
  • 网络county government
  1. 业态同质化、片面追求GDP以及违反经济规律盲目超前等现象时有发生,县级政府之间的过度竞争是造成行政成本不合理上升的重要因素。

    Homogeneity Business Modalities , excessive pursuit of GDP and breach of economic laws and wildcat exceeding emerge times and again . The over-competition between county government is an important factor to cause the unreasonable increase of administration cost .

  2. 本章认为,以ASD分析模型来看,我国县级政府的政策执行水平和能力比改革开放以前有了长足发展和进步。

    The chapter argues that , depends on the ASD analysis model , the level of policy implementation and capacity of county government in China have made great development and progress .

  3. B级倾向良性;构建县级政府公共财政体制的可能途径

    The Probable Approach to Construct the County - level Public Financial System

  4. 西部地区县级政府能力分析

    An Analysis of the Competence of County-Level Governments in West China

  5. 因此,本文分别讨论了我国各级政府的职能,重点归纳了县级政府发挥各项职能的原则以及内容。

    This paper discussed the economic functions of the county government detailedly .

  6. 县级政府建设服务型政府的实践与思考

    County-level Governments of the Government 's Practice of Building Services and Thinking

  7. 人员分流是我国县级政府机构改革的瓶颈。

    Staff split-flow is the bottleneck of Chinese county government organizational reform .

  8. 转型社会的县级政府机构改革

    The Institution Reform of County Government in the Transition Society

  9. 论县级政府的职能定位与转变

    The Positioning and Transformation of Functional of the County Government

  10. 县级政府运行中的绩效评估机制研究

    A Study on the Performance Evaluation Mechanism of County-Level Governments

  11. 社会主义新农村建设与县级政府能力

    Socialist New Village Building and County Governments ' Capacity

  12. 保障县级政府充分的财权;

    Safeguarding county and township governments full property rights ;

  13. 控制县级政府规模的两个途径

    Two Measures to Control the Scales of County Governments

  14. 县级政府职能转变是一个历史的过程,制度变迁的过程。

    The county government ' function transforming is a historical and institutional progress .

  15. 民族地区县级政府竞争:路径选择与制度安排

    Local government competitions in the ethnic areas : approach choices and institutions arrangements

  16. 宋代县主簿是县级政府中的重要官职。早在东汉时,在县内就设有主簿一职。

    The Song Dynasty County registrar is the important office of county government .

  17. 事实上,县级政府同省级政府一样,也会为了争夺经济资源而展开竞争。

    In fact , the county government will also compete for economic resources .

  18. 然后,研究了县级政府绩效评估指标值的量化方法。

    Then , research the performance evaluation index value quantitative method of county-level government .

  19. 卫生事业经费来源主要以县级政府的投入为主。

    In Yuncheng city , health service cost mainly comes from county government input .

  20. 县级政府管理中的激励机制研究

    A Study of Motivation Mechanism in County-level Governments

  21. 社会生态环境视域下县级政府绩效管理制约因素研究

    Study on County Level Government Performance Management Restrictive Factors under Society Ecological Environment Sight

  22. 县级政府科技经费投入及管理研究

    Research about the Investment and Management of Scientific and Technological Outlay for County-Level Government

  23. 基于目标群体的县级政府政策执行研究

    The Research of Policy Implementation Based on the Target Group at the Country Level

  24. 县级政府采购的实证分析

    Demonstration Analysis of County Level of Government Purchasing

  25. 县级政府公务员职业生涯管理缺乏宏观性和系统性,各项管理职能比较松散、衔接管理差,难以自成体系。

    Without macro-view and systemic design , all management functions are not connected coherently .

  26. 关于我国县级政府改革的思考

    Considering the County-level Government Reform of Our Country

  27. 其次对县级政府职能进行相关研究回顾。

    Second , it has a related review to the government functions in the county-level .

  28. 社会转型期县级政府管理体制改革的动因分析

    Analyzing Causes of the Reform of the County-level Governmental Administrative System during the Social Transformation Period

  29. 聚块的大小;控制县级政府规模的两个途径

    The scales of ' clumps ' ; Two Measures to Control the Scales of County Governments

  30. 县级政府行政管理体制改革是在政府内外环境变化的作用下而不断进行的。

    The county administration manage system fashion carries through in government inside and outside circumstance changing .