
  • 网络define;Defringe
  1. 采用动态水热合成的方法在α-Al2O3陶瓷管载体内表面合成致密的分子筛膜,膜厚为20μm,形成的NaA分子筛晶体是去边的立方体。

    The thickness of membrane was 20 m and zeolite crystals were cubes without side .

  2. 用v表示G的顶点数,本文证明了当v≥6时,3连通平面图G的可去边数的下界是v+4/2,此下界是可以达到的。

    Let v denote the order of G. It is proved in this paper that there are at least ( v + 4 ) / 2 removable edges in planar 3-connected graphs with v > 6 . The lower bound is reachable .

  3. 顾客说火鸡总会三明治要去边

    The customer asked for crust off of a turkey club .

  4. 4连通图的可去边与4连通图的构造

    Removable edges in 4-connected graphs and a structure of 4-connected graphs

  5. 4-连通图中圈上的可去边和可收缩边

    Removable Edges and Contractible Edges in Cycles of 4-Connected Graphs

  6. 4连通图中生成树上的可去边

    Removable Edges in a Spanning Tree of a 4-connected Graph

  7. 4-连通图可去边的数目

    The Number of Removable Edges in 4 - connected Graphs

  8. 3连通图中的可缩边与可去边

    On contractible edges and removable edges in 3 connected graphs

  9. 你阻止不了我去边哨。

    You can 't stop me going to the border .

  10. 今日下午去边到食饭?

    Where are we going for lunch today ?

  11. 4连通图中可去边的一些性质

    Some Properties of Removable Edge in 4-Connected Graphs

  12. 加边与去边图的特征值的扰动问题(Ⅱ)

    Perturbation Problem of Eigenvalue of a Graph to Adding and Deleting an Elge (ⅱ)

  13. 3连通图的可去边的分布

    Distribution of removable edges in 3-connected graphs

  14. 四边形网格的去边细分方法

    Edge Flipping Subdivision Scheme for Quadrilateral Meshes

  15. 在规定的时间以前,决不去边窗那儿。签名:伊恩弗伦奇。

    Not to go to the side window before a certain hour : signed Ian french .

  16. 因此请下载几个播客,到公园去边走边听吧!

    So download a few podcasts , and head out for a walk in the park .

  17. 综述了3连通图中可缩边和可去边的性质以及它们在图中的分布情形。

    This paper presents a survey on the properties and distributions of contractible edges and removable edges in 3 connected graphs .

  18. 在测试调度中,本文利用不相容结构图与去边算法对被测模块进行调度测试。

    In the test scheduling process , this thesis employs incompatible graph and left edge algorithm to schedule the modules under test .

  19. 同时也得到了最小度至少为5的4连通图中在其生成树外存在至少两条可去边。

    In a 4-connected graph G with minimum degree at least five , there are at least two removable edges outside a spanning tree of G.

  20. 利用图论知识建立了钢管订购和运输的二部图模型,提出了去边法与方案的优化调整方法,得到了问题的最优解。

    After the diagram model of order and transportation model of the steel pipe is built , change-edge and optimizing methods were introduced and an optimal solution was achieved .

  21. 餐点包括精致的三明治(去边面包制成的薄片黄瓜三明治则是经典之选)、新鲜出炉的英式松饼配上奶油和果酱,还有蛋糕和其他甜点。

    It consists of a selection of dainty sandwiches ( thinly sliced cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off are a classic ), freshly baked scones served with cream and fruit jam , cakes and pastries .

  22. 餐点包括精致的三明治(去边面包制成的薄片黄瓜三明治则是经典之选)、新鲜出炉的英式松饼配上奶油和果酱,还有蛋糕和其他甜点。当然少不了搭配奶和糖的咖啡或茶。

    It consists of a selection of dainty sandwiches ( thinly sliced cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off are a classic ) , freshly baked scones served with cream and fruit jam , cakes and pastries . Of course , tea or coffee , served with milk and sugar , is also provided .

  23. L:我要去西湖边放松一下,你想和我一起去吗?N:当然,我很乐意。

    L : I 'm going to relax myself by West Lake.Would you like to go there with me ? N : Sure , I 'd love to .

  24. 我们去公园边上新开的餐馆吃吧。

    Let 's go to the new restaurant near the park .

  25. 我们到那儿去,边走边说。

    Let 's go over and talk as we walk along .

  26. 好吧,我们就去柜台边排队吧。

    OK , let 's join in the line along the counter .

  27. 奔跑吧,奔跑去山边吧。

    Run away , run away to the mountain shore .

  28. 当时我刚刚去了边后卫,而他也刚换了边。

    I 'd just gone to full-back and he 'd just switched sides .

  29. 我怎么去炉子边?

    How do I get to the cooker ?

  30. 我准备带她去车站边上的大排挡。

    I 'm gonna take her down there to the buffet at the bus station .