
  • 网络yugoslavia;former yugoslavia
  1. 他指出在前南、乌克兰和佐治亚发生的驱逐不受欢迎的政府事件就是这种活动的产物。

    He pointed at the revolutions that ousted unpopular governments in the former Yugoslavia , Ukraine and Georgia as a product of such activities .

  2. 从对前南和卢旺达两个法庭与国际刑事法院的管辖权的比较,分析国际性法院如何与国内法院的管辖权进行协调,以及何者更为优先的问题。

    This essay plans to compare International Criminal Tribunal in the former Yugoslavia ( ICTY ) and International War Crimes Tribunal in Rwanda ( ICTR ) with International Criminal Court ( ICC ), and then discusses how to coordinate international and national jurisdictions .

  3. 2亿年前南美洲和非洲分离。

    South America separated from Africa 200 million years ago .

  4. 前南非总统纳尔逊·曼德拉曾独具匠心地设计了南非举国共同的体验,带领这个种族分裂的国家在1995年橄榄球世界杯(1995WorldCup)上同心协力地支持南非橄榄球队Springboks。

    Former South African President Nelson Mandela brilliantly manufactured a shared national experience when he brought a racially divided nation together to support its rugby team , the Springboks , in the 1995 World Cup .

  5. 苏丹军队对南科尔多凡省进行空中轰炸之后,数万名努巴人(Nuba)流离失所。苏丹军队称当地人仍然与前南苏丹叛军联盟。

    Tens of thousands of Nuba have been displaced in South Kordofan following aerial bombardments by the Sudanese military , which says some Nuba remain allied to former rebels in southern Sudan .

  6. 六十年前南部的硝烟还在弥漫。

    Sixty years ago , is still filled with smoke south .

  7. 但是前南安普顿后卫个人希望科尔成为穆里尼奥的第一人选。

    But the ex-Southampton defender privately admits Cole is Jose mourinho 's first-choice .

  8. 前南加州参议员斯特朗·赫尔曼保持着其中的一项纪录。

    A record for that belongs to former South Caroliner senator Strong Herman .

  9. 加强与跨国连锁商业公司的合作扩大对斯及前南地区出口

    Enhance the Cooperation with Transnational Commercial Company

  10. 前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭(前南问题国际法庭)-海牙,荷兰

    International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia ( ICTY ) - The Hague , The Netherlands

  11. 前南达科他州议员,前总统候选人乔治·麦戈文去世,享年90岁。

    Former South Dakota Governor and presidential candidate George McGovern has died . He was 90 .

  12. 今天天亮前南加州发生地震,引发了一段时间的焦虑,但是并没有人在地震中受重伤。

    A pre-dawn earthquake to hit South California today , causing anxious moments but apparently no major injuries .

  13. 祖马总统早些时候发表声明说,前南非总统曼德拉在治疗效果良好。

    An earlier statement by the presidency said the former South African president is responding positively to treatment .

  14. 庆祝活动在医院外爆发,前南非总统纳尔逊·曼德拉正在这里从肺部感染中慢慢恢复。

    This celebration erupts outside at hospital where former South Africa president Nelson Mandela is slowly recovering from a lung infection .

  15. 电视转播镜头显示,诺贝尔奖得主、前南非大主教德斯蒙德‧图图身著南非队服,在看台上手舞足蹈。

    Television cameras also showed South African Nobel laureate and retired Archbishop Desmond Tutu wearing a team jersey and dancing in the stands .

  16. 这是自三月前南苏丹取得独立后,总统萨尔瓦?基尔历史性访问喀土穆取得最大的实质性结果。

    It 's the most tangible result of President Salva Kiir 's historic first visit to Khartoum since the South gained independence three months ago .

  17. 在地层构造区划分的基础上,系统论述了前南华纪岩石地层层序、宏观特征、沉积环境、原始构造环境。

    The stratigraphic order , feature , sedimentary environment , original tectonic environment of Pre-Nanhua system are discussed on the basis of division of stratigraphic tectonic area .

  18. 多年前南美洲的一些国家信用破产,币值一泄千里,政府连同百姓的财富一夕之间化为乌有,这都是铁一般的事实。

    Years ago , some countries in Southern America went bankruptcy and their currency value depreciated so much that wealth of government and people became nothing overnight .

  19. 自月前南交点离开,同时爱之星金星开始将你过去的爱情周期放缓下来以后,这是月亮第一次运行至此。

    This is the Moon 's first visit since the South Node left earlier in the month and since Venus , planet of love began winding down your old Venus cycle .