
láo ɡōnɡ wèn tí
  • labor problem
  1. 我们的法学院主要研究世界贸易组织(WTO)和中国的商法,而经济学院则致力于研究中国的创新,卫生和劳工问题。

    Our School of Law is undertaking research on the World Trade Organisation and business laws in China ; and at the same time , our School of Economics is focusing on innovation , health and labour issues in China .

  2. 很多公司的董事会成员在遇到劳工问题时,往往会联想起一些著名的、引起大量公众注意的劳工纠纷案例,例如耐克公司(Nike)的“血汗工厂”事件。

    When many board members consider labor issues , they often think about sweatshops and famous cases like Nike that have received a lot of attention .

  3. 比如,与苹果(Apple)、富士康(Foxconn)、好时(Hershey)相关的劳工问题,以及上个月沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)的供应链灾难&孟加拉国一家工厂火灾导致112名被困者遇难。

    Think about the labor issues related to Apple ( AAPL ) and Foxconn , Hershey ( HSY ) , and , more recently , the Wal-Mart ( WMT ) supply chain disaster responsiblefor the deaths of 112 people trapped in a bangledesh factory fire last month .

  4. 因此,要扬长避短,实行不全面推行SA8000认证,完善相关劳动法律的执行等对策来加以应对,以期在经济全球化和贸易自由化的进程中能更好地解决我国的劳工问题。

    Therefore , we should , by making use of its advantages and avoiding its disadvantages , partially implement SA8000 Authentication and perfect the related labor laws so as to solve laborer problems better in the process of economic globalization and free trade .

  5. 虽然SA8000目前仅为一项由企业自愿执行的标志,各国政府均未要求企业强制执行,但劳工问题在经济全球化过程中正成为各方日益关注的问题。

    Though SA8000 is only a sign carried out voluntarily by enterprises at present , and the governments of various countries have not required enterprises to carry out compulsively , laborers ' question is becoming the concerned question increasingly of each side in the course of economic globalization .

  6. 劳工问题必将成为下届会议的热门话题。

    The labour question must come to the fore next session .

  7. 然而,各家公司的董事会对劳工问题的反应参差不齐。

    But board members ' reactions are a mixed bag .

  8. 在移民劳工问题上也可能出现反弹。

    Such a backlash is also likely over immigrant labour .

  9. 非法秘密运送剥削劳工问题小组委员会

    Subcommission on the Question of Exploitation of Labour through Illicit and Clandestine Trafficking

  10. 但显然,劳工问题在政治上是一个烫手的山芋。

    But obviously labour is a political hot potato .

  11. 关于日伪统治时期军事工程与军用劳工问题的研究和探讨

    Commentate On the Military in Stallions and Laborer During Japan and regime Rule period

  12. 劳工问题往往更加棘手。

    Labour problems tend to be more intractable .

  13. 王友将中国公司在赞比亚的劳工问题归咎于语言障碍。

    Mr Wang blames the language barrier for labour problems at China Inc in Zambia .

  14. 劳工问题的认定,对制定劳工政策具有十分重要的意义。

    The position of labor problems is an important meaning of putting forward labor policies .

  15. 阿波罗应当预见到劳工问题,并在尽职调查阶段将其解决。

    The labour hang-up should have been anticipated and resolved during the due diligence phase .

  16. 时代的变革令劳工问题重新成为议事日程的要务。

    Changing times have pushed the question of labour back to the top of the agenda .

  17. 妇女劳工问题委员会

    Commission on Women 's Labour

  18. 亚洲开发银行的年度报告还警告说,亚洲经济体要保持长期的增长,需要解决劳工问题。

    The annual report warned that Asian economies need to address labor issues to fuel long-term growth .

  19. 领导人不应期望由于建立了职工建议制度而解决了劳工问题。

    No manager should expect an evaporation of labor problems with the installation of an employee suggestion system .

  20. 徐加莉在广州非常有影响力,我们所有的政府关系、牌照与劳工问题都由她负责处理。

    Ms Xu is very influential in Guangzhou and handles all our government relations , licensing and labour issues .

  21. 劳工问题是当今世界面临的牵涉面最广的重大问题之一。

    Labour standard issue which involves many aspects is one of the most important issues in the world at present .

  22. 面对社会转型与劳工问题的历史与现实状况,工会工作发挥了重要的桥梁和纽带作用,同时更需要充实不同的专业知识以实现工会工作的发展与创新。

    Facing the history and facts of labor problems , trade union organizations give full play to the role of a bridge .

  23. “我认为国会和自由港的劳工问题是有关系,”艾略特表示。

    " I don 't think there is a direct relationship between the congress and the labor problems at Freeport ," said Elliot .

  24. 那些认为劳工问题与贸易相挂钩是国际贸易壁垒,从而逃避问题的做法是不可取的。

    Those who believe that labour issues linked to trade are trade barriers , so as to avoid the practice is not advisable .

  25. 当然包含你刚刚说的那些项目,还有劳工问题、原料、分包商、合并等。决而言之,每件事我都要知道。

    Those things for sure , but also labor problems , raw materials , new subcontractors , mergers , in short , anything and everything .

  26. 然而并购也会产生许多令人头痛的问题,尤其是劳工问题,他们通常都是并购交易中蒙受损失的群体。

    But merging also creates a lot of headaches for airlines , especially for labor , which usually comes out the loser in any deal .

  27. 我们正在尽可能快地采取行动,以解决我们自己和第三方审核期间发现的劳工问题,三星表示。

    We are moving as fast as possible to address the labour-related issues that have been identified from our own and third-party audits , Samsung said .

  28. 劳工问题是世界范围内港口放松规制和民营化改革中的一项重要内容。

    As for the efficiency , private operators would downsize the labor pool of previous port sector , so the surplus port workers should be given suitable treatment .

  29. 他说,欧佩克的产量只是许多因素中的一个。其他因素包括政治形势、市场投机、劳工问题和自然灾害。意大利前总理普罗迪也谈到他的关切。

    Al-Badri added that OPEC 's production levels are just one of many factors , while others included the political situation , market speculation , labor issues and natural catastrophes .

  30. 劳工问题分析人士称,虽然杭州的罢工很可能逐渐平息,但引燃此次罢工的不满怒火可能不那么容易扑灭,并可能在其它地方再度冒头。

    But though the Hangzhou strike is likely to peter out , the grievances that sparked it may not be resolved so easily , and may resurface elsewhere , say labour analysts .