
  • 网络galatians;Gal;Epistle to the Galatians
  1. 这正是加拉太书的观点,还记得吗,讲加拉太书和罗马书时,我谈到,在保罗眼中,犹太律法不仅仅是一系列规则。

    This is very much Galatians , remember when I gave the lecture on Galatians and Romans I talked about how the Jewish law for Paul is not simply a list of rules .

  2. 使徒保罗在加拉太书中重申了这一点。

    Paul 's words in Galatians reinforce this point for us .

  3. 然而,加拉太书所处理的问题,其实非常对应今天的需要。

    But it deals with matters that are extremely relevant today .

  4. 我们在《罗马书》和《加拉太书》中谈过保罗。

    Paul , we 've talked about Paul in Romans and Galatians .

  5. 加拉太书正是处理这些问题,尤其是自由的问题。

    They are all dealt with in Galatians , especially the concept of freedom .

  6. 加拉太书教导我们怎样处理这个问题。

    The letter to the Galatians will tell you how to deal with this .

  7. 一起来看加拉太书,我们会掠过几部分。

    Look at Galatians with me , we 're going to skip around in several parts .

  8. 加拉太书应该是保罗的第一封书信,写在大约公元后四十八年十月到四十九年三月。

    The book of Galatians was probably Paul 's first letter which was written approximately Oct & March AD49 .

  9. ??圣经在加拉太书第3章26节说:你们因信基督耶稣,都是神的儿子。

    The Bible says in Galatians 3 : 26 Ye are the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus .

  10. 加拉太书2∶20告诉我们耶稣爱我们,并为我们舍己受了罪的刑罚。

    Galatians 2 : 20 tells us that Jesus loved us and gave himself to take our punishment for sin .

  11. 但正像保罗所做的,注意这些人正在做,保罗在《加拉太书》中的人做过的事。

    Like Paul was doing , though , notice how these people are doing what Paul 's people in Galatians did .

  12. 加拉太书给出了一个检验属灵健康与否的方法&因信得救的清楚阐释。

    This book offers a spiritual health check – a clear explanation of what it means to be saved by faith .

  13. 加拉太书涉及最基础的问题:福音的本质、如何接受它以及如何在日常生活中应用它。

    Galatians takes you back to the basics-what the gospel is , how you receive it and how you can apply it in your daily life .

  14. 如果我们把登山宝训解释为与加拉太书毫不相干(更遭的是以为他们彼此矛盾),那么,我们就没有正确地解读此二者。

    If we interpret the Sermon on the Mount as something completely unrelated ( much less , contradictory ) to Galatians , then we haven 't gotten either right .

  15. 本章的第2节,可以将加拉太书最后一章的要旨归纳起来。它说:「你们各人的重担要互相担当,如此便完全了基督的律法。」

    The teaching of this passage in the final chapter can be summed up in v.2 : 'Carry each other 's burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ .

  16. 第三个问题:保罗在《罗马书》与《加拉太书》中关于“信心”与“行为”的辩论是在那里展开的?这个话题对于现代的读者有什么意义?

    Third , where is the locus of the debate between " faith " and " works " in Paul 's letters to Rome and Galatia , and what implications does this issue have for modern readers ?

  17. 尤其是在他处理,非犹太人和犹太律法间的关系时,保罗引用了最多的犹太经文,在加拉太书和罗马书中。

    It 's precisely when Paul is dealing with the problem of what is the relationship between non-Jews to Jewish law that Paul actually quotes Jewish scripture the most , and that 's in Galatians and Romans .

  18. 保罗在加拉太书提出因信称义,用的是远在律法颁布四百多年前的亚伯拉罕的例子,他的生活和他的信心。

    In the epistle to the Galatians , Paul 's arguments for salvation through faith are based largely on the life , example and faith of Abraham , 400 years or more before the giving of the law .

  19. 切记加拉太书五章廿二节,并每天聆听圣灵所指耶稣基督为你我所摆上的果子:“我的爱,我的喜乐和我的平安。”

    Remember Galatians v.22 , and listen attentively to the voice of the Spirit each day as He points to Jesus Christ , who offers you this wonderful fruit : " My Love , My Joy , My Peace . "

  20. 耶稣从来没有犯过罪,他是神完美的儿子。圣经上说,基督为我们的罪舍己(加拉太书1:4)。

    Even though Jesus , God 's Son , was perfect and never sinned , the Bible says , ... " our Lord Jesus Christ , Who gave himself for our sins , " Galatians 1 : 3 & 4 .

  21. 它对律法及其在宇宙中的角色,与罗马书和加拉太书相比,执完全不同观点,在我看来,这是另一个证据,表明保罗不是这封信的作者。

    It 's a totally different view of the law and its role in the cosmos than you see in Romans or Galatians , which is another piece of evidence for me that Paul is not the author of this letter .