
  1. 介绍了全球定位系统(GPS)和惯性导航(INS)的互补性,以及组合导航在制导系统设计中的广泛应用。

    GPS and INS can complement each other , which are applied to the design of integrated GPS / inertial navigation and guidance systems .

  2. 垂直攻击型武器末制导系统设计与分析

    Design and Analysis of Terminal Guidance of Vertical Attack Type Weapon

  3. 系统分为基本姿态控制器设计和制导系统设计两个部分进行研究。

    The system consists of a guidance law and a basic attitude controller .

  4. 空空导弹惯性制导系统设计的几个问题

    Some Problems of IGS Design in Air-to-air Missiles

  5. 在全系数自适应控制方法基础上,利用低阶等效和规范化模型方法,对自寻的导弹制导系统设计了一种新的自校正控制器。

    For the homing missile control system , based on the all - coefficient adaptive control method , presents a new self-tuning controller based on lower order equivalence and the normalized model method .

  6. 基于低阶等效辨识模型,将逆系统方法与参数辨识相结合,首次成功地应用于自动导引反坦克导弹这一多变量、时变、非线性制导系统设计中。

    Based on a low order equivalent identification model , a new missile guiding system , which is multivariable , time varying and nonlinear , is designed successfully with the help of the combination of inverse system method and parameter identification .

  7. 基于DIS的水下制导系统数据库设计

    The Design of Database for Underwater Guidance System Based on DIS

  8. 本文研究BTT空空导弹越肩发射制导控制系统设计问题。

    This paper studies the guidance and control system design of OTS Bank-To-Turn ( BTT ) Air-to-Air missile ( AAM ) .

  9. 本文简要介绍了基于PC104嵌入式工业控制计算机某小型远程自主水下航行器制导系统的设计要求和软硬件实现方法,该制导系统已成功应用于学校211工程建设的自主水下航行器上。

    This paper briefly introduce the design requirements and software & hardware realization method of the underwater guidance and control system on a small autonomous underwater vehicle . This guidance and control system have been successfully implemented on a autonomous underwater vehicle built by 211 project of Northwestern Polytechnical University .

  10. 空射倾斜转弯导弹制导控制系统设计

    Design of Guidance and Control of Air - Launched BTT Missile

  11. 火箭助飞鱼雷纵向通道制导系统参数设计及仿真

    Controller Parameters Design and Simulation of Vertical Channel Guidance System for Rocket-Assisted Torpedo

  12. 运载火箭制导系统冗余设计技术研究

    Research for Redundant Technology of Launch Vehicle Guidance System

  13. 比例导引导弹一体化制导控制系统设计

    Integrated Guidance and Control System Design for Precision Guided Missiles Using Proportional Navigation Law

  14. 导弹自适应制导控制系统设计与仿真

    Design Method of A Kind of Missile 's Adapting Flight Control System and Simulation

  15. 一种成像制导系统的设计

    Design of Image Guidance System

  16. 制导控制系统设计合理,对于静止和机动目标,落点射击精度和落角均满足设计要求。

    The guidance and control system is properly designed and can meet the accuracy and attack angle requirement for still or mobile target .

  17. 美国卫星公司在故障排查过程中向中国演示了如何改进长征火箭制导系统的设计和可靠性,这一技术也能用于弹道导弹。

    The US satellite company demonstrated to the Chinese side how to improve the design and reliability of the guidance system of the LM rockets , which could also be used in developing ballistic missiles .

  18. 高速再入飞行器的制导与控制系统设计

    Design of guidance and control system for high speed reentry aerocraft

  19. 和平保卫者导弹惯性制导器件和系统设计的进展

    Evolution of The Peacekeeper Inertial Guidance Components and System Designs

  20. 激光制导武器仿真系统设计与研制

    Design of a simulation system for laser guided weapons

  21. 机动弹头激光末制导姿态控制系统设计

    Attitude Control System for Laser Terminal Guided Maneuver Warhead

  22. 基于虚拟仪器技术的制导装置测试系统设计

    Design of testing system of control and guide equipment based on virtual instrument

  23. 高速导弹末制导虚拟样机系统设计、建模及校验

    Design , simulation and verification of high speed missile terminal guidance virtual prototype system

  24. 捷联中制导系统的一体化设计

    An Integrative Design for Strapdown Midcourse Guidance System

  25. 复合寻的制导系统研究与设计

    Study on Multi - Mode Composite Homing System

  26. 基于激光成像雷达制导系统的仿真设计

    Simulation designing of imaging laser radar guidance system

  27. 捷联惯性制导系统的电路设计

    On Circuit Design of Strapdown Inertial Guidance System

  28. 为了提高制导精度,系统设计人员希望使用尽可能窄的制导波束。

    To improve guidance accuracy the systems engineer will want the narrowest guidance beam possible .

  29. 主要阐述了制导站系统的设计思路、原理及主要技术。

    The designing ideas , principles and main techniques of this guidance station system was introduced .

  30. 该控制方法将复杂非线性制导炮弹系统的设计转化为若干个单输入单输出子系统的控制,解决了制导炮弹动态特性的强非线性及耦合给控制器设计带来的困难。

    The complex nonlinear guided projectile control system problem was converted into several single input single output subsystem with this method and solving strongly nonlinear of the guided projectile dynamic characteristics .