
  • 网络indus river;Indian River;Sindhu
  1. 印度河文化是约翰·马歇尔爵士20世纪20年代进行的发掘中发现的。

    The Indus civilization was brought to light in excavation by Sir John Marshall in the1920s .

  2. 看见了由热气流升腾经阳光折射而成的幻影,以为是水,立即追上这片虚幻的水气,一直到了印度河。到了水边,面对着河水却不喝。

    On seeing the blazing fog , he mistook it for water . He pursued it until he reached the Indus River .

  3. CIAT的一位研究人员AndyJarvis说,印度河-恒河平原的水稻产量将增加大约2%,甚至会延续到2050年。

    Andy Jarvis , a research fellow at CIAT , said that rice yields on the Indo-Gangetic plains will increase by around two per cent , even up to2050 .

  4. 受害者的列表包括在美国的Anasazi,西南、玛雅、维京、迈锡尼希腊人和新月、印度河流域、大津巴布韦和吴哥窟的居民。

    S.Southwest , the Maya , the Greenland Norse , Mycenaean Greeks and inhabitants of the Fertile Crescent , the Indus Valley , Great Zimbabwe and Angkor Wat .

  5. 印度河流域文明消亡的现代启示

    The Modern Implications of the Extinction of the Indian River Valley Civilization

  6. 印度河和流经巴基斯坦的萨特累季河

    the Indus and Sutlej , which flow to Pakistan ,

  7. 然而,印度河文明也有其奇怪之处。

    And yet this civilization had some strange lectures .

  8. 结果是,印度河流域的人们以打猎为生。

    As a result , Indus civilization people supplemented their diet with hunting .

  9. 去年破坏严重的洪水突显了在印度河建造大坝的好处。

    Devastating floods last year highlighted the benefits of dams on the Indus .

  10. 印度河文明时期美术北美印第安人的婴儿。

    Indus Valley art an American Indian infant .

  11. 俾路支和印度河平原的铜石并用时代文化

    Chalcolithic Cultures in Baluchistan and the Indus Plains

  12. 一种久经世故和技术先进的城市文化明显地出现在印度河流域文明里。

    A sophisticated and technologically advanced urban culture is evident in the Indus Valley civilization .

  13. 印度河文明创造者之谜

    A riddle of the Harappa civilization

  14. 本文全面介绍了南亚地区的主要国际河流,印度河、恒河和布拉马普特拉河水资源开发的地理和历史背景。

    This paper presents a full pictute of geographical and historical background international rivers in South Asia .

  15. 本文讨论了印度河上游地区的高山形成和演化。

    The paper discusses formation and evolution of high mountains in the upper reaches of the indus River .

  16. 喜马拉雅山脉也位于印度河流域附近,就与印度库什山脉一样。

    The Himalayas are also located near the Indus Valley , as is the Hindu Kush mountain range .

  17. 例如,印度河-恒河平原的农民已经面临着更低的小麦产量,这是由于温度上升。

    For example , farmers on the Indo-Gangetic plain are already experiencing lower wheat yields because of increased temperatures .

  18. 从前离印度河不远住着一个年老的波斯人,名叫阿里·哈菲德。

    There once lived not far from the River Indus an ancient Persian by the name of Ali Hafed .

  19. 这个论题涵盖的地理范围从今天的西班牙和葡萄牙向东一直延伸到印度河流域。

    The topic covers a geographic area stretching from present-day Spain and Portugal as far east as the Indus Valley .

  20. 洪水通常携带着大量的沉积物,也使印度河(图中右上方)呈现出黯淡的棕色。

    Floodwaters typically carry heavy sediment loads , and the Indus River ( image upper right ) is muddy brown .

  21. 与这些地区性文化的多样性相对照,则是幅员辽阔的印度河文明的同一性。

    In contrast to this localized variety we have the complete uniformity of the Indus civilization over a vast area .

  22. 从古埃及,到美索不达米亚,再到印度河和黄河的河域。

    The survey starts in antiquity with Egypt , Mesopotamia and the areas round the Indus and the Yellow River .

  23. 许多破坏来自强大的印度河,其在更好的时候灌溉大片农田。

    Much of the destruction has come from the mighty Indus River , which in better times irrigates vast swaths of farmland .

  24. 在印度河流域地区发现了一个带有象形文字手稿的图案,可是至今还未被破译。

    Seals with a pictographic script , which has not as yet been deciphered , were found at the Indus Valley sites .

  25. 为完成博士论文,艾尔克·罗杰斯多特考察了印度河流域有着4000年历史的古城摩亨佐-达罗,它位于现在的巴基斯坦境内。

    For her doctoral thesis , Elke Rogersdotter studied a4,000-year-old city called Mohenjo-Daro in the Indus Valley , in what is now Pakistan .

  26. 来自纳木那尼等冰川的季节性径流为印度河、恒河以及雅鲁藏布江的亚洲次大陆部分提供水源。

    Seasonal runoff from glaciers such as Naimona'nyi feeds the Indus , Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers in that part of the Asian subcontinent .

  27. 只有黄河流域一带才是中华文明的摇篮,并以为中华文化呈现一种由西向东的流向。印度河文明时期美术

    The Yellow River area is not the sole birthplace of the Chinese civilization and the Chinese civilization did not develop in a west-to-east direction . Indus Valley art

  28. 而制铁技术也是在这个时期问世,且这项新技术扩及北印度河流域和恒河地区。

    It was then , too , that iron production - a new technology that spread throughout the northern Indus Valley and the Ganges River region - emerged .

  29. 良好的农耕自然条件,保障了人们稳定的衣食之源,印度河流域文明在这基础上产生了。

    Good natural conditions for farming , the protection of the people a stable source of food and clothing , the Indian River Valley civilization on this basis produced .

  30. 季风期暴雨袭击了该地区,附近的印度河上的堤坝被冲毁。从本周初开始流向南部的北方洪水增加了更多压力。

    Monsoon rains have ed this region , breaking the balks of the nearby Indus river , adding more pressure are the northern floodwaters from earlier this week flowing south .