
  • 网络Medical Theory;Klinische Therapie
  1. 本文主要关注ART医患纠纷的相关理论问题,以医疗侵权责任为中心,结合法学与医学理论来阐释ART应用过程中的侵权责任问题。

    In this paper , concern theoretical issues related to tort liability for medical cases , combined with Law and medical theories to explain the problems of ART tort liability .

  2. 虽然一些很常见的建议还没有证明的医学理论,但是Thomas指出:“当你观察大量服用维生素C,迄今为止的证据是很不明确的。”

    Even some very familiar advice isn 't yet proven medical theory , Thomas notes : " When you look at the use of large doses of vitamin C ( to combat colds ), the evidence to date is kind of murky . "

  3. 通过研究病历,可以更好的学习医学理论。

    By studying MR , we can learn medical theory better .

  4. 谈多媒体教学在医学理论课教学中的问题及措施

    Problems and measures of multimedia-aided teaching in medical theoretical lessons

  5. 灾难医学理论在抗震救灾医疗救援中的应用

    Applying Disaster Medicine Theory in Medical Rescue in Earthquake Relief

  6. 这也是医学理论工作者的责任。

    This is also responsibility of medical science theory worker .

  7. 课堂教学是学习医学理论知识的基本形式。

    Teaching in classroom is an essential pattern of clinical theoretic education .

  8. 中医药学是中国传统医学理论的瑰宝。

    Traditional Chinese Medicine is a treasure of traditional Chinese medical theory .

  9. 中医饮食医学理论探讨

    A probe into the traditional Chinese dietetic medical theory

  10. 前者在医学理论中表现为对于生命形成、禀赋厚薄、情志形体特征等的解说;

    The former is demonstrated as explanation of life , constitution and physical-emotional characteristics ;

  11. 这种医学理论还试着具体阐释人体是如何应对疾病,为什么会对疾病有所反应。

    It also tries to figure out how and why we respond to sickness .

  12. 第三类是欧洲自己培养的一些缺乏现代医学理论基础的治疗师。

    And therapeutists who are cultured in Europe and lack theoretical basis of modern medicines .

  13. 基础医学理论和实验教学的规范要求与改革趋势

    The standard demands and reforming trends of teaching in basic medicine theory and experimental curriculum

  14. 系统医学理论刍议

    Thoughts on the Theory of System Medicine

  15. 1999~2000年《医学理论与实践杂志》误诊病例研究

    Studies on Misdiagnosis Reported in 《 Medicine Theory and Practice Magazine 》 between 1999 and 2000

  16. 它是计算机应用技术、数理医学理论与大量临床实践经验相结合的产物。

    It is the product of computer technique , mathematical medical theories and much clinical experience .

  17. 随着医学理论的不断进步与发展,外科手术也正朝着更加精细更加复杂的方向发展。

    With the rapid development of medical theory , the surgery becomes more elaborate and complicated .

  18. 主题是在医学理论知识教学期间加入临床见习。

    The theme is to increase clinical probation period during the study of theoretical knowledge of medicine .

  19. 中国艺术思想、中国传统医学理论均源于古代道家的哲学思想。

    Both Chinese art and TCM theory originated from the philosophical theory of Taoist in ancient times .

  20. 不同的人类文明和同一文明不同历史时期因为世界观和人观的不同,而有着不同的医学理论体系。

    Different civilizations and different historic periods within the same civilization may have different systems in medical theories .

  21. 它与西方近代营养学虽同属营养科学的范畴,但分属两个不同的医学理论体系,各自具有自身的特色和优势。

    It is different from modern western nutrition . They have the upper hand and characteristics by themselves .

  22. 目的探讨现代医学理论体系存在的自身缺陷、根本原因和现象以及由此而产生的后果。

    Objective To investigate the fundamental reason , phenomenon and consequence of self-defect in modern medical theory system .

  23. 目的:探讨现代性医学理论在外生殖器手术中的标准化应用模式。

    Objectives : To explore the standard of external genital plastic and aesthetic surgery with modern sexual theory .

  24. 这三种哲学观念成为学习和理解《黄帝内经》医学理论的重要指导思想。

    The three philosophy view comes to be the guiding ideology of studying Internal Medicine Of Yellow Emperor .

  25. 彝族医学理论与中医学相关理论的关系探讨

    MEDICAL SCIENCE Research on Relationship between Theory of Yi Nationality Medicine and Correlated Theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  26. 西方医学理论创始于19世纪,那时正是化学学科发展迅速的年代。

    The base for modern European one was created in19th century , when the chemical science was rapidly developing .

  27. 气机升降平衡理论是祖国医学理论体系中的重要组成部分。

    Balance theory of the flow of Qi in ascending & descending isan important part of TCM theoretical system .

  28. 每一位医生必需既知道医学理论,又知道医学技术,这样才能将它们用于帮助自己的病人。

    Every doctor must know both medical theory and techniques so that he can apply them in helping his patients .

  29. 结果:实践与医学理论、文献结合,可筛选出最佳治疗方案。

    Results The fulfillment combines with the medical science theories , cultural heritage , can sieve a best treatment project .

  30. 反应了针灸治疗腰腿痛的效果和机理是具有现代医学理论科学根据的。

    The effect and mechanism of acupuncture and moxibustion treating lumbago and leg pain were based on modern medical theories .