
  1. 他认为一个集权式联邦制在欧洲是不可行的。

    He does not believe in a federal Europe with centralising powers .

  2. 奖金ABC制在护理管理中的应用

    Applying of " Bonus ABC Ranks System " in Nursing Management

  3. 论ESO制在我国推行的制约因素

    On the restrictive factors of the executive stock option 's operation in China

  4. 自1870年第一次写入美国伊利诺州(Illinois)宪法中后,累积投票制在美国已有100多年的发展历史。美国关于累积投票制的立法态度影响了很多国家和地区的相关立法。

    Since the adoption into the Illinois Constitution in 1870 , the history of cumulative voting has been more than 100 years in America , and the legislation attitude for cumulative voting in America has affected many countries and areas .

  5. 岗位职绩工资制在护理管理中的应用与效果

    Practice and Effect of Salary of Position System in Nursing Management

  6. 目标责任制在分诊护理质量管理中的应用

    The application of goal responsibility in the quality management on triage nursing

  7. 认知学徒制在推理与专家系统教学中的应用

    Cognitive Apprenticeship apply in Teaching of Reasoning and Expert System

  8. 通货膨胀目标制在我国的适宜性初探

    The Research on the Suitability of Inflation Targeting in China

  9. 通货膨胀目标制在亚洲的实践研究

    A Research on the Application of Inflation Targeting in Asia

  10. 电路采用微波集成电路,制在双面敷铜聚四氟乙烯纤维板以及氧化铝陶瓷两种基片上。

    Teflon plates and alumina substrates are used for the microwave integrated circuits .

  11. 工程师负责制在现场管理中的应用

    Application of Engineer Responsibility System in On-line Management

  12. 单位与代际地位流动:单位制在衰落吗?

    The Work Unit and Intergenerational Mobility : Is the work unit system declining ?

  13. 委员会制在护理管理中的实践

    The practice of committee system in nursing management

  14. 事业部制在邮政企业专业化经营中应用探讨

    Application of Divisional Structure System in Postal Enterprises

  15. 建设监理制在城市防洪堤工程建设中的作用初探

    Preliminary Approach to Action of Construction Supervision System in Construction of Urban Flood Dyke Project

  16. 试论美国司法审查制在权力监督中的作用

    The View of the Role of American Judicial Examination System on the Supervision of Power

  17. 浅析权责发生制在高校会计中的应用

    On the Application of Duty and Right Occurrence System in the Accounting of Higher Education

  18. 对课程导师制在远程开放教育中运用的探讨

    The debate of using curriculum tutorial system

  19. 高校体育课俱乐部制在教学改革中的效应分析

    Analysis on the Effect of the club system in the PE teaching reform of higher schools

  20. 工程招标制在我国的实际运用中产生了大量的问题,对这些问题的解决是社会各界人士共同关注的话题。

    Inviting bids system of project has brought about a large number of questions in our country .

  21. 夫妻财产制在夫妻关系中占有重要地位,实践中的大量纠纷也因此而发生。

    The regulation on the property of husband and wife plays an important role in conjugal relation .

  22. 论党的代表大会常任制在党的制度建设中的地位和作用

    The Status And Function Of The Standing System Of The Congress Of CPC On Its Institution Construction

  23. 目的探讨成组工作制在急诊科运行的可行性及优越性。

    Objective To explore the feasibility and advantage of group working system in the department of emergency .

  24. 近年来人民陪审员制在许多地方并不能发挥影响司法的实效性作用。

    The recent years people jury system could not display the influence judicature in many places the function .

  25. 项目&导师制在医学免疫学实验教学中的应用研究

    Study of the Application of " System of Project and Tutor " in Experiment Teaching of Medical Immunology

  26. 研究外贸代理制在理论和实践上都有重要意义。

    There are important meanings on the theory and practice to study the agent system in foreign trade .

  27. 文章通过比较分析,认为:动态股权制在对企业人力资本所有者的激励与约束上是一种较为理想的产权安排。

    By comparing consider that Dynamic Sharing System is an ideal property right arrangement on inspiriting and restricting human capital owner .

  28. 公有制在实现社会主义现代化过程的准确定位,应当是解放生产力和发展生产力,实现共同富裕的手段和方式。

    The Public Owership Should contribute to emancipate and develop productive forces and become the method and wny of realizing common prosperity .

  29. 庄园是中世纪英国典型的生产组织方式,庄园制在英国历史舞台上扮演了极为重要的角色。

    Manor was the typical mode of productive organization in medieval England , and it played an important part in English history .

  30. 归纳总结了形式美法则中,黄金比例及以其为基础所衍生的模数制在景观环境设计中的应用方法。

    Summarized principle of aesthetic art form , the golden ratio and its derived based the modulus for the methods of landscape design .