
Nán Jí Tiáo Yuē
  • Antarctic Treaty
  1. 《南极条约》包含了对中国等广大发展中国家不公平的条款。

    Antarctic Treaty contained unfair items to developing countries including China .

  2. 南极条约体系与国际海洋法:冲突与协调

    Antarctic Treaty System and International Law of the Sea : Conflict and Coordination

  3. 透过南极条约协商会议文件和议案看南极事务第二次埃斯基普拉斯首脑会议文件

    Perspective Analysis on Antarctic Affairs Based on Paper and Recommendation of Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting

  4. 关于旅游者和非政府探险活动的公认原则和南极条约有关规定的说明

    Statement of Accepted Principles and Relevant Provisions of the Antarctic Treaty for Tourists and Non-governmental Expeditions

  5. 在与联合国的互动中,南极条约体系得以不断的完善和巩固。

    In the process of the interaction with the United Nations , Antarctic Treaty System is continuously improved and consolidated .

  6. 除南极条约外,利用这些资源还存在其他巨大的障碍,如漂浮的冰山可能会危及海上平台。

    Beyond the Antarctic treaties , huge obstacles persist to tapping these resources , like drifting icebergs that could imperil offshore platforms .

  7. 第三章评析《南极条约》体系与《联合国海洋法公约》的冲突和各自存在的漏洞和缺陷,指出存在主要法律问题。

    The third chapter ⅰ will give comments on the conflicts between Antarctic Treaty System and the UNCLOS and their defects as well as point out the main legal issues .

  8. 第二章是本论文的主干,以《南极条约》为背景,阐述南极外大陆架争端的主要原因,详述最近阶段南极外大陆架申请情况。

    The second chapter is the backbone of the thesis which elaborates the primary causes of the disputes and the recent situations of the applications for Antarctic outer continental shelf in the context of Antarctic Treaty .

  9. 南极条约体系、联合国及非政府组织是影响南极政治前景的三种最重要的力量,在南极非生物资源开发问题上,三者都将南极环境保护置于了突出地位。

    The three most important forces to influence the political future of the Antarctic are the Antarctic Treaty system , the United Nations and non-governmental organizations , the three place the Antarctic environmental protection in a prominent position .

  10. 尽管《南极条约》规定了南极的非军事化原则,但是随着全球资源的不断枯竭和南极资源的不断被发现,各国在南极的争夺将再次激烈。

    Although Antarctic Treaty provides for the demilitarized principle of the Antarctica , with the continuous depletion of global resources and the discovering of Antarctic resources , countries will start a new round of the Antarctic resource battle .

  11. 而学者警告称,可能都等不到那个时候,这个渴望能源的世界所产生的资源需求,就会促使人们就南极条约重新展开谈判,也许会在禁令失效前就允许对这里进行商业利用。

    And even before then , scholars warn , the demand for resources in an energy-hungry world could raise pressure to renegotiate Antarctica 's treaties , possibly allowing more commercial endeavors here well before the prohibitions against them expire .

  12. 国际社会,尤其是南极条约协商国逐步认识到保护南极环境保护的重要性,认识到保护南极环境及其生态系统是人类和平利用南极的一个重要的前提和基础。

    The international community , and particularly the Antarctic treaty consultation countries have realized the importance of protecting the Antarctic environment , and realize that the Antarctic environment protection and ecosystem is an important premise and basis to use of the Antarctic peacefully .

  13. 通过比较研究,文章强调维持现状模式或者南极条约体系都不适合于北极,我们不能过于依赖《海洋法公约》或斯瓦尔巴德条约。

    By comparative analysis , this paper emphasizes that models of maintain the status quo or Antarctica Treaty System are probably unsuitable for the Arctic , and we cannot rely too heavily on United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea or the Svalbard Treaty .

  14. 南极条约体系中的大部分法律文件都是关于南极环境保护和维持南极生态平衡的,尽管如此,南极环境保护仍然面临着日益严峻的挑战。

    The Antarctic environmental issue has become one of the most important topics of Antarctic politics . The most of the legal documents of the Antarctic Treaty System are about the Antarctic environment and the Antarctic ecological balance . However , Antarctic Environmental Protection still faces the growing challenges .

  15. 生物探勘是否违反南极公约及相关条约中「科学研究成果应该免费开放共享」的条款?

    And would bioprospecting violate a provision of the Antarctic Treaty System requiring that scientific results be shared freely ?

  16. 文中对发展中国家的主张、南极的特点和现有南极条约体系等方面进行了分析。

    The characteristics of the Antarctic and the existing Antarctic treaty system are introduced in this part .

  17. 学者告诫称,南极的政治力量变化可能会在就南极条约重新展开谈判之前,模糊军事和民用活动之间的界线,特别是在最适合用于拦截卫星信号或重新设定卫星经过时间的地区,这可能给全球电子情报活动带来提升。

    Scholars warn that Antarctica 's political flux could blur the distinction between military and civilian activities long before the continent 's treaties come up for renegotiation , especially in parts of Antarctica that are ideal for intercepting signals from satellites or retasking satellite systems , potentially enhancing global electronic intelligence operations .