双精度的数组a和b,并且要创建第三个数组x,比如x=a+b。

    To illustrate this , suppose you have two double arrays a and b and want to create a third array x such that x = a + b.

  7. 为了在UML中创建相应的图,我们创建了两个新的构造型:用于表示XML模式属性的和用来表示双精度类型的。

    To create a corresponding diagram in UML , two new stereotypes are created : to represent an XML schema attribute , and to represent a double .

  8. 在Python中,浮点值始终是按双精度处理的;因此Python的float类型对应于C类语言中的双精度。

    Floating-point values in Python are always done in double precision ; hence , Python float types correspond to doubles in a C-like language .

  9. DMS启用双精度寄存器统计No.7信令话务量的必要性

    The Necessity of Statistice No.7 Signalling Telephone Traffic of Using Double Precision Registers About DMS

  10. DOUBLE类型也可以表示为DOUBLEPRECISION,虽然为什么在需要双精度数字时要输入额外的单词,原因不明。

    The DOUBLE type can also be referred to as DOUBLE PRECISION , although it isn 't clear why you would want to type the extra word every time you need a double-precision number .

  11. 其中一个构造函数以双精度浮点数作为输入,另一个以整数和换算因子作为输入,还有一个以小数的String表示作为输入。

    One takes a double-precision floating point as input , another takes an integer and a scale factor , and another takes a String representation of a decimal number .

  12. 基于16bit内核DSP实现准双精度音频解码

    To Realize Quasi - double Precision Audio Decoder Based on 16 bit Internal Core DSP

  13. 通常支持的类型有整数、Boolean、ASCII字符串、双精度带符号浮点数、日期时间、集合、列表、属性。

    In general supported types are Integer , boolean , ASCII string , double-precision signed floating point number , date-time , set , list , properties .

  14. 首先调用f的模板化版本,第一个参数的类型是字符串,作为大小可变的参数提供字符和双精度值。

    The first time around , the templated version of f is called , with a string as the first argument type , and the character and double are packed off as the variable size argument .

  15. Lua中所有的数字都是双精度的(不过我们可以非常简便地编写一些代码来实现其他数字类型)。

    All numbers in Lua are doubles ( but you can easily build code to realize other numeric types ) .

  16. 在此基础上采用牛顿-拉格朗日插值法进行计算,用双精度计算保证计算结果的精度,方程中各项的离散采用二阶迎风格式,压力-速度的耦合采用CFD中经典的SIMPLE算法求解。

    Double-precision calculation is used to make sure the precision of the outcome . The second order aweather format is used to the scatter of the equation . SIMPLE arithmetic which is classical in CFD calculation is used to coupling of pressure - velocity .

  17. 提出了一种双精度浮点数字信号处理器Data-RAM的RTL模型设计方法。

    A register translation level ( RTL ) module design method of Data-RAM for double precision float-point digital signal processor is proposed .

  18. N>57,有0.1级准确度。对舍入误差结合A/D转换器、CPU以及指令的实际使用情况,做了在8位、16位单、双精度以及定点、浮点情况下的准确界定。

    The amount of sampling points over 57 ( N > 57 ), the accuracy 0.1 . Considered A / D converter and CPU and instruction , rounding error in a byte and double byte of fix-point and floating-point are accurately bound .

  19. 采用精度敏感的圆周率计算BBP算法验证了CCRG编译器在扩展双精度浮点运算上的正确性。

    The precision-sensitive BBP algorithm for the computation of Pi is used to verify the CCRG compiler . 2 .

  20. 提出了动态子群和双精度高斯位置扰动策略,使得粒子群能够较均匀地在问题空间搜索,避免陷入局部极值,在保持传统PSO算法快速收敛的同时,加强了算法局部搜索能力。

    Dynamic sub-swarms strategy and double precision gauss disturbances strategy make particles searching the problem space comprehensively and breaking away from the local extreme . Thus the algorithm performance in local searching is improved while keeping the convergence ability of traditional PSO .

  21. 例如,我曾经在Mandelbrot集合管理器看见过这种情况。在其中可以放大曲线图,让其落在最近的两个双精度数之间。

    For instance , I 've seen this come up in Mandelbrot set explorers where you can zoom in so far that the entire graph falls between the nearest two doubles .

  22. 多数情况下是使用双精度值,并且角度是用弧度来度量的(而不是Arc2D类中使用的度)。

    Mostly double-precision values are used , and angles are measured in radians ( not degrees as used by the Arc2D class ) .

  23. 其他的增强有设备的随机数生成器以及双精度的支持。

    Other enhancements are on-device random number generation and double precision support .

  24. 浮点指令作用于单精度和双精度浮点操作数。

    Floating-point instructions operate on single-precision and double-precision floating-point operands .

  25. 内燃机燃烧过程仿真计算的双精度系统设计

    Designing Double - precision Calculating System for Simulating In-cylinder Combustion

  26. 双精度数字散斑振动测量系统

    High / Low-Precision Digital Speckle Pattern Interferometry for Vibration Measurement

  27. 10级流水线双精度浮点乘法器的设计

    Design of 10 Pipeline Stages Multiplier for Double Precision Floating Point Data

  28. 整个双精度浮点乘法器的设计分为10级流水线。

    The whole operation was divided into 10 pipeline stages .

  29. 基于快速舍入的双精度浮点乘法器的设计

    A Double Precision Floating-Point Multiplier with Fast Rounding Method

  30. 我选择最一般的类型,双精度实数。

    I choose double-precision real numbers , which are the most general type .