
  • 网络ADDITIVE SYNTHESIS;additive composition
  1. 在加法合成中,将纯音相加可生成更为复杂的合成音色。

    In additive synthesis , pure tones are added together to create more complex composite timbres .

  2. 因为采样本身不能传达出一个采样声音的所有的频谱要素,所以频谱分析对加法合成是至关重要的。

    Spectrum analysis is fundamentally important for additive synthesis because samples alone do not inform the spectral constituents of a sampled sound .

  3. 用单体乳液滴加法合成了高含氢聚甲基硅氧烷/聚丙烯酸酯共聚乳液,TEM照片显示乳胶粒子为核壳型结构;

    Polymethylsiloxane / polyacrylate copolymer emulsion was synthesized by a drop-adding monomer emulsion method . The TEM photos demonstrate the core-shell structure of latex particles .

  4. 分步碱液滴加法合成膨胀型阻燃剂b-MAP

    Synthesis of Intumescent Flame Retardant bMAP by Fractional Alkali Liquor Dropping

  5. 采用乳液滴加法合成了酯基改性有机硅织物柔软剂,并对影响聚合的各种因素进行了讨论。

    A new kind of organosilicon fabric softening agent was prepared by monomer emulsion dripping method , and the factors was discussed .

  6. 理论上,被分解成正弦波的复杂音色可以通过加法合成的方式重新构建。

    In theory , a complex timbre that has been analysed into its sinusoidal components can then be reconstructed by means of additive synthesis .

  7. 时温叠加法确定土工合成材料蠕变折减系数

    Determination of creep reduction factor of geosynthetics by time-temperature superposition